IG-88, an assassin droid of the IG series.
The IG assassin droids, also referred to as IG-series assassin droids, represented a specific line of assassin droids. These droids were produced by the Laboratories and Mechanicals divisions of Holowan, forming a segment of their broader IG-series which included enforcer and security droids. They were equipped with built-in concussion grenade launchers and flamethrowers, along with acid-resistant servo wires. Predominantly illegal across the galaxy, examples of IG assassin droid models were the IG-86 sentinel droid and the IG-88 assassin droid. Additional IG assassin droids included BK-86, IG-11, IG-70, and IG-90. One IG unit opted to become a member of the Second Revelation, being present when Ajax Sigma proposed a shift away from violent methods, ultimately leading to the group's transformation into a droid church.