The starship called the Nightbrother was a Kom'rk-class fighter/transport that underwent modifications. Maul, the former Sith Lord, gave it this name and utilized it during both the Clone Wars period and the Imperial Era. After Obi-Wan Kenobi killed Maul in 2 BBY, the rebel cell known as the Spectres took possession of the Nightbrother, renaming it the Gauntlet.
The Nightbrother was a version of the Kom'rk-class fighter/transport known as the Kryze Gauntlet ship. This starfighter was uniquely painted in black and red color scheme. It had rotating wings, a sizable primary structure, and was equipped with a pair of laser cannons facing forward and another pair facing backward.
During his time as the leader of both the Death Watch and the broader Shadow Collective, Maul used the Nightbrother as his personal flagship. From this ship, he directed his forces in various battles during the Confederacy of Independent Systems' campaign against the Shadow Collective.

The starfighter remained in Maul's service for several years into the Galactic Empire's reign. In 2 BBY, following the Spectres' escape from his captivity, Maul used the Nightbrother to flee Vizsla Keep 09. However, after their holocrons merged, Maul was able to establish a connection with Ezra Bridger, the Jedi Padawan. Through this connection, Maul discovered that his old nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Master, was still alive. Continuing his pursuit, Maul traveled with Bridger to the planet Dathomir aboard the Nightbrother. After summoning the spirits of deceased Nightsisters, Maul determined that Kenobi was in hiding on a planet with twin suns.
Hoping to locate and eliminate Kenobi, Maul piloted the Nightbrother to Tatooine, a desert planet. Bridger also went to Tatooine in an attempt to prevent Maul from succeeding. After Maul's death, Bridger and Chopper, the C1-series astromech droid, used the ship to return to Chopper Base, the Phoenix Cell's headquarters. Later, Bridger used the Nightbrother to enlist the aid of Clan Wren for the Rebels who were trapped on Atollon during their battle against Grand Admiral Thrawn's Imperial forces.
In 1 BBY, Bridger, along with Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight, Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian warrior, and Chopper journeyed to Yavin 4, the Rebel Alliance's main base, aboard the Gauntlet.
The comic book Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 1 marked the initial appearance of the Nightbrother, preceding its appearance in Star Wars Rebels.