Gooti Terez

Gooti Terez was a Theelin woman who served within Iron Squadron and subsequently achieved the rank of lieutenant in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Alongside her comrades, Mart Mattin, Jonner Jin, and R3-A3, she stood in opposition to the Galactic Empire. In the year 2 BBY, Gooti and her Iron Squadron allies were involved in a conflict with an advancing Imperial patrol. With support from the Spectres and Phoenix Cell, Gooti and her team successfully eliminated the Imperial patrol. Following deliberations, she, along with Jonner and R3-A3, took the advice of Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, realizing they could not defeat the Empire alone. They managed to escape the system, but were compelled to leave Mart behind. Subsequently, she and her Iron Squadron companions united with the Spectres to orchestrate Mart's rescue. After the successful rescue operation, Gooti and Iron Squadron officially joined the rebellion.


Joining the rebellion

During the Age of the Empire, Gooti Terez, a female Theelin, became a member of Iron Squadron alongside Mart Mattin, Jonner Jin, and the astromech droid R3-A3. Mart assumed leadership of Iron Squadron after the passing of his father. Iron Squadron focused exclusively on the planet Mykapo and did not communicate with other rebel groups. Gooti and her team operated from the YT-2400 light freighter known as Sato's Hammer. Two years prior to the battle of Yavin, the Empire declared martial law on Mykapo and dispatched an advance patrol to the system.

Iron Squadron engaged the Imperial patrol in battle. During the skirmish, Iron Squadron's hyperdrive sustained damage. The squadron was rescued by the Spectres' ship, the Ghost, and Phoenix Squadron, who had arrived in the system to evacuate rebel sympathizers. The captain of Iron Squadron rejected the offer of assistance from Hera Syndulla, the Spectres' leader, and independently destroyed the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser leading the patrol. Following the skirmish, Mart invited the Spectres aboard the Sato's Hammer. She and Jonner greeted Hera and her allies Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and the astromech droid Chopper upon their arrival.

Gooti Terez and the rest of Iron Squadron

When Sabine commented on the ship's disorganized state, Gooti stated that Iron Squadron preferred it that way. When Chopper and R3-A3, who was repairing the hyperdrive, began fighting, Gooti and Ezra intervened to separate the two astromech droids. She then explained that R3-A3 had customized the ship to his liking and was fiercely protective of it. After meeting Mart, Gooti introduced herself and her crew, and Ezra did the same for his. While Mart and Hera debated the advantages of remaining in the system, Gooti interrupted to serve waffles. However, the two rebel groups could not agree on whether to leave the system. Gooti and Jonner sided with their captain, reiterating that they would not abandon their home system.

After the initial meeting failed, Ezra persuaded Hera to allow him, Sabine, and Chopper to make a second attempt to convince Iron Squadron by repairing their hyperdrive. Hera agreed, but cautioned that Ezra's team had to depart on the shuttle Phantom II at the first sign of Imperial activity. Sabine and Chopper collaborated with R3-A3 to repair the hyperdrive in the presence of Gooti, Mart, Jonner, and Ezra. Mart considered repairing the hyperdrive unnecessary and returned to the cockpit. Ezra then spoke with Gooti and Jonner, warning them to be prepared to abandon their ship if the hyperdrive could not be repaired in time. She and Jonner refused to abandon their captain and their home. When Ezra shared his fear of leaving his home on Lothal, Gooti replied that she did not fear the Empire. Ezra countered that Iron Squadron feared losing everything they knew and advised them not to fight the Empire alone. When Gooti asked if he wanted them to stop fighting, Ezra clarified that they needed to choose their battles wisely.

Ultimately, Sabine, Chopper, and R3-A3 succeeded in repairing the hyperdrive. However, their efforts were in vain when Mart redirected the ship's power to the laser cannons and deflector shields. After Mart ordered his crew to their battle stations, Gooti, Jonner, and the other rebels went to the cockpit, where they discovered that Imperial reinforcements under Admiral Kassius Konstantine had arrived in the system. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, Mart encouraged his crew to fight. However, Ezra and Sabine argued against it. Gooti finally recognized the validity of Ezra's point and attempted to reason with her captain. Nevertheless, Mart was determined to fight the Imperials and steered his ship forward. Gooti and Jonner again tried to reason with Mart as the ship's power faltered. Seeing reason, Mart ordered an evacuation of Sato's Hammer.

Gooti, Jonner, and R3-A3 escaped with the Spectres aboard the Phantom II. However, Mart changed his mind and remained behind. He then launched a direct attack on Konstantine's Arquitens-class command cruiser. However, the Admiral used his ship's forward batteries to neutralize his bombs. The Sato's Hammer's engines were disabled, leaving the ship stranded in space. Gooti and the other rebels escaped, but were forced to abandon Mart. Later, Gooti and her fellow rebels attended a briefing with the Spectres, Mart's uncle Commander Jun Sato, and Captain Rex. Hera agreed to rescue Sato's nephew Mart, much to the delight of Gooti and Jonner. When Gooti cautioned that the Imperials might be setting a trap, Ezra assured her that the trap was not well-designed and that they would collaborate to rescue Mart.

During the rescue operation, Gooti prepared the hoist in the Ghost's cargo bay. After Hera discovered that Konstantine had attached a magno-mine to the hull of the Sato's Hammer, Gooti and Jonner opened the cargo bay doors, allowing Chopper and R3-A3 to fly out using their rocket boosters. The two droids dislodged the magno-mine while the Ghost led the Imperial fighters on a chase. Gooti and Jonner manned the cargo bay when the Ghost picked up Sato's Hammer. After Sato arrived with reinforcements, Mart damaged Konstantine's cruiser by dropping the magno-mine on it. Gooti and the other rebels fled just as Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived with his Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. Upon seeing Thrawn's ship, Gooti and her fellow rebels realized that they could not confront a Star Destroyer alone. The rebels then traveled to the Phoenix rebel base Chopper Base on the planet Atollon. There, Gooti and Jonner embraced their captain after he reunited with his uncle.

Eventually, Terez was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and was stationed at the Great Temple on Yavin 4.

Personality and traits

Terez was a fearless fighter.

Gooti Terez, a Theelin, possessed purple skin. She displayed a spirited and courageous demeanor as a rebel fighter.

Behind the scenes

Meredith Anne Bull provided the voice for Gooti in "Iron Squadron," the eighth episode of Star Wars Rebels' third season. Her character was named after and designed to resemble Andi Gutierrez, a digital communications manager at Lucasfilm, who hosted Rebels Recon and co-hosted The Star Wars Show.

