The Mandalorian Guard, also referred to as the Mandalorian police, functioned as the combined public safety and law enforcement agency on the Outer Rim planet of Mandalore. These officers were tasked with maintaining order, enforcing laws, ensuring the welfare of the public, and safeguarding the Mandalorian populace. Within the territory controlled by the New Mandalorians, the Guard reported to the government's Prime Minister, a pacifist administration. They deployed organized patrols of grey-armored personnel to foster a sense of security and order. In other areas of Mandalore, locally stationed constables were responsible for enforcing the law.

Serving as the combined emergency services, public safety, and law enforcement organization for the planet of Mandalore, the Mandalorian cultural homeworld in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, was the Mandalorian Guard. This highly organized and expertly trained police force consisted of members from various clans, all united by a common goal: the protection of the Mandalorian people. The New Mandalorian government kept a watchful eye on the Guard, monitoring for any potential threats to their society, even though some members of the Guard served the pacifist sect and adhered to their peaceful principles. The New Mandalorian police units within the Guard reported to the office of the Prime Minister.
The Mandalorian Guard utilized ranks such as captain, sergeant, and constable. Guardsmen received training in the use of various weapons, including flamethrowers and blasters. However, those serving within the pacifistic New Mandalorian society typically preferred stun batons and shields, resorting to lethal weaponry only as a last resort. They were also trained to work cohesively as a unit and were proficient in piloting vehicles like shuttles and speeders. Among the Guard's elite units were the Mandalorian Secret Service, who protected the New Mandalorian Prime Minister and received additional training with jetpacks, and the Mandalorian Royal Guard, responsible for safeguarding the New Mandalorian leader and their council of ministers. A division of the Guard, the Mandalorian Patrol, acted as a Planetary Security Force for Mandalore and the surrounding sector of space, intercepting suspicious vessels with the potential for deadly force.
In the performance of their duties, Mandalorian Guardsmen typically donned suits of Mandalorian armor. Due to the New Mandalorians' desire to distance themselves from the warrior clans of old, Guardsmen operating in their territory wore lighter armor with a unique configuration, all colored in a consistent grey. The helmets of the New Mandalorian police also differed from the traditional full-faced design with a T-shaped visor, instead featuring an articulated face guard over the eyes and nose that could be adjusted with a button, leaving the wearer's mouth exposed. In other regions of Mandalore, Mandalorian constables wore standard Mandalorian armor, decorated according to their personal preferences.

Mandalorian Guard members received training in the use of a variety of weapons. The stun baton was the most commonly used, especially by Guardsmen operating among the New Mandalorians, as its non-lethal nature aligned with their role in maintaining security. Many Guardsmen also carried large, handheld shields capable of deflecting blasterfire. Mandalorian manacles, crafted from nearly impenetrable beskar [iron](/article/iron-legends], were standard equipment for Mandalorian police, used to restrain a captive's limbs. Despite the New Mandalorians' emphasis on restraint, some members of the Guard carried blasters, including WESTAR-35 blaster pistols, to address the demands of their duties. In situations requiring greater firepower, flamethrowers like the BT X-42 and other heavy weapons were available.
The Mandalorian Guard operated several vehicles manufactured by MandalMotors, a Mandalorian company with its headquarters in Mandalore's capital city of Keldabe. The police force used Buirk'alor-class airspeeders, emblazoned with the word "POLICE" in Mando'a lettering on the nose, to patrol the skylanes of New Mandalorian cities, leveraging the speeders' potent engines for rapid response to emergencies. They also utilized Balutar-class swoops, nimble and fast speeder bikes equipped with twin cannons in their patrol models. For missions requiring travel beyond the range of an airspeeder, such as transit between Mandalore and its orbiting moon, Concordia, the Guard had access to Aka'jor-class shuttles.
The Mandalorian Guard's origin lies in its establishment as an organization for police and emergency response on Mandalore. As time passed, the Guard developed a reputation for drawing Mandalorians who sought to protect and assist their people. With the rise of the pacifist New Mandalorian faction after the Mandalorian Excision, some members of the Mandalorian Guard chose to pledge their allegiance and service to this peaceful group. Despite the New Mandalorians' focus on non-violence, the Mandalorian police force remained a vital component of their society, ensuring public welfare and maintaining security.

Following the Great Clan Wars, during which the Death Watch, a radical Mandalorian splinter group known for its violence, attempted to destroy the New Mandalorians, Duchess Satine Kryze, the pacifist faction's new leader, leveraged her influence to reorganize the Mandalorian Guard. Over the years, individual units of the Guard had become power centers for specific clans. Kryze sought to dismantle these concentrations of power by orchestrating promotions and reforming the command structure, resulting in units composed of members from various clans. However, tensions arose between the Guard and the New Mandalorian Duchess as veteran Guardsmen resented the promotion of less-qualified members based solely on their clan affiliations. As Death Watch recovered from the losses incurred during the Great Clan Wars, they attempted to recruit disgruntled Guardsmen, remaining wary of the New Mandalorian government's surveillance efforts. The Mandalorian Patrol, the Guard's Planetary Security Force, was also known to harbor Death Watch sympathizers who prioritized criminal activity over the Mandalorian radicals.

During this period, Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala, childhood childhood friends, grew up near Mandalore's largest continent and eventually joined the Mandalorian police force as local constables. After their shifts, the two Mandalorian lawmen would often share mugs of Mandallian Narcolethe.
When Spar, formerly known as an Advanced Recon Commando, defected from the Republic's Grand Army, he arrived on Mandalore following the death of the clone army's progenitor, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. With the support of Fenn Shysa, who had become a minor clan chieftain and a respected Mandalorian constable, Spar assumed the title of Mand'alor, "Mandalore the Resurrector," and began recruiting Mandalorian soldiers for a new group of supercommandos known as the Mandalorian Protectors. To achieve his goal, Spar turned to Shysa's comrades in the Mandalorian police force, drawing nearly two hundred recruits from their ranks to form the core of the Protector army. The Mandalorian Protectors joined the Clone Wars on the side of the Confederacy, becoming a renowned shock force capable of achieving in one day what the Separatist droid army could not in a month. However, their role in the war ended after a devastating Republic ambush on Norval II.
In 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, the New Mandalorian capital city of Sundari was attacked by a terrorist bomber associated with the violent Death Watch. After the bomber chose to die following a pursuit through the city with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Duchess Satine Kryze decided to return the man's body to his family on Concordia, Mandalore's moon. A squad of Mandalorian police officers accompanied Governor Pre Vizsla of Concordia in welcoming the Duchess' shuttle at the spaceport hangar. While on Concordia, Kryze discovered that Vizsla was leading Death Watch with the support of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She narrowly escaped a fight with the Mandalorian radicals thanks to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon returning to Mandalore, Kryze was escorted from the Sundari Royal Palace to the city's docks by the Mandalorian Guard, where her personal starship, the Coronet, awaited her journey to Coruscant. As the Duchess addressed the Galactic Republic senate, denouncing Death Watch and asserting that they did not represent Mandalore, a Mandalorian Guardsman was dispatched to scout the Death Watch's hideout on Concordia. He witnessed a gathering of Death Watch soldiers equipped with Kom'rk-class fighters and AAT tanks, and reported his findings to the New Mandalorian Prime Minister, Almec. The Death Watch army was ultimately forced to stand down when the Confederacy withdrew its support.

Later that year, with Republic trade routes to Mandalore disrupted, the New Mandalorian people resorted to extensive black market activities to obtain supplies. This led to corruption within the New Mandalorian government and the Mandalorian Guard. Several Guardsmen collaborating with the New Mandalorian customs department allowed a group of Moogan smugglers to operate from a dock warehouse, importing shipments of tea that they diluted with toxic levels of slabin to maximize profits. As a result, numerous New Mandalorian children fell ill, prompting an investigation by Duchess Kryze and the Mandalorian Royal Guard. Tracking the smugglers to their base, a group of Mandalorian police and Royal Guardsmen led by Kryze confronted the corrupt Guardsmen protecting the warehouse, leading to a firefight that resulted in the deaths of several smugglers and the capture of the rest. During the shootout, two members of the Mandalorian police, including the police captain, were injured by blasterfire. Kryze ordered the warehouse and its contents burned. Despite the Guard captain's concerns about the loss of forensic evidence, the Mandalorian police followed the Duchess' orders and used flamethrowers from their airspeeders to burn down the warehouse.
During the attack by the Shadow Collective on the New Mandalorian people, the Mandalorian Guard suffered significant losses. Pyke Syndicate thugs and Black Sun foot soldiers landed at the Sundari docks and ambushed members of the Guard, overpowering and imprisoning them in shipping containers. In Peace Park, Black Sun soldiers and Pyke gunmen opened fire on the crowd, indiscriminately killing police and civilians. At the Mandalore Banking Center, the Pykes led a team to rob the facility, using the combat skills of their Sith Lord ally Savage Opress to carve through the defending members of the Guard and enter the bank. The Shadow Collective's operatives quickly overwhelmed New Mandalorian Guard forces across Mandalore, undermining the people's confidence in Duchess Kryze's ability to protect them. Relief came with the arrival of Death Watch, who retaliated against the gangsters holding the docks of Sundari, freeing the Guardsmen taken hostage, while other Death Watch troops subdued the Shadow Collective's forces throughout the city. Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla personally defeated the Sith Savage Opress, turning him over to police custody. The Mandalorian Guard and the people of Sundari praised Death Watch for their actions against the Shadow Collective. With the people's support, Vizsla deposed Duchess Kryze and took control of the New Mandalorians.
As the Clone Wars neared their end in 19 BBY, the victorious Galactic Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, which then set its sights on occupying Mandalore, similar to its predecessor during the Clone Wars. Although the Empire's initial relations with Mandalore were amicable, the Imperial presence soon became a tyrannical occupation, enslaving and strip-mining Mandalore. To resist the Imperial occupation, a new iteration of the Mandalorian Protectors emerged under Mand'alor Fenn Shysa, who once again called upon elements of the elite Mandalorian police to assist in his guerrilla war against the Empire. Despite the challenges, the Protectors eventually overcame the Imperials' control of Mandalore, defeating the Empire's forces in the City of Bone and driving them from Mandalorian space.
The first mention of Mandalorian police occurred in the Star Wars Insider article The History of the Mandalorians, written by Abel G. Peña and published in January 2005 as part of the magazine's eightieth issue. In 2009, the Galaxy at War sourcebook again referenced Mandalorian police units and their influence on the founding of both iterations of the Mandalorian Protectors. On January 29, 2010, the Mandalorian Guard made a full appearance in "The Mandalore Plot," the twelfth episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season. The Guard subsequently reappeared in several episodes of the series, including "Duchess of Mandalore," "Corruption," "The Academy," and "Shades of Reason."
The Encyclopedia, hosted on from September 13, 2011 to July 1, 2014, provided an informational entry about the Mandalorian Guard. While some sources suggested that the Mandalorian Guard and the Mandalorian Royal Guard were distinct units, the Encyclopedia entry treated them as interchangeable, even linking the Mandalorian Guard entry to the Wookieepedia article for the Royal Guard. The Guard's entry in the canonical Databank, which replaced the Encyclopedia on, continues to refer to both groups interchangeably. The 2013 release of The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett, a reference book co-authored by Jason Fry, Daniel Wallace, and Ryder Windham, provided further information on the Mandalorian Guard, clarifying that the Royal Guard is an elite unit within the Mandalorian Guard.