The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia is a reference work from 2008 authored by Stephen J. Sansweet together with Pablo Hidalgo. The compendium also includes contributions from Bob Vitas, Daniel Wallace, Chris Cassidy, Mary Franklin, and Josh Kushins. It represents the second iteration of the Star Wars Encyclopedia.
The ultimate reference source for a science fantasy phenomenon.
Similar to our own, the Star Wars universe is always growing. Since the first Star Wars Encyclopedia was published ten years ago, many things have occurred in that galaxy far, far away, including four new films, numerous original novels, comic books, video games, and other official materials. Now, three decades' worth of Star Wars knowledge—covering topics from science and technology to history and geography, culture and biography to ecology and cosmology—has been expanded with a full decade's worth of entirely new content. The Star Wars Encyclopedia, richly illustrated with full-color images and photographs and presented in a new three-volume set to accommodate its extensive collection of detailed entries, captures the complete scope of George Lucas's creation.