Riot Mar

Riot Mar, a male human who operated as a bounty hunter for the Bounty Hunters' Guild, sought to capture the bounty known as Grogu during 9 ABY. He pursued Din Djarin, the Mandalorian, who was also a bounty hunter but had betrayed the Guild. Mar piloted his uniquely modified Helix J-104 starfighter in this endeavor. He located the Mandalorian in space orbiting the Outer Rim planet Tatooine and launched an attack on Djarin's gunship, the Razor Crest. However, Djarin killed Mar in the ensuing combat, resulting in the destruction of Mar's fighter.


During the era of the New Republic, Riot Mar was employed as a bounty hunter within the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Following an incident in 9 ABY on the planet Nevarro, where the Mandalorian Din Djarin double-crossed the Guild and absconded with a bounty, the infant Grogu, Mar endeavored to reclaim the child from the Mandalorian. Piloting his personal starfighter, a customized Helix J-104 starfighter, the bounty hunter engaged Djarin's gunship, the Razor Crest, in the space above the Outer Rim planet Tatooine. He successfully pursued the traitor, firing upon him. Approaching the Razor Crest, Mar demanded Grogu's surrender, offering to spare the infant's life and later implying he might spare Djarin as well.

Riot Mar was killed by Din Djarin.

After damaging one of the gunship's engines, Mar was confident that he had his target cornered and continued to fire, spinning his vessel as he chased the Crest. Djarin then rotated the Razor Crest, but was unable to lose the bounty hunter; however, the Mandalorian then rapidly decelerated the gunship. Caught off guard, Mar barely avoided colliding with the Razor Crest, clipping a wing on one of its engines, but was killed when Djarin opened fire on the bounty hunter's vessel and destroyed it. Mar's last scream echoed through the Crest's comm at that moment. The skirmish resulted in several damages to the Razor Crest, including a fuel leak that Djarin later repaired on Tatooine.

Personality and traits

Riot Mar was a human male, standing at 1.93 meters tall (6 feet, 4 inches), with a fair complexion, gray hair, and gray eyes. Although he was willing to show mercy to his targets if it aided in their capture, he was also prepared to shoot them if it simplified the hunt. When demanding that Din Djarin surrender Grogu, he suggested he might even spare the Mandalorian if he complied. He projected a cocky and overconfident demeanor to Djarin, developing a false sense of security after inflicting damage on the Razor Crest. Mar's ego sometimes led him to overestimate his capabilities and chances of survival.

Skills and abilities

Riot Mar pursued the Razor Crest in his fighter.

Mar was a skilled tracker and an experienced pilot proficient in shooting and hunting.


Mar wore a yellow pressurized g-suit that incorporated a life support system, featuring an air supply hose connected to his black breath mask adorned with a pattern of white predatory teeth. He also wore brown pants, gloves, a belt, a white helmet with a yellow blast shield, also featuring a white teeth pattern, and red earphones. Mar piloted a customized Helix J-104 starfighter equipped with technology tailored for ship-to-ship combat.

Behind the scenes

Concept art for Riot Mar in his fighter by Ryan Church and Brian Matyas

Riot Mar made his debut in "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger," which was the fifth episode of the first season of The Mandalorian, a television series available on Disney+. It was broadcast on December 6, 2019. Rio Hackford played the character, and also provided the motion-capture performance for the IG-series assassin droid IG-11 in the same show. Brian Matyas was the primary artist who created the concept art for Mar, while Ryan Church contributed significantly to the design of Mar's fighter. Given a description of Mar, including a crazy exotic helmet and many aviation patches, Matyas envisioned a decorated pilot reminiscent of the 1986 film Top Gun and researched clothing from the Cold War period.

Matyas's initial design for Mar reminded him of a World War II pilot. He was also asked to incorporate intimidating shapes into the bounty hunter's design, leading to another version of Mar that resembled an Uruk'hai from the Lord of the Rings series. In another iteration, Matyas drew inspiration from a TIE fighter pilot and the character Boba Fett, although the resulting armor appeared too expensive for a character whose screen time would be limited. He also created numerous designs for toothy mouths, attempting to integrate them into a respirator design. Doug Chiang, the art director, suggested placing the mouth where the muzzle met the visor, which Matyas found appealing; he likened the concept to the teeth designs found on the noses of bombers.

Rio Hackford filming in the cockpit of Riot Mar's starfighter.

The filming of "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger" occurred between January 9 and February 12 of 2019. The scenes depicting Mar inside his fighter were shot using only a partially constructed cockpit and an LED screen in the background to simulate the changing position of realspace around Mar's fighter as it maneuvered. In Joe Schreiber's 2021 junior novelization of The Mandalorian Season One, Mar's two lines "Hand over the child, Mando." and "I might let you live." from the episode were combined into a single sentence. This article retains his dialogue as it was originally presented in "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger."

