Bob Vitas

Bob Vitas Bob Vitas is most famously recognized as the creator of The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia, a work that is no longer in publication.

Within the What's The Story? segment of Hyperspace, he originated the name for the Hamadryas species in the Cebann Veekan Databank entry. Daniel Wallace also acknowledges Bob Vitas in the "Author's Acknowledgements" sections of both The New Essential Chronology and The New Essential Guide to Droids. In addition, he contributed to and served as an editor for The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. On, he used the username Bubba1227, and on Wookieepedia, he was known as Bobvitas.

The character known as Vob Bitas received their name as a tribute to Bob Vitas.

  • Access The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia at this link
  • Discover more About the Author - Biography on CUSWE
  • Read Ramblings of a Completely Unofficial IA Engineer — Bob Vitas's Blog (note that the content is now outdated; backup link provided)
  • EU Roundtable #1.2 - via

Notes and references
