IG-11, also known as Eyegee-Eleven, or by the shorter names IG or Eyegee, was a bounty hunter operating in the New Republic Era, classified as an IG-series assassin droid. Programmed with the Bounty Hunters' Guild's protocols, IG-11 possessed a self-destruct mechanism to avoid capture while employed as a hired gun.
In the year 9 ABY, IG-11 accepted a bounty which tasked him with the killing of Grogu, a Force-sensitive infant located within an encampment on the desert world of Arvala-7. During this particular job, the droid joined forces with Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, and together they worked to eliminate the Nikto mercenaries at the encampment and confront Grogu. Upon seeing the child, IG-11 was destroyed by Djarin as the droid attempted to terminate him.
Later, Kuiil, an Ugnaught, recovered the droid's remains from the encampment. He then repaired and reprogrammed it to aid him as a retired vapor farmer. Now charged with protecting Grogu, the droid accompanied Djarin and his allies to the planet Nevarro following their meeting at Kuiil's moisture farm. After his new master's death, IG-11 assisted the group when they were trapped by Imperial forces, helping them to escape. To prevent Grogu from being captured, IG-11 later sacrificed himself, activating his self-destruct to eliminate a platoon of stormtroopers. In honor of his sacrifice, a statue of the droid was erected in Nevarro's city.
Subsequently, Djarin sought the help of High Magistrate Greef Karga with the hope of restoring IG-11, but these hopes were dashed when the droid was revived and became hostile, leading Karga's protocol droid to crush its head with a bust. IG-11's remains were then brought to Anzellan droidsmiths, who were unable to repair him without a memory bank, forcing Djarin to instead use the astromech R5-D4. However, IG-11's parts were still put to use when the Anzellans repurposed the assassin droid into a mech for Grogu, known as IG-12.
Later on, in exchange for completing unofficial missions for the New Republic in the Outer Rim Territories, Djarin requested the head of a decommissioned IG unit from Carson Teva. This head was used to reconstruct IG-11 from the remnants of IG-12. IG-11 was then appointed as the marshal of Nevarro, and was welcomed by the citizens of Nevarro City.

During the New Republic Era, IG-11, alternatively called Eyegee-Eleven, functioned as both a bounty hunter and an assassin, operating under the banner of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. In 9 ABY, IG-11 journeyed to Arvala-7, a desert world, after accepting a bounty to terminate Grogu, a Force-sensitive infant. Upon reaching a heavily defended encampment, he initiated the elimination of numerous Nikto mercenaries after they declined to adhere to subparagraph sixteen of the Bondsman Guild Protocol waiver, which stipulated that they were obligated to present the asset to IG-11.
After taking down a number of mercenaries, the droid unexpectedly encountered another bounty hunter, the Mandalorian Din Djarin, and shot his shoulder, causing him to fall. Once Djarin got back up, he proposed splitting the reward for the bounty on the target, which the droid accepted as long as he received the reputation merits associated with the mission. While they were talking, the pair was ambushed by more mercenaries who managed to surround and overwhelm them. In accordance with his programming, IG-11 attempted to activate his self-destruct mechanism on several times to ensure that his design would not be captured by the enemy, as per his manufacturer's protocols.

IG-11 was ultimately persuaded to continue fighting, and he distracted a Nikto-operated hoverturret, allowing Djarin to hijack it and use it to eliminate the remaining mercenaries. With the outpost's defenders eliminated, the droid and Djarin used the hijacked turret to breach a blast door and enter the building where Grogu was held. Inside, they found the target, revealed to be an infant of the same species as the famous Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Despite Djarin's insistence that they keep Grogu alive, IG-11 protested, stating that the commission explicitly stated that the target was to be terminated, in contrast to Djarin's assignment, which preferred the target to be captured alive. Raising his blaster to complete the task, the droid was shot in the head and destroyed by Djarin, who then took Grogu into his care.

Following his destruction, Kuiil, an Ugnaught vapor farmer, retrieved IG-11's body from the encampment, taking the droid's remains back to his moisture farm. With significant effort, Kuiil managed to repair the droid. Due to the damage inflicted by Djarin, little of the droid's neural harness remained, leaving him with no memories or abilities to speak of. Over many days, Kuiil gradually retrained the droid to assist him on his vapor farm, tending to the blurrgs and eventually preparing meals, among other simple tasks. Kuiil fostered IG-11's development with patience and encouragement.
During the droid's rehabilitation, he began to develop a new personality and a demeanor that seemed far friendlier than his previous incarnation. When Djarin returned to Arvala-7 with former shock trooper Carasynthia Dune to recruit Kuiil, the droid entered the Ugnaught's hut to offer the newcomers tea. Djarin and his companion immediately drew their blasters, aware of the threat the droid posed to Grogu. Kuiil explained that IG-11 had been reprogrammed and was no longer a hunter, but could still protect if necessary. Djarin still refused to trust the droid and reluctantly agreed to Kuiil's terms to bring the droid along on their mission.

IG-11 later joined Kuiil aboard the Razor Crest on the mission to the planet Nevarro to assist Djarin and his allies. During the trip, he prepared a meal for his companions, an offer that Djarin quickly declined. As per Djarin's orders, IG-11 remained aboard the Razor Crest for the duration of the mission. During the mission, Kuiil was shot down by Imperial scout troopers a short distance from the starship, while Djarin, Dune, and the Guild's agent Greef Karga were trapped in Nevarro's cantina by Imperial remnant forces led by Moff Gideon.

After Kuiil was killed by the Imperial scouts and Grogu was kidnapped, the two troopers stopped and waited for authorization to return to the city. During this time, the scouts repeatedly taunted and abused Grogu. IG-11 located them, demanding that they cease their actions and introducing himself as Grogu's nurse droid. Taken aback, the two imperial scouts laughingly demanded that the unusual IG droid leave. The droid then broke one of the trooper's arms and flipped him over before lifting the second trooper by his face-plate and repeatedly smashing him into his 74-Z speeder bike. Boarding the second speeder bike with the rescued infant, IG-11 set off into the city to rescue Djarin and his comrades.
As the droid approached the city, Djarin attempted to contact Kuiil via his comlink. IG-11 responded through the comlink stored in Grogu's sack, revealing that Kuiil had been killed. When Djarin asked what he had done, IG-11 stated that he was fulfilling his base function, which was to "nurse and protect." Making his way through the city on the bike, the droid eliminated many Imperial stormtroopers with his blasters, eventually reaching the cantina where his companions were trapped by Moff Gideon's troops. With the Imperials distracted by the droid's actions, Djarin, Dune, and Karga fought their way out of the cantina. IG-11 killed several stormtroopers alongside his allies, all the while protecting Grogu from harm. The group later retreated to the cantina after Djarin sustained a head injury.

IG-11 provided an escape route into the sewers by using a built-in plasma cutter. This allowed Dune and Karga to escape with Grogu, while the droid stayed behind with Djarin, who sought a warrior's death. The droid refused his request to kill him, reiterating that he was no longer a hunter, but was programmed to nurse and protect. He stated that he would need to remove Djarin's helmet in order to save the Mandalorian's life.
Despite initially refusing and threatening the droid, the injured warrior relented after realizing that IG-11 was not a living being and thus it would not break his oath to be seen unmasked. He then applied a bacta spray to Djarin's injury, and they rejoined the others in the sewer. He would follow Djarin to the covert of the Tribe. The droid provided protection to the group and the Armorer within, while they discussed the future of Grogu and re-equipped themselves.
IG-11 would later join his companions aboard a droid-driven barge on a river of lava. While on the barge, Djarin's imaging systems revealed that an entire platoon of stormtroopers was awaiting their arrival at the end of the river. Knowing that the Imperials would surely overpower the group, IG-11 deduced that the only way to fulfill his primary objective of protecting Grogu was to activate his built-in self-destruct mechanism in order to eliminate them.

Djarin, who had by that point come to trust the droid and was saddened by this prospect, insisted that there was another way through the trap. IG-11 stated that he would be fulfilling his purpose and that he should not be mourned, as he was never alive to begin with. Bidding Grogu farewell by stroking one of his ears, the assassin-turned-nurse droid then stepped off the barge and into the molten lava. Making his way through the river towards the Imperial ambush, the droid stopped before the troops. With his final words acknowledging his manufacturer's protocol, IG-11 self-destructed, killing the entire platoon of stormtroopers and saving Grogu and his companions. Djarin would later disable Gideon's TIE fighter and leave the planet with Grogu in his care.

Following the droid's destruction, the people of Nevarro City managed to recover some of his parts. They erected a statue in the market square to honor his sacrifice and commemorate his role in the planet's liberation. The statue was partially constructed from his remaining parts. When Djarin reunited with Karga and Dune in the flourishing Nevarro prior to the second skirmish on the planet, they passed by the memorial. The pirate Hondo Ohnaka learned of IG-11's exploits and recounted what he had heard in a book titled The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, where he admitted that he had doubts as to the veracity of the claims surrounding the droid's last stand. He also pondered whether the results of IG-11's reprogramming could be duplicated in the case of IG-88, another bounty hunter droid of the same model.
Some time later, Djarin returned to Nevarro with Grogu. Passing by the droid's memorial, Djarin asked Grogu if he remembered his friend, IG-11. They were then approached by Karga, now the High Magistrate, who was happy to see them back. After a showdown with pirates, Djarin asked Karga to take IG-11 back. Karga replied that IG-11 was destroyed, and that they were lucky to recover any of his parts. Djarin explained that he needed a droid he could trust to help him explore Mandalore, and Karga suggested taking another droid, but Djarin insisted. They took his parts that survived from the statue — his head, torso, and one limb. The statue remained with one limb and two legs.

Djarin connected the droid's remains to a power source, and IG-11 powered up, but he reverted to his original programming. Noticing Grogu, he recited subparagraph sixteen of the Bondsman Guild protocol and attempted to capture Grogu with his one limb. Djarin took Grogu away, but IG-11 managed to jump from the desk to the floor. Moving without legs, he crawled toward Djarin and Grogu. Djarin shot IG-11 to no avail, and when the droid reached his leg, Djarin threw Grogu in the air, passing him to Karga. Repeating "terminate asset," the droid turned around and crawled toward Karga, but Greef Karga's droid dropped a bust of Karga on IG-11's head, destroying the droid once again.
Karga told Djarin that it was too complex to repair IG by himself and instead took him to a droidsmith workshop run by a crew of Anzellan droidsmiths. The Anzellans could not fix the droid because his memory circuit was broken, and IG memory circuits were no longer manufactured and were difficult to find. They suggested he get a new droid instead. Djarin asked if they could fix it without the circuit, and the Anzellan replied that IG would not be able to "think." Djarin asked if they could fix IG if he found the part, and the Anzellan replied that they could.
Djarin later traveled to Tatooine, where he met Peli Motto. He asked her for a memory circuit for IG, but Peli replied that they had not been made for a while. They also asked Jawas, who could not find the part either. Instead, Peli suggested that Djarin could take R5-D4 for spelunking instead, and Djarin eventually agreed.

Despite the unsuccessful attempt to resurrect IG-11, his parts were not discarded. The Anzellan droidsmiths instead removed his memory circuit, repaired the assassin droid's basic motor functions, and transformed it into a mech for Grogu to control as IG-12. Karga gifted IG-12 to Grogu, much to Djarin's reluctance. The droid had two buttons that could be pressed to play the words "yes" and "no." Grogu used the droid throughout the battle to reclaim Mandalore. During the journey there, he broke up a fight between Paz Vizsla and Axe Woves. He later saved Djarin's life from Praetorian Guards; however, in the process, IG-12 was ultimately destroyed.
Following Carasynthia Dune's departure from Nevarro, the planet was left without a marshal. After the battle for Mandalore, Din Djarin visited Carson Teva and requested to work for the New Republic, knowing their struggles to deal with the Imperial Remnant. Djarin requested the head of an IG unit in return. This head was used to rebuild IG-11, and he was made the new marshal, to the cheers of the city's people.

IG-11 was an IG-series assassin droid featuring red sensors and gray and bronze plating. The droid's reinforced body could withstand sustained turret fire without sustaining significant damage. He would unhesitatingly place himself in harm's way if the situation demanded it. Thanks to his moving sensors, IG-11 had a sensory advantage on the battlefield. He was able to engage multiple targets simultaneously in both hand-to-hand and blaster combat. He was a skilled marksman with various weapons. IG-11 also demonstrated the ability to pilot a speeder bike while using his two blasters. The droid was also capable of lifting a scout trooper with one hand and repeatedly slamming him into his speeder bike to incapacitate him.
After his reprogramming and rehabilitation by Kuiil, IG-11 became a caring nurse droid. He was capable of preparing meals and pouring tea and was determined to protect those placed under his care. Despite being programmed to operate more peacefully, he was still capable of great brutality, continuing to engage in acts of violence, although exclusively when his allies were under threat. His new nature drove him to sacrifice himself to save his friends, viewing his self-destruction and the resulting death of their enemies as the only way to ensure his companions' survival.

IG-11 had two utility belts around his body and was armed with an E-11 medium blaster rifle and a DLT-20A blaster rifle. In addition to his blasters, IG-11 also had a detonator built into him as a self-destruct mechanism by his manufacturer in an effort to prevent his design from being stolen or copied. He was equipped with a plasma cutter to cut open grates, as well as a bacta spray storage supply, which he used to heal Djarin. He had plating that protected his internal neural processing unit and two ammunition bandoliers.

IG-11 is a character that was conceived for The Mandalorian, the live-action television show on Disney+ that premiered in 2019 on November 12, 2019. Jon Favreau, the series' creator, revealed an image of IG-11 on his Instagram account on December 25, 2018. Nick Gindraux, Ryan Church, and Christian Alzmann were the artists who developed the character's concept art. Alzmann stated that concept art depicting Kuiil holding the lifeless form of IG-11 was intended to mirror the Pietà, with Kuiil representing the Virgin Mary and IG-11 representing Jesus. Alzmann also created artwork to illustrate what he described as a "Frankenstein moment," where Kuiil tenderly puts IG-11 to bed. Church stated that he possibly drew inspiration from a Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western and contemplated how film director Sergio Leone would approach the scene where the droid defeats the two scout troopers on speeder bikes.

The initial footage of IG-11 was showcased in a trailer preceding the show's release. However, viewers mistakenly identified the droid as IG-88, a well-known bounty hunter droid who debuted in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. According to pre-release information, IG-11 was frequently confused with IG-88 in-universe, but the older character is never referenced in the show's first season. IG-11 was inspired by IG-88 as part of an effort to include background characters and concepts from the Star Wars original trilogy. To differentiate IG-11 from his predecessor, he was given orange stripes and a double bandolier. Concept supervisor Christian Alzmann equipped the droid with hands to improve his blaster handling, a feature that IG-88 lacked. Dave Filoni, the series director and producer, intentionally introduced IG-11 as a new character to avoid contradicting the Star Wars Legends stories about IG-88.
Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, a reference book released in 2022, states that IG-11 has a height of 1.93 meters. This appears to conflict with the 2021 book Star Wars: Character Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition, which lists his height as 2.19 meters. This inconsistency could be interpreted as an in-universe error, given that Secrets of the Bounty Hunters is written from the viewpoint of the character Hondo Ohnaka.

Taika Waititi provided the voice for the character, and he also directed "Chapter 8: Redemption." Waititi mentioned that his character was very innocent, straightforward, and unaware of sarcasm, and incapable of lying. He likened IG-11 to a child wielding a weapon. Rio Hackford, who also portrayed Riot Mar in "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger," performed the motion-capture work.
The animation team opted not to use a live actor for motion-capture in certain scenes due to the droid's unique and linear design. This would not allow them to give IG-11 the unnatural, angular movements impossible for a human performer. The props department developed a puppet of the character's upper body capable of rotating its head. The puppet proved to be more useful during filming than originally anticipated and was used in medium shots, and its awkward movements ultimately became part of the droid's character.