Jon Vander

Jon "Dutch" Vander was a human male pilot of exceptional skill, recognized as an ace, who originated from Onderon. Initially, he served the Galactic Empire within their Imperial Navy, but he later chose to join the rebellion. By the time 2 BBY arrived, he had risen to the rank of captain and was commanding Gold Squadron, a unit specializing in BTL Y-wing light bombers, as their leader. His leadership was pivotal in the successful escorting of Senator [Mon Mothma](/article/mon_mothma], a fugitive, to the safety of Dantooine, where the Alliance to Restore the Republic was subsequently established. As the Galactic Civil War erupted, Vander and his squadron participated in significant battles, including Scarif, where his strategic decisions aided in the destruction of the Shield Gate, and Yavin, by which point his combat prowess had earned him the title of quadruple ace. However, during the Battle of Yavin, he met his death while attempting a trench run on the Death Star battle station, as he was shot down by the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader.


Early life

Originating from the planet of Onderon, Jon Vander began his career as a pilot for the Imperial Imperial Navy. Onderon was a world embroiled in conflict and instability due to the insurgency led by Saw Gerrera's militant group, the Partisans. Vander's turning point came when he received orders to bomb areas of his home planet that were sympathetic to the rebellion. Refusing to comply, he instead chose to defect and join the fight against the Empire.

Serving the Rebellion

Captain Vander salutes Captain Syndulla

By the year 2 BBY, Vander had become a member of the burgeoning rebellion. He assumed the role of flight leader for Gold Squadron, which was a component of the Massassi Group rebel cell, operating BTL-A4 Y-wing light bombers. Their duties included safeguarding rebel convoys and launching attacks on vulnerable Imperial targets. Around this time, Senator Mon Mothma, secretly involved with the rebellion, delivered a passionate address on the HoloNet, openly condemning Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine for his involvement in the Ghorman Massacre.

Consequently, Mothma was labeled a traitor and was compelled to escape from her home planet of Chandrila. As part of Operation Handoff, Gold Squadron was tasked with protecting the former Senator and escorting her vessel, the Chandrila Mistress, to Dantooine, where they intended to meet with other rebel factions. During their journey, they encountered elements of Phoenix Cell in the Lothal sector to replenish the Senator's transport. Vander, along with Gold Two, and Mothma's aide Erskin Semaj, boarded the Ghost, where they met Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla and her group known as the Spectres.

Despite disagreements with Spectres Ezra Bridger, Garazeb Orrelios, and the astromech droid Chopper regarding the mission's secrecy, Vander permitted Ezra to pilot a Y-wing after Gold Two sustained injuries during an Imperial assault. Vander and Gold Squadron employed their ion cannons to incapacitate an Arquitens-class command cruiser before proceeding to bomb it. By establishing a defensive perimeter around the crippled Chandrila Mistress, the Gold Squadron pilots provided the necessary time for Mothma and her crew to evacuate to the Ghost, enabling the rebels to escape into hyperspace.

Vander, Bridger, and the Ghost escape

Captain Syndulla suggested using an ancient smuggler's route through the Archeon Nebula to evade detection in the Lothal sector. However, Grand Admiral Thrawn anticipated this maneuver and deployed two Imperial I-class Star Destroyers into the Nebula, along with a flight of two TIE/IN interceptors and an experimental TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter piloted by the skilled ace Commander Vult Skerris. While the TIEs managed to shoot down Golds Three, Four, and Five, Vander and Bridger, flying the two remaining rebel starfighters, worked together to disable Skerris using their ion cannons.

Concerned that the experienced TIE ace would return, Vander and Bridger exited the Nebula, only to discover the Ghost being ensnared by the tractor beam of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Acting on Hera's orders, Vander and Ezra launched their proton torpedoes into the Archeon Nebula, igniting the gas and creating a massive inferno that engulfed the two Star Destroyers, allowing the rebels to safely jump to Dantooine. He then submitted a mission report to Dodonna. Captain Vander, Gold Two, and the other rebels were present when Mon Mothma delivered a stirring speech, urging the galaxy to revolt against the Empire. Shortly thereafter, a rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace, marking the official formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Galactic Civil War

Battle of Scarif

Jon Vander during the Battle of Scarif.

Eventually, Vander and his squadron found themselves stationed at the Alliance's clandestine Base One on Yavin 4, the fourth moon orbiting Yavin. He piloted Gold One, frequently accompanied by his astromech droid, R2-BHD. Vander and Gold Squadron, in conjunction with Blue, Green, and Red Squadrons, departed from the Rebel base to support Admiral Raddus and the Rogue One team as they attempted to steal the technical readouts for the planet-destroying Death Star battle station. Participating in the space battle as Raddus' fleet engaged the Shield Gate orbital station, Vander and Gold Squadron executed multiple attack runs on the Shield Gate, deploying proton bombs to weaken its defenses. Following casualties, Raddus redirected them to target the flotilla of Star Destroyers.

Vander issued the command to exploit a gap in the Imperial defenses, and he and four of his wingmen moved into position to strike. The Gold Squadron pilots launched ion torpedoes at the Star Destroyer Persecutor, disabling it and allowing it to be rammed by a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, the Lightmaker. This collision, involving the Star Destroyer Intimidator and the Shield Gate, deactivated the deflector shield, enabling the successful transmission of the plans from the Citadel Tower to the Profundity and, ultimately, the Tantive IV. Vander survived the battle, and his squadron's actions proved crucial in securing victory for the Alliance at Scarif, despite the significant losses incurred.

Battle of Yavin

Jon Vander in his Y-wing as Gold Leader during the trench run

Upon returning to Yavin 4, Vander had achieved the rank of quadruple ace, having accumulated twenty-two confirmed kills and 19,997 flight hours. After the Millennium Falcon delivered the Death Star plans, Alliance High Command identified a vulnerability in the plans created by Galen Erso's, a small thermal exhaust port leading directly to the main reactor. They determined that the best approach to exploit this weakness was to use small starfighters, targeting the shaft with proton torpedoes. Vander attended General Jan Dodonna's pre-flight briefing as the Death Star approached to destroy the base. Expressing skepticism about their chances, he questioned Dodonna, asking, "Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snub-fighters going to be against that?" He later exchanged a concerned look with Princess Leia when Dodonna mentioned that the exhaust port was only two meters wide. Despite his reservations, he once again led Gold Squadron's eight Y-wings in the Battle of Yavin, with R2-BHD as his astromech droid.

Gold One exploding, killing Vander.

During the battle, three Y-wings from Gold Squadron detached from the main force to make up the initial group tasked with entering the Death Star's meridian trench in an attempt to destroy the station by targeting the exhaust port. Vander led the way, followed by Davish "Pops" Krail (Gold Five) and fellow Onderonian Dex Tiree (Gold Two), who served as a buffer against enemy fighters. Facing heavy turbolaser batteries, Vander ordered his group to redirect their deflector shields to double-front, inadvertently leaving them vulnerable from behind. As Tiree was locking his targeting computer, he was shot down by Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1. This caused Vander to panic, as he was unable to maneuver in the confined space. Krail attempted to calm him, but to no avail. Moments later, Vader fired upon Vander's Y-wing, causing it to ignite and explode, resulting in his immediate death.

Personality and traits

Jon Vander's flight helmet

Jon Vander was a human male characterized by brown hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and a fair complexion. While piloting his Y-wing, Gold One, Vander donned an orange flight suit and a white K-22995 flight helmet. He frequently flew alongside the astromech droid R2-BHD. Vander possessed a strong understanding of starfighter defensive strategies. He typically favored close formations for his bomber groups and emphasized piloting precision. He disliked excessive communication during battle and preferred his Gold Squadron pilots to maintain focus on the mission. Vander also demonstrated proficiency in utilizing his Y-wing's ion cannons, as evidenced by his successful takedown of Vult Skerris.

As Gold Leader, Jon Vander was attentive to the well-being of his squadron members. During a perilous mission through the Archeon pass, Vander also served as a mentor to the young rebel pilot Ezra Bridger. Despite initial disagreements with the Spectres regarding their aggressive tactics and tendency to attract the Empire's attention, he developed respect for Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla due to her courage and ingenuity.

Although Jon Vander occasionally displayed skepticism, notably when questioning General Dodonna about the practicality of the Death Star trench run, he also exhibited composure and control when he felt in command of the situation, as demonstrated during the battles of Scarif and the early stages of Yavin. He gave squadronmates the impression of being stern and emotionless during tense combat situations. He also demonstrated bravery in taking down a Star Destroyer and leading his squadron down the trench in face of heavy turbolaser fire. However, he also panicked when met with a rapidly intensifying and deteriorating situation, and this, as well as the tight formations he chose for his bombers at both Scarif and Yavin, proved to be his downfall.

Behind the scenes

Jon Vander was brought to life in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope by Canadian actor Angus MacInnes. MacInnes reprised his role as Vander in 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, utilizing a combination of archival footage and newly recorded dialogue. Yuri Lowenthal provides Vander's voice in Star Wars Rebels.

Vander's helmet prop—or one of a similar design—was later worn by "Hobbie" in The Empire Strikes Back, and by Grizz Frix in Return of the Jedi, in addition to an unidentified pilot aboard Home One in the same film.

