A human female pilot, known as Gold Five, served with distinction in Gold Squadron during the rebellion. During a skirmish that took place within the Archeon Nebula, Gold Five observed Vult Skerris targeting the Ghost for destruction. Acting swiftly, she maneuvered her craft to intercept the attack, giving her life to safeguard the crew, notably Senator Mon Mothma, whom she had pledged to protect.
As a member of Gold Squadron, Gold Five piloted a Y-wing starfighter for the rebellion. She and her fellow squadron members were tasked with safeguarding Senator Mon Mothma, a prominent critic of the Galactic Empire and a key figure within the rebellion. Following Mon Mothma's public condemnation of the Emperor for his involvement in the Ghorman Massacre, Gold Five and her comrades escorted Mon Mothma's shuttle, the Chandrila Mistress, to a designated rendezvous point in deep space where they would meet with the Spectres rebel cell's starship, the Ghost.
After docking with the Ghost, Gold Five and the other pilots refueled their craft. Shortly thereafter, they found themselves under attack from a number of Imperial TIE fighters and an Arquitens-class command cruiser. Using ion cannons, Gold Five and her fellow pilots successfully disabled the light cruiser before proceeding to bomb the vessel. With Mothma having left the crippled Chandrila Mistress and safely aboard the Ghost, the rebels made their escape into hyperspace. Acting on the suggestion of Hera Syndulla, the leader of the Spectres, the rebel convoy opted to navigate the perilous Archeon Nebula as a route to Dantooine, where Mothma was scheduled to attend an important assembly.
While traversing the Archeon pass, the rebel convoy came under attack from Imperial Commander Vult Skerris, piloting his TIE Defender, accompanied by two TIE Interceptors. Skerris swiftly eliminated the starfighters of Gold Three and Gold Four using his advanced turbolaser weaponry. Skerris then turned his attention to the Ghost, carrying Mothma. Displaying extraordinary courage, Gold Five flew her starfighter into the path of Skerris' laser fire, sacrificing herself. Her starfighter was destroyed, resulting in her death. Gold Five's sacrifice allowed Mothma to reach Dantooine and establish the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Gold Five's debut appearance was in "Secret Cargo," an episode from Season Three of Star Wars Rebels, which was initially broadcast on March 4, 2017. Her voice was provided by Bonnie Wild.