Dex Tiree

A male human pilot named Dex Tiree, who identified as ace, hailed from the planet Onderon. He served the Rebel Alliance as a fighter during the Battle of Yavin. During that conflict, Tiree piloted a BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber, designated Gold Two within Gold Squadron, acting as wingman to Jon Vander. Sadly, Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced x1 destroyed Tiree's fighter, resulting in his death.


Sometime before 19 BBY, Dex Tiree was born on Onderon. As a child, he visited Alderaan accompanied by his parents. Later, in 12 BBY, his parents welcomed a daughter into the family. At some time before 0 BBY, Tiree enlisted in the Rebellion and piloted a Y-Wing Starfighter as a member of Gold Squadron. Furthermore, he discovered and acquired an R5 series astromech droid which he named "Sparks," drawing inspiration both from a phrase his mother used to say, and an incident where the droid initiated a fire on a moon orbiting the planet Utapau.

Tiree flying at the Battle of Yavin

In 0 BBY, Tiree participated in the Alliance's counterattack targeting the Death Star, using the callsign Gold Two. His squadronmates, part of Gold Squadron, were attacking the Death Star's turbolasers. Dex successfully destroyed one such turbolaser. Alongside Davish Krail, Tiree offered protection to Captain Jon "Dutch" Vander as Gold Squadron commenced their initial bombing run aimed at the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, situated at the terminus of the meridian trench.

Upon Vander's command for the squadron to engage their targeting computers, Tiree affirmed that he had acquired a lock on the exhaust port. Shortly thereafter, the turbolasers ceased targeting them, causing Tiree's perplexity. Darth Vader soon overtook Gold Squadron in his TIE Advanced x1, and both Tiree and Sparks met their death when Vader shot down their starfighter from the rear.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Dex Tiree was in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Jeremy Sinden portrayed him, although Harry Shearer provided the overdubbed voice. The reference book Ultimate Star Wars, released in 2015, officially gave him the full name of Dex Tiree.

A helmet prop of Tiree's – or one sharing the identical design – was subsequently donned by an unnamed pilot (identified as Habeer Zignean within the Star Wars Legends continuity) featured in The Empire Strikes Back.

