The GALAAR-15 blaster carbine, a widely used blaster carbine, was produced by Concordian Crescent Technologies, a major Mandalorian arms manufacturer.

Its name originates from the galaar, a predatory bird commonly found on the planet of Mandalore. This rifle, characterized by its short barrel and streamlined design, was crafted using premium materials and shielded with impact-resistant polycarbonate. Although not extremely common, the GALAAR-15 frequently surfaced on the black market. The weapon's superior construction made it a favorite among bounty hunters and other professional killers. Its popularity allowed arms dealers to command high prices for the GALAAR-15, even for used models. Bearing a resemblance to the smaller WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, the GALAAR-15 had an angular, somewhat blocky and squared-off appearance. Typically light grey with darker grey accents, it was known to discharge blaster bolts in yellow, blue, or red, seemingly based on the user's political affiliations.

Initially, the GALAAR-15 was intended for use by the Mandalorian Guard and other military units during the Clone Wars. However, Death Watch also employed GALAAR-15s, alongside the WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, in their efforts to depose the New Mandalorian government. Cad Bane wielded one such blaster after escaping from a Republic prison with Moralo Eval and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was disguised as Rako Hardeen. Following the division of Death Watch, the Mandalorian super commandos loyal to Maul continued to use the carbine. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the GALAAR-15 remained in production and was utilized by Kad Solus, a Mandalorian from the Old Mandalorian Clan Awaud.
The GALAAR-15 blaster carbine makes numerous appearances in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, debuting in the episode "The Mandalore Plot." The blaster's identity was confirmed in the 2016 adventure novel Friends Like These.