Secret Cargo

title: "Secret Cargo"

"Secret Cargo" marks the eighteenth installment in the animated television program Star Wars Rebels, derived from its third season. As the series' fifty-fifth episode, it was broadcast on Disney XD on March 4, 2017.

Official description

The crew of the Ghost find themselves tasked with the critical mission of escorting Senator Mon Mothma, now a target of the Empire, to a clandestine assembly poised to reshape the destiny of the galaxy.

Plot summary

The Imperial probe droid

The episode commences with the Spectres' starship, the Ghost, concealed within the vicinity of two derelict Separatist warships: a Recusant-class destroyer and a Munificent-class star frigate. Within the Ghost's cockpit, Ezra Bridger, Garazeb Orrelios, alongside Hera Syndulla, are tuned into a propaganda HoloNet transmission, courtesy of the astromech droid Chopper. Alton Kastle, the Imperial news anchor, promises significant updates from their galactic sector in the year 010. Expressing his discontent, Zeb halts the HoloNet broadcast, citing his inability to endure further exposure. Ezra notes the tardiness of their contact, lamenting their lack of knowledge regarding the arrival time or identity of said contact. Chopper responds with beeps, prompting Hera to acknowledge that she shares Ezra's limited information, emphasizing Senator Bail Organa's trust in them and their mission to secure fuel.

Ezra voices his frustration with the secrecy surrounding their mission, suggesting that Kanan Jarrus's absence on a supply run was a deliberate choice. Chopper then interrupts with a broadcast from Kastle, announcing Senator Mon Mothma's "treasonous" defiance against Emperor Palpatine before the Imperial Senate. The rebels observe Senator Mothma delivering a powerful condemnation of the Emperor's authorization of the brutal attacks against the people of Ghorman. She characterizes the Ghorman Massacre as evidence that the Emperor is a deceitful tyrant who has unjustly imposed control over the galaxy under the guise of security. Ezra and Zeb express their admiration for Mothma's courage, with Zeb surprised by her continued survival.

Suddenly, a proximity alert signals the arrival of a tactical infiltration pod. The pod contains an E-XD-series infiltrator droid, a model previously encountered by Zeb and Chopper on Chopper Base. Chopper projects a hologram of the approaching object to the other rebels. Hera expresses alarm at the sight of an Imperial probe droid, while Ezra notes its transmission of an Imperial code. Zeb emphasizes the severity of the situation, urging immediate action. Hera, hesitant to draw attention, opts to power down the Ghost. She directs Ezra to man the ship's nose gun, and Chopper is deactivated despite his protests.

Hera instructs her crew to maintain silence as the infiltration pod passes overhead. Zeb doubts the droid's awareness of their presence, but Hera remains unconvinced. Within the pod, the droid communicates in an Imperial code, directing its craft toward the Ghost. Hera realizes the pod is scanning for lifeforms, prompting a sarcastic remark from Zeb about their inability to retaliate with the power off. Ezra prepares for the pod's approach. At Hera's signal, Ezra fires the Ghost's frontal turbolasers at the pod, missing his target. The Ghost pursues the pod, but Ezra struggles to secure a clear shot amidst the debris field. During the chase, a large freighter, accompanied by a Y-wing escort, emerges from hyperspace. Ezra successfully destroys the pod as Phoenix Leader Hera receives a transmission from Gold Squadron.

Meeting Gold Squadron

Gold Leader Jon Vander inquires whether the Ghost is occupied. Hera confirms a close encounter with an Imperial probe, expressing concern about potential detection and the summoning of reinforcements. Gold Leader advises immediate refueling to facilitate a swift departure before the arrival of the Galactic Empire. The Ghost docks with the large freighter, identified as Mon Mothma's ship, the Chandrila Mistress. Hera, Ezra, and Zeb are greeted by Mothma's senatorial aide Erskin Semaj and Captain Vander. Hera introduces Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper.

In response to Ezra's inquiry about their cargo, Erskin explains that access to the Chandrila Mistress is restricted due to security measures. Hera extends an invitation to board the Ghost. They then commence refueling the freighter's Y-wing escorts. A female pilot known as Gold Two meets Ezra, expressing familiarity with Phoenix Squadron's accomplishments, including the destruction of the comm tower on Lothal and Tarkin's Star Destroyer. Zeb clarifies that they only destroyed Tarkin's Star Destroyer.

The female pilot cautions against repeating such actions, citing the Empire's heightened security measures across the Outer Rim. She accuses the Spectres of complicating matters, to which Zeb responds that they prefer the challenging route. Captain Vander intervenes, reprimanding the Spectres for attracting the Empire's attention by destroying the probe. When the Captain emphasizes the sensitivity of their mission, Ezra counters that they should have been provided with more information.

Chopper then directs an insult in Binary towards the female pilot, who is offended. Hera defends her crew, asserting that they performed to the best of their ability given the limited information provided. Erskin Semaj adopts a more diplomatic approach, suggesting that the probe was likely searching for them due to their possession of cargo vital to the rebellion and coveted by the Empire.

First attack wave

The rebels are alerted by a proximity warning as an Arquitens-class command cruiser and a Gozanti-class cruiser emerge from hyperspace, deploying TIE fighters. Gold Three informs Captain Vander, who orders the fighters to engage the TIEs. The TIEs begin strafing the Chandrila Mistress, causing the female pilot to be thrown against the wall of the Ghost's cargo bay, rendering her unconscious. Vander falls from the ship's central ladder. Hera instructs Zeb to transport the injured pilot to the med bay.

When Ezra inquires about her Y-wing, Vander asks if anyone is capable of piloting it. Ezra volunteers, supported by Hera. Hera reminds him of her teachings. Ezra enters the Y-wing's cockpit, dons Gold Two's helmet, and takes flight. Back on the Ghost, Zeb suggests detaching from the transport to ensure their survival. Hera directs Chopper to detach from the Chandrila Mistress, but the droid discovers that the hatch is jammed. Hera and Chopper race to disengage the hatch.

Meanwhile, Captain Vander orders his pilots to establish a defensive perimeter around the Chandrila Mistress. Hera and Chopper reach the docking hatch as they receive news from Erskin Semaj that the transport's shields have failed. Hera instructs him to evacuate everyone aboard the Ghost, while attempting to disengage the two ships. She is thrown against the opposite wall by a jolt from Imperial fire just before Mon Mothma, Semaj, and other crewmembers board the Ghost. Hera is surprised to see the Senator.

Outside, the Imperials persist in bombarding the Chandrila Mistress and the Ghost. Hera instructs the Senator to assist her droid Chopper while she pilots them to safety. Working together, Mon Mothma and Chopper successfully detach the Ghost from Mothma's ship. Once the Ghost is free, Vander orders his pilots to eliminate the light cruiser, disabling its shields with his Y-wing's ion cannon. Gold Three then bombs the cruiser, and the rebel ships escape into hyperspace.

Meeting Mon Mothma

Hera introduces her crew to Senator Mon Mothma, who recognizes Ezra Bridger and expresses gratitude to Captain Orrelios. While piloting his Y-wing, Ezra commends Senator Mothma for her HoloNet speech. Erskin Semaj advises Senator Mothma to abandon her mission and seek refuge on Chandrila. Mothma declines, asserting that her presence at the meeting is essential. When Hera inquires about the meeting, Mothma explains that they are in the process of forming an alliance of rebel cells across the galaxy. She aims to challenge the Empire, inspiring hope among other rebels and assuring them that they are not alone.

When Erskin warns that the Empire will attempt to intercept any ship leaving the system, Hera assures them that she knows a route out of the sector to their meeting. Mothma instructs Erskin to provide Hera with the coordinates to the planet Dantooine.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

In Lothal's Capital City, Admiral Kassius Konstantine informs Governor Arihnda Pryce and Grand Admiral Thrawn that the rebels fiercely defended their transport, thwarting their refueling efforts. Admiral Konstantine reveals that scans indicated a small crew and an empty transport. Thrawn infers that the cargo was valuable, suspecting it was a certain senator. Governor Pryce emphasizes the urgency of capturing Senator Mothma, inquiring about her potential destination if she escapes aboard the Ghost.

Thrawn predicts that Captain Syndulla will employ ingenuity to evade the Empire, suggesting that she will choose the least expected route to exit the sector: the Archeon pass, favored by smugglers. Konstantine and Pryce express surprise at Hera's willingness to navigate the perilous Archeon Nebula. Thrawn announces his intention to dispatch his prototype TIE Defender fighter and skilled pilot Vult Skerris to pursue the senator, as capital ships cannot safely traverse the nebula.

When Governor Pryce requests the honor of silencing Mothma, Thrawn instructs Pryce to position herself and Konstantine on the far side of the nebula. Thrawn plans to use the TIE Defender to force the rebels out of the nebula, allowing Pryce and Konstantine to capture Mon Mothma alive. He believes that she holds the key to locating the true rebel fleet. Pryce and Konstantine depart to execute the mission.

Dogfight in the Archeon pass

Aboard the Ghost, Mon Mothma expresses admiration for pilots like Hera, who can escape their troubles by venturing into space. Hera responds that she cannot imagine Mothma fleeing from her problems. Mothma explains that she dedicated her life to serving in the Senate, striving to do good and opposing the Emperor's gradual erosion of freedom. Mothma realized that advocating for change within the Senate was futile.

Hera notes that the stakes are higher on the front lines, where the rebels face the risk of being outgunned rather than outvoted. Hera and Mon Mothma agree to confront the Emperor with force to liberate the galaxy. As the rebels approach the Archeon Nebula, Captain Vander warns Ezra about the formation of stars within, cautioning against approaching too closely. Ezra assures Jon that Hera will guide them through, as she is the best pilot.

Shortly after, a cruiser and a hyperdrive-equipped TIE Defender exit hyperspace. Vander questions the hyperdrive capabilities of TIE fighters. The TIE pilot identifies himself as Commander Vult Skerris of the Imperial Navy, warning them against harboring a traitor to the Empire and demanding their immediate surrender. Gold Leader directs Gold Three and Gold Four to respond to Skerris. Ezra attempts to warn the Y-wing pilots of the danger and to disengage. The pilots disregard Ezra's warning, and Skerris swiftly eliminates the two Y-wings with his turbolaser cannons.

Hera instructs the remaining three Y-wing pilots to follow them into the Archeon Nebula to evade Skerris. She advises Ezra and the pilots to disable their proton torpedoes due to their potential to ignite the gas clouds within nebulae. Zeb, manning the Ghost's rear cannon, is unable to damage the TIE Defender, which is protected by a deflector shield. Accompanied by a pair of TIE Interceptors, the TIE Defender continues to pursue the Ghost. Gold Five, witnessing the Ghost's imminent destruction, sacrifices herself to protect the senator by intercepting Skerris' shot.

Ezra realizes that only he and Gold Leader remain. Unable to outrun the TIE Defender and its TIE Interceptor escorts, Hera instructs the Y-wing pilots to divert their remaining power to the deflector screens, and she pilots the Ghost close to a forming star. The nebula begins to heat the starships. One of the TIE Interceptors is destroyed by the intense heat of the protostar, while Zeb manages to shoot down the second TIE Interceptor as it attempts to disengage. Skerris continues the pursuit, and Jon urges Ezra to retreat, as their fighters cannot withstand the star's heat.

As the rebels approach the star, the Ghost's hull sustains damage from the intense heat. Mothma expresses concern about the ship's destruction. Skerris is forced to withdraw his TIE Defender as his ship's deflector shields begin to fail due to the star's heat. With the Ghost losing power, Ezra suggests that he and Jon Vander hold off the Defender while the Ghost escapes the nebula with Mon Mothma.

Outnumbered and outgunned

The Ghost exits the Archeon pass, only to be intercepted by two Imperial Star Destroyers that have emerged from hyperspace. Zeb informs Hera of their new predicament, and Hera instructs Chopper to provide emergency power. On the bridge of Governor Pryce's Star Destroyer, Admiral Konstantine informs her that the Ghost has sustained damage to its core systems and that Commander Skerris has dealt with their Y-wing escorts in the Archeon Nebula. Pryce hails the Ghost, demanding Mon Mothma's surrender or destruction. Knowing that Pryce cannot be trusted, Mothma devises a plan to stall the Governor while Hera and Chopper repair the ship's systems.

Inside the Archeon Nebula, Ezra and Jon lead Skerris' TIE Defender on a pursuit. With the TIE Defender closing in, Ezra instructs Vander to position himself behind the Defender and prepare to strike with the ion cannon. Mothma stalls Pryce with a list of demands to the Emperor while Chopper and Hera prepare the Ghost's hyperdrive. Pryce rejects Mothma's demands, as Konstantine activates the Star Destroyer's tractor beam projector to board the Ghost. Hera instructs Chopper to divert power to the ship's engines.

Meanwhile, Ezra instructs Gold Leader to prepare for him to fly his Y-wing through his sights with the TIE Defender in pursuit. Ezra's plan is to have Jon disable the TIE Defender with his ion cannon. Vander expresses concern about hitting Ezra, but Ezra assures him that Skerris cannot, so Vander will not either. Ezra's plan succeeds, and the TIE Defender hurtles into the nebula. Vander warns Ezra that the TIE Defender will recover from the blast and that they must escape and find the Ghost.

Elsewhere, the Ghost is being drawn into Pryce's Star Destroyer's hangar bay. Unable to escape, Hera is about to shut down the ship's systems when Ezra and Gold Leader exit the Archeon Nebula. Hera informs Ezra of the dire situation as an Imperial officer informs Konstantine about the rebel fighters. Konstantine orders his gunners to eliminate the rebel stragglers, deeming them "too little, too late."

Hera asks Gold Leader if he and Ezra can free them. Vander instructs them to charge their ion cannons and proton torpedoes. Hera instructs Ezra and Jon not to target the Star Destroyers, but instead to fire at the Archeon Nebula. Ezra reminds Vander of Hera's warning about proton torpedoes igniting the nebula's gases. Hera instructs Chopper to prepare for a hyperspace jump. The rebel Y-wings fire on the Archeon Nebula, igniting the gas and causing extensive damage to Pryce's Star Destroyers. With the tractor beam disabled, the rebels escape into hyperspace.

Mon Mothma's address

The Ghost and its remaining Y-wings arrive at the planet Dantooine. Aboard the Ghost, Gold Leader commends Phoenix Leader Hera for her courage and ingenuity. The female pilot praises Ezra and invites him to fly with her squadron. Erskin Semaj informs Mon Mothma that they are ready to transmit. Mon Mothma then delivers a speech on the HoloNet, announcing her resignation from a corrupt Senate that has suppressed the galaxy's liberties and freedoms in the name of safety.

Mothma's hologram broadcast is witnessed by various individuals across the galaxy, including: Senator Bail Organa and General Jan Dodonna at an undisclosed rebel base; Ryder Azadi, Marida Sumar, and Old Jho at Old Jho's Pit Stop on Lothal; and Commander Jun Sato, Rex, and AP-5 at Chopper Base on Atollon. Mothma urges her audience to remain fearless, stating that she resigned from the Senate to fight for the rebellion on the front lines. She pledges to continue fighting until they have ended the Empire and restored the Republic. After the speech, the rebels and Mon Mothma initially see no response, but then a lone CR90 corvette jumps into the system, followed by many more ships of all kinds: Phoenix Nest, Home One, Hammerhead corvettes, GR-75 transports and Nebulon-B frigates. As her companions marvel at their new fleet, Mon Mothma declares that this is their rebellion.


