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"Chapter 7: The Reckoning" marks the seventh installment in the first season of the The Mandalorian TV series. Deborah Chow took the director's chair for this episode, which premiered on Disney+ on December 18, 2019.
While aboard the Razor Crest, the Mandalorian receives a hologram from Greef Karga, who leads the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Greef informs the Mandalorian that the Client's rule over his city has become "despotic," disrupting the Guild's operations. The Guild views the Client as a shared foe but lacks the means to approach and eliminate him. Greef proposes a deal: the Mandalorian will deliver the Child to Nevarro as a lure to get rid of the Client. If successful, the Mandalorian can keep the Child, and Greef will clear his name with the Guild. Greef asserts that a "man of honor" shouldn't live in exile and awaits the Mandalorian's decision.
After contemplating Greef's offer and observing the sleeping Child, the Mandalorian pilots the Razor Crest into hyperspace. Upon arriving on Sorgan, the Mandalorian revisits the common house where Carasynthia Dune is currently engaged in a boxing match against a male Zabrak fighter. The combatants are connected by a laser tether as they box. Despite the Zabrak's superior strength, Cara gains the upper hand and wins. Several onlookers, including the defeated Zabrak, compensate her.
Shortly after, the Mandalorian enters with the Child and asks if she is seeking employment. He explains Greef's proposition, emphasizing that they are providing the plan and the firepower. Cara mentions that she was advised to keep a low profile due to a bounty on her head. However, she reconsiders when the Mandalorian reveals they will be fighting against a former Imperial warlord.
While aboard the Razor Crest, Cara inquires whether Greef is aware of her involvement. When the Mandalorian confirms that Greef is not, Cara suggests this could pose a problem but ultimately decides it is Greef's concern. The Mandalorian and Cara proceed to the armory to acquire weapons. Cara questions whether the Mandalorian trusts Greef. The Mandalorian admits his reservations but explains that they cannot continue evading hunters and that the Guild will persist in its pursuit until the Child is killed. He expresses his need for her assistance.
At that moment, the Child begins playing with the starship's controls, causing it to swerve abruptly. The Mandalorian and Cara regain control of the Razor Crest. Cara suggests they need someone to supervise the Child and asks the Mandalorian if he knows a trustworthy individual.
They journey to Kuiil's moisture farm on Arvala-7. Kuiil comments on the Child's lack of growth and speculates that he was not genetically engineered due to his seemingly natural evolution. The Ugnaught jokes that Cara Dune was "farmed" in the Cytocaves of Nora. The Mandalorian introduces Cara and clarifies that she served as a rebel shock trooper. Kuiil reveals that he served on the "other side" as an indentured servant but fulfilled his obligations before gaining his freedom.
A reprogrammed IG-11 enters, offering tea. Cara and the Mandalorian raise their weapons, but Kuiil instructs them to lower them. Kuiil explains that he discovered IG-11 in the encampment and claimed the deactivated droid as his own, as permitted by the Charter of the New Republic. Despite the extensive damage to its neural harness, he repaired IG-11. He elaborates that the droid had to relearn everything from the beginning. While the droid struggled with tasks, Kuiil dedicated time to nurturing its development with "patience and affirmation." He states that IG-11 developed a personality shaped by its experiences, becoming more proficient in its duties. The Mandalorian remains wary of IG-11, but Kuiil assures him that the droid will provide protection. IG-11 offers tea once more.
Later, he tells Kuill that he wishes to engage his services. Kuiil declines to enter into another service arrangement, having freed himself from indentured servitude. The Mandalorian seeks to hire Kuiil to care for the Child. Kuiil proposes reprogramming IG-11 to serve as a nanny, but the Mandalorian refuses to allow the droid near the Child, recalling its previous attempt to kill him. Kuiil clarifies that IG-11 was programmed to do so. He posits that droids are neither inherently good nor bad but rather neutral reflections of their programmers.
The Mandalorian disagrees, but Kuiil urges him to trust him. He insists that IG-11 will accompany them. Kuiil refuses payment, stating that he is acting to protect the Child from Imperial slavery. He pledges to ensure that the "old ways" are eradicated forever. The Mandalorian agrees, and Kuiil persuades him to bring the blurrgs along as well.
The blurrgs are confined in the cargo hold of the Razor Crest. Cara Dune and the Mandalorian engage in an arm-wrestling match. Believing the Mandalorian is in danger, the Child uses the Force to strangle Cara until the Mandalorian assures him that she is their friend. Kuill observes that the Child is curious, while Cara expresses her fear. Kuiil now comprehends the Mandalorian's encounter with the mudhorn but is unable to identify the phenomenon. Cara inquires about Kuiil's escape from Imperial indentured servitude. Kuiil responds that he earned his freedom through his skilled hands and the equivalent of three human lifetimes of labor, advising her not to doubt him.
The Mandalorian seeks Kuiil's assistance in padding the Child's pram. Kuiil explains that this demonstrates how he achieved freedom from servitude through his craftsmanship. While Kuiil works on the pram, the Mandalorian asks Cara if she has visited Nevarro. Cara has not, but she notes that the New Republic suffered significant losses there. She explains that the city is heavily fortified and offers no cover. Cara adds that it remained under Imperial control until the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War.
The Mandalorian reveals that the Client was a former Imperial officer who destroyed an Imperial safe house. He suspects the presence of additional ex-Imperial forces. The Mandalorian distrusts IG-11 and refuses to allow it to care for the Child.
The Razor Crest lands in a secluded area of Nevarro. Greef Karga and three other bounty hunters, including a human, Nikto, and a Trandoshan, greet them. Greef explains that he arranged the rendezvous in a remote location because the town is now controlled by former Imperial forces. The Mandalorian, Kuiil, and Cara ride blurrgs, while IG-11 remains on the ship.
Greef suggests that the former rebel shock trooper stay behind to protect the ship from Jawas in the lava fields. The Mandalorian insists that Cara accompany them. Greef concedes but advises Cara to conceal her rebel tattoo. Greef also obtains permission from the Mandalorian to see and hold the Child, whom he finds adorable. Greef recommends they traverse the lava fields and find a campsite for the night as dusk approaches.
That night, they build a campfire and grill a four-legged creature. Greef observes that the Child is a carnivore based on his eating habits. Greef and the Mandalorian review the plan, which involves entering the common house, presenting the Client with the bait, and then eliminating him at the table. When the Mandalorian inquires about reinforcements, Greef claims they are mercenaries, but the Mandalorian is skeptical. Greef asserts that there are only four bodyguards and that nothing can go wrong.
Suddenly, a native reptavian swoops down and scratches Greef's arm. The group is attacked by several winged creatures. The Mandalorian secures the Child in his pram. He and his companions fire at the winged creatures. The winged creatures capture a blurrg and the Trandoshan bounty hunter. One of the winged creatures attempts to seize another blurrg but is shot dead. The Mandalorian manages to repel the creatures with his flamethrower.
Greef sustains a severe wound to his right arm from the winged creature's venomous claws. Greef believes his death is imminent. Cara dismisses his dramatics and asks if anyone has medpacs. Lacking any, the Child heals Greef's arm using the Force. Greef, Kuill, Cara, the Mandalorian, and the other bounty hunters are astonished by the Child's abilities.
The following day, the group resumes their journey. Greef's two remaining hunters attempt to ambush and kill the Mandalorian and Cara. However, Greef shoots them dead. Greef confesses that their original intention was to kill them and seize the "kid." Greef claims he couldn't proceed after the Child healed him. Greef persuades the Mandalorian and Cara to spare his life, arguing that the Child will not be safe if he is killed. He reveals that the Client is obsessed with the Child.
Cara is skeptical, but Kuiil convinces her and the Mandalorian to listen to Greef. Greef argues that they share a common goal in eliminating the Client. He proposes using the Child as bait to reach the Client. The Mandalorian devises a plan to surrender himself so he can kill the Client. Cara deems this insane, but the Mandalorian insists it is the only option.
The four formulate a plan to use the Child's pram as a decoy while sending Kuiil and the Child back to the Razor Crest. Cara will accompany the decoy pram. The Mandalorian instructs Kuiil to engage ground security protocols upon entering the ship. Kuiil pledges to protect the Child and advises Cara to conceal her rebel markings.
Kuill rides back to the ship with the Child on the remaining blurrg, while Greef and Cara bring the restrained Mandalorian and the pram to the town. They encounter two scout troopers on 74-Z speeder bikes at the gate. The scout troopers demand a chain code from Greef, who complies. The three observe that the town is teeming with stormtroopers. Greef explains that the Imperials increased their presence after the Mandalorian raided their safe house.
The three enter a cantina where they meet the Client and four stormtrooper bodyguards. Greef informs the Client that he and Cara have brought the Mandalorian and the Child. Greef expresses interest in the Mandalorian's beskar armor. The Client instructs an RA-7 protocol droid to serve Greef a drink as a reward for completing their deal. The Client laments the folly of Mandalore's resistance to Imperial expansion and asserts that the Empire improves every system it touches, bringing safety, prosperity, trade, and peace. He favorably compares Imperial rule to the state of the galaxy following the revolution, which he claims has only brought chaos and death.
The Client requests to see the Child. Greef claims the Child is asleep, but the Client insists they will be quiet. A stormtrooper informs Greef that he has received an urgent call. A stormtrooper sets up a holoprojector, while the Mandalorian persuades Greef to release his restraints and hand him a blaster. Cara believes their odds are poor.
The Client speaks with Moff Gideon, who asks if they have brought the Child. The Client confirms that it is sleeping. Gideon instructs him to check again. Death Troopers open fire on the cantina from outside, killing the Client and his stormtroopers, while the Mandalorian, Cara, and Greef take cover behind a table. The RA-7 protocol droid is caught in the crossfire.
The Mandalorian, Cara, and Greef soon discover that the cantina is surrounded by a line of death troopers. An Imperial Troop Transport arrives, carrying a contingent of stormtroopers. Cara realizes they are outnumbered. The Mandalorian contacts Kuiil via comlink and instructs him to flee. However, their conversation is intercepted by the scout troopers, who pursue Kuiil on their speeder bikes.
Shortly thereafter, Moff Gideon arrives in an Outland TIE fighter equipped with retractable solar collectors. He exits the TIE fighter and informs the Mandalorian and his companions that they possess something he desires. He claims they have no idea what they possess. As the Mandalorian attempts to contact Kuiil, the scout troopers close in on their speeder bikes.
Gideon declares that the Child will be his shortly, as Kuiil approaches the Razor Crest and lowers the ramp. Gideon adds that the Child is more valuable to him than they can comprehend. The Mandalorian contacts Kuiil, but receives no response. He and his blurrg steed have been shot dead by the scout troopers. A scout trooper picks up the Child.

Filming for this episode occurred from October 29 to November 12, 2018, immediately following "Chapter 3: The Sin" and "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian." The same actors and sets were used extensively in all three episodes. Members of the 501st Legion, a Star Wars costuming fan group, participated as extras due to a shortage of stormtrooper costumes among the production team.