Second Battle of Dathomir

The Second Battle of Dathomir unfolded on Dathomir during the Clone Wars. It pitted Sith Lord Maul and Mother Talzin against a combined force of the Sith and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The conflict was triggered when Maul brought Count Dooku, a captured Sith Lord, to Dathomir. Talzin intended to drain Dooku's life force, using it to restore her physical body, which had previously been destroyed. Darth Sidious, detecting Dooku's location, journeyed to Dathomir with General Grievous to rescue his apprentice and vanquish their adversaries.

Upon arrival, Sidious and Grievous confronted Maul and Talzin, the latter of whom had employed her magick to seize control of Dooku's body. A lightsaber duel ensued, with Sidious quickly gaining dominance over Dooku, who was controlled by Talzin. Talzin then materialized in her restored physical form, withstanding a barrage of Force lightning from Sidious and, eventually, Dooku. To facilitate Maul's escape, Talzin gave her life. Grievous fatally impaled the Dathomirian witch, while Maul fled Dathomir. Simultaneously, the Separatists launched an assault on Maul's allies, the Black Sun and Pyke Syndicate, prompting the mercenaries to sever their alliance with Maul, effectively dismantling the Shadow Collective. Despite Maul's escape, Sidious was confident that his former apprentice's defeat had eliminated his future prospects, thereby securing the Sith's dominance.


At some point between 19 BBY and 5 BBY, Maul's search for strategic advantages led him to a Sith castle on Damanos. There, he encountered a vision of Grievous, who had met his end at the hands of their shared enemy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, during the Battle of Utapau in 19 BBY. During their exchange, "Grievous" mocked Maul, questioning if he recalled their last encounter, specifically when Grievous murdered his beloved mother.

