
AP-1982 was a scout trooper of the human male variety. During the New Republic Era, he served in an Imperial remnant under the command of Moff Gideon. In the vicinity of 9 ABY, following the displacement of its inhabitants by Gideon's forces, he and fellow scout trooper JS-1975 were stationed at the entrance of Nevarro's city. After intercepting a communication from Din Djarin, the troopers mobilized, successfully capturing Grogu, the asset Gideon sought. Upon reaching the city's limits, while awaiting authorization to proceed, they encountered IG-11, who swiftly neutralized them and secured the Child.


Guarding the city

Serving under Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant during the New Republic Era, AP-1982, a human male, was a scout trooper. Circa 9 ABY, this [trooper](/article/trooper] was stationed at the gateway to Nevarro's city alongside JS-1975, another scout trooper, after Gideon's army had driven out the populace.

AP-1982 and JS-1975, on duty at the entrance to Nevarro's city.

When Greef Karga, an agent of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, arrived with Din Djarin in cuffs, accompanied by Carasynthia Dune and Grogu's pram, AP-1982 requested his chain code. Karga initially deflected, suggesting he had a gift for their leader, but complied after AP-1982's renewed demand. While the code was being scanned, AP-1982 offered twenty credits for Djarin's beskar helmet, which Karga declined, stating his intention to display it. The code was then returned to Karga, and they were permitted to enter the city.

Later, Gideon and his forces confronted Karga and his allies outside the city's cantina, effectively trapping them. The two troopers overheard a communication from Djarin, revealing the Child's precise location. Reacting swiftly, they mounted their speeder bikes and pursued him, finding him with the Ugnaught Kuiil and his blurrg. They opened fire on Kuiil, fatally wounding him and his blurrg, causing the Child to fall. JS-1975 then retrieved the infant, placing him in a sack, and returned to the city with AP-1982, delivering him into Gideon's custody.

Standing by

AP-1982 and JS-1975, awaiting orders.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the city, AP-1982 stood by as JS-1975 contacted the operator, seeking clearance to enter. He overheard the exchange and learned that Gideon's forces had eliminated a local trooper squad. Questioning this action, JS-1975 rationalized that officers like Gideon always enforced their authority upon entering a town. AP-1982 inquired about the contents of the sack, but JS-1975 dismissed the question, stating that he did not question Gideon's directives. AP-1982 then asked if he could take a peek, but was denied and reminded of Gideon's actions in the city, which were intended to make a statement, and was asked if he understood.

After confirming his understanding, AP-1982, out of sheer boredom, drew his blaster and began firing at a nearby object, failing to hit it even once. Prompted by this, JS-1975 joined in, and both attempted to hit the object, but with equal lack of success. AP-1982 then suggested they should give the Child some water, but JS-1975 accused him of simply wanting to see the Child. AP-1982 countered that he had already seen him when he put him in the sack, but was reminded that he had barely glimpsed the infant during the pickup and that he would not take the infant out until he was delivered to Gideon.

IG-11 rendering the troopers incapacitated.

After JS-1975 made another attempt to contact the operator, AP-1982 expressed his concern for the Child's well-being, noting that he had taken a hard hit. He argued that Gideon would not be pleased to receive a dead infant in the sack, prompting JS-1975 to open it and show the Child to him. As he examined the Child, poking his forehead, the Child bit his finger, and AP-1982 retaliated with a punch. Immediately following this, they were confronted by IG-11, who identified himself as the infant's nurse droid. They drew their blasters, questioning his model, as they believed IG droids were typically bounty hunters. As the droid advanced, he incapacitated AP-1982 with the sack and seized JS-1975's head, slamming him against his speeder, knocking him unconscious. IG-11 then commandeered the other bike, secured the Child, and headed towards the city. Ultimately, AP-1982's curiosity proved fatal.

Personality and traits

AP-1982, showing interest while observing the Child

AP-1982 remained largely unfazed when reminded of Gideon's actions within the city, after inquiring whether he could look at the Child. He initially showed concern for the Child after JS-1975 roughed him up, but then punched the infant himself when he bit AP-1982's finger during the inspection.


AP-1982's equipment consisted of the standard armor issued to scout troopers, although his appeared noticeably dirtier. He was also equipped with a 74-Z speeder bike and an EC-17 hold-out blaster, both typical for scout troopers.

Behind the scenes

Adam Pally and Jason Sudeikis portraying the scout troopers on the set of The Mandalorian

AP-1982 made his debut in "Chapter 7: The Reckoning" of The Mandalorian, the television series on Disney+, which was directed by Deborah Chow and broadcast on December 18, 2019. Credited as "Biker Scout Trooper #2," the role was played by Adam Pally. He was later identified in an update to the 2015 video game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. The name AP-1982 is a derivation of Adam Pally's initials combined with his birth year.

