Gold Four (Archeon Nebula)

A male human pilot known as "Gold Four" was a member of Gold Squadron, fighting for the early rebellion against the forces of the Galactic Empire. In the year 2 BBY, he and his fellow pilots provided an escort for Senator Mon Mothma's shuttle, the Chandrila Mistress, guiding it to a secure location. After meeting up with the Spectres rebel cell's vessel, the Ghost, the group of rebels proceeded through the perilous Archeon pass. Tragically, during this journey, Gold Four and his wingman Gold Three were shot down by an Imperial TIE Defender.


As a member of Gold Squadron, Gold Four piloted a Y-wing in service of the rebellion. During the events of 2 BBY, Gold Four, along with the other pilots of Gold Squadron, escorted Senator [Mon Mothma](/article/mon_mothma]'s shuttle, the Chandrila Mistress, to a secret location. Mothma had become a target of the Galactic Empire after publicly denouncing the Emperor's involvement in the Ghorman Massacre. Gold Four and his fellow pilots subsequently met with the Spectres in the vastness of space.

The pilots of Gold Four's squadron then refueled their Y-wings using the Spectres' ship, the Ghost. Gold Squadron, now accompanied by the Spectres' rebel Ezra Bridger, engaged in a short battle against Imperial TIE fighters and an Arquitens-class command cruiser. Using ion cannons, Gold Squadron managed to disable the cruiser before proceeding to bomb it. Following the advice of the Spectres' leader, Hera Syndulla, the rebels chose to navigate through the Archeon Nebula to reach Dantooine, the location where Mon Mothma was scheduled to attend an important gathering.

While traversing the Archeon pass, the rebel convoy found itself pursued by a TIE Defender piloted by Commander Vult Skerris, accompanied by two TIE interceptors. Gold Leader Jon Vander dispatched Gold Four and Gold Three to confront the Imperial fighters. However, Skerris swiftly destroyed both of their starfighters. After this skirmish, the rebels, along with Mon Mothma, successfully arrived at Dantooine, where they established the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Personality and traits

Gold Four, a rebel pilot, operated a Y-wing starfighter within Gold Squadron. He was characterized by his blue eyes, brown hair, and light complexion. Although a capable pilot, Gold Four was ultimately outmatched by Vult Skerris and his advanced TIE Defender.

Behind the scenes

Gold Four's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Rebels Season Three episode titled "Secret Cargo," which was first broadcast on March 4, 2017. His voice was provided by Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced Admiral Kassius Konstantine and the Clone troopers.

