Nevarro reptavian

The planet of Nevarro was the homeworld of the Nevarro reptavians, a species of predatory, winged reptavian creatures. These venomous animals were nocturnal hunters; a group of them once launched a surprise attack on a group of mercenaries and bounty hunters who were sitting around a campfire, carrying off one of their hunters, along with two blurrgs, and also inflicting injuries upon Greef Karga.

Biology and appearance

One of the creatures lifting a blurrg.

The reptavians possessed scaly, dry skin and a dragon-like appearance, with an average wingspan of 11.44 meters. These reptilian beasts had brownish eyes, a pointed snout, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. Hunting in flocks, Nevarro reptavians were primarily active at night, using the darkness to their advantage. They were potentially strong enough to lift a fully-grown blurrg and carry it away. They would then transport their captured prey back to their offspring to feed them. These creatures were armed with very large, venomous claws and massive, sharp canine teeth, which could cause severe and potentially deadly wounds. Wounds inflicted by reptavian claws could be several inches deep and wide, typically appearing as a row of three or four scratches. Their bites and scratches were considered critical medical emergencies if not treated immediately, as the venom rapidly spread throughout the victim's body, eventually leading to cardiac arrest and organ failure.


One of the creatures attacks a camp of mercenaries and bounty hunters.

A group of reptavians attacked a camp of bounty hunters and mercenaries in 9 ABY, managing to capture two of their three blurrgs (one of which was hit by friendly fire from the bounty hunters) and one of the hunters, a Trandoshan. The creatures were only repelled after one of them was fatally injured by a flamethrower. Although medpacs proved ineffective against the venom, an infant known as Grogu employed the Force to heal Greef's wound, saving his life and leaving him astonished.

Behind the scenes

The reptavians made their debut in "Chapter 7: The Reckoning," an episode from the first season of The Mandalorian, a television series created by Jon Favreau. Deborah Chow directed the episode, which was broadcast on Disney+ on December 18, 2019. The creature's design drew inspiration from Ralph McQuarrie's original concepts for dragonsnake creatures in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. For the reptavians' wings, artist Christian Alzmann looked to the wings of flying dinosaurs, such as pteranodons.

