Vob Bitas, a player of chance, held ownership of Blob 14, a specimen of Umgullian blob lifeform. To boost Blob 14's sliminess, Bitas employed illicit substances. Consequently, in the year 22 BBY, he entered the blob into the third running of the blob race held at the Fondine Blob Raceways, situated on the world of Umgul. Bitas risked more than a million credits on Blob 14. However, the racer's improbable triumph triggered an inquiry that exposed the illicit materials. This resulted in Bitas's apprehension and subsequent execution.

During the era of the Galactic Republic's rule, Vob Bitas possessed an Umgullian blob by the name of Blob 14. During 22 BBY, Bitas registered Blob 14 for participation in the third blob race at Umgul's Fondine Blob Raceways, a venue located on that planet. Blob 14 was considered an unlikely contender, but Bitas introduced forbidden substances that enhanced the creature's viscosity, an act punishable by death. Bitas then wagered over a million credits on Blob 14, which defied expectations and secured victory. The Umgullian Racing Commission promptly initiated an investigation into the unexpected win. Upon discovering the prohibited substances two hours later, Bitas was apprehended and put to death.
Slish Fondine, who owned the raceways, utilized Bitas's winnings to offset monetary losses resulting from the scandal. Bitas marked the fourth instance of cheating at the raceways within that year, leading Fondine to contemplate implementing a more severe deterrent than execution to prevent future fraud. The HoloNet News CoCo District Edition soon reported on Bitas's victory and subsequent execution.
Vob Bitas, a dedicated gambler, demonstrated a willingness to utilize prohibited viscosity-enhancing agents on Blob 14, all in pursuit of a substantial credit windfall. However, his unscrupulous methods were exposed through an investigation a mere two hours following the race's conclusion.

The initial mention of Vob Bitas occurred in "Blob Racing Cheater Killed," an article featured in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #48 on the HoloNet News website on March 21, 2002. While Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens authored the site's content, Ens was the one who conceived of Bitas. The character's name was inspired by Bob Vitas, the individual behind the fan-created The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia (CUSWE), who regarded his transformation into a Star Wars character as an honor.
In 2005, Abel G. Peña cited Bitas in a blog post titled "How to Become a Star Wars Character in 5 Easy Steps." Given Vitas's prominence within the Star Wars fan base, Peña jokingly suggested that he had bypassed certain steps. Peña also playfully hinted that Hidalgo had eliminated Bitas due to the CUSWE's past rivalry with Hidalgo's own Star Wars Index as online repositories of Star Wars information.