Chapter 6: The Prisoner
The sixth installment of The Mandalorian's first season is entitled "Chapter 6: The Prisoner." Rick Famuyiwa directed this episode, which was broadcast on December 13, 2019 via the Disney+ streaming service.
The Mandalorian's ship, the Razor Crest, touches down in a hangar bay located in a space station. Ranzar Malk, a bearded man known as "Ran," greets him. Ran expresses his surprise at the Mandalorian's presence and that he had contacted him. Knowing about the conflict between the Mandalorian and the Bounty Hunters' Guild, Ran assures the Mandalorian that he's always welcome.
Ran informs the Mandalorian that one of their allies has encountered trouble with rivals, and he is assembling a team to rescue him. He states that he requires the Mandalorian for a five-person operation. Ran mentions that he needs the Mandalorian's ship. The Mandalorian objects, but Ran asserts that the Razor Crest is the sole reason he allowed him entry.
Left with few options, Ran presents him to Migs Mayfeld, a bald human male companion, and introduces the Mandalorian as a former comrade who has enhanced their reputation. When Mayfeld inquires about the "Mando"'s compensation, Ran replies that he gained target practice. The Mandalorian responds that it occurred a long time ago.
Ran then declares that Mayfeld will be in command of the mission. He reveals that Mayfeld was an Imperial sharpshooter, to which Din responds with sarcasm. Offended, Mayfeld retorts that he was not a stormtrooper. Mayfeld expresses contempt for the Razor Crest, comparing it to a "Canto Bight slot machine." Mayfeld proceeds to introduce the Mandalorian to his other associates, including Burg, a Devaronian, Zero, a droid, and Xi'an, a female Twi'lek.
Xi'an questions the Mandalorian about why she shouldn't kill him on the spot. She brandishes a dagger before attempting to flirt with the Mandalorian, with whom she had a past relationship. Ran intervenes, telling the "lovebirds" to cease their interaction before departing with the others. Burg assesses the Mandalorian and mocks him, labeling him "tiny."
While inspecting the Razor Crest's systems, Zero intercepts a distorted hologram transmission from Greef Karga. Mayfeld briefs the team, explaining that the package is being transported in a heavily guarded ship. They have a limited timeframe to infiltrate the ship and retrieve the prisoner before it enters hyperspace. The Mandalorian emphasizes that they are raiding a New Republic Correctional Transport, indicating that their friend was apprehended by the authorities. Ran insists that a job is a job, but the Mandalorian hesitates to provoke the New Republic. Xi'an attempts to persuade the Mandalorian by stating that the ship is manned by droids, appealing to his anti-droid sentiment.
Zero reports that the ship is in disarray, despite recent certifications, citing leaking hyperlinks, erratic navigation, and a hyperdrive operating at 67.3% efficiency. He questions why they are not utilizing newer ships. Ran replies that the Razor Crest is undetectable by both Imperial and New Republic grids, making it a "ghost." Mayfeld adds that they require a ship capable of jamming New Republic codes. His strategy involves boarding the ship through its blind spot.
The Mandalorian deems this impossible, but Mayfeld counters that Zero will be the pilot. Ran argues that the team requires him on the trigger rather than at the controls. Zero claims that he is faster and more intelligent than organics. Ran assures the Mandalorian that he is the best. When the Mandalorian inquires about trusting the droid, Ran responds that he trusts no one. The Mandalorian departs the space station with Ran's crew aboard the Razor Crest.
In the cargo hold, Xi'an instructs Burg to sit down, but he knocks the dagger out of her hand, prompting her to hiss at him. In the cockpit, Zero pilots the ship into hyperspace and informs the Mandalorian that he will be in control. The Mandalorian complies and joins the passengers. Meanwhile, Burg manages to unlock the Mandalorian's gun cabinet. The Mandalorian confronts Burg for opening his gun cabinet, but Mayfeld intervenes, assuring them that they will never see each other again after the job is completed.
Burg questions the team's need for a Mandalorian, and Mayfeld replies that they are the greatest warriors in the galaxy. Burg asks why they are dead, prompting laughter. Mayfeld mentions that Xi'an flew with Mandalorians, and Xi'an requests the Mandalorian to recount the job on Alzoc III. The Mandalorian is uneasy and responds that he did what he had to do. Xi'an retorts that he "liked it."
Mayfeld expresses curiosity about the Mandalorian's appearance without his helmet and jokes that he is a Gungan. Mayfeld challenges the Mandalorian to remove his helmet. Burg attempts to force his helmet off, but the Mandalorian retaliates, and the two inadvertently open a compartment, revealing the Child. Mayfeld is intrigued by the Child and inquires whether it is the offspring of the Mandalorian and Xi'an. The Mandalorian asserts that it is a pet. Xi'an is taken aback and asks if the Bounty Hunter Code has softened him. Mayfeld jokes about adopting the Child as his pet as Zero announces that the Razor Crest is exiting hyperspace.
The Razor Crest emerges from hyperspace directly above the New Republic prison ship, executing a sharp turn before landing on its hull. The abrupt jolt causes the passengers to stumble; the Child falls to the ground and cries. The Mandalorian soothes the Child and returns him to his cot. Xi'an complains that Zero did not provide a countdown. Zero announces that the Razor Crest is disrupting the prison ship's signal and expresses astonishment that the ship survived the Empire without being impounded. The Mandalorian opens a hatch beneath the Razor Crest, granting them access to the New Republic prison ship.
Mayfeld is the first to descend, evading several R1 Security Droids. He signals Xi'an and Burg to follow. He instructs Zero to hack into the control room and disable the ship's surveillance system. The Mandalorian joins Mayfeld's boarding team. Mayfeld advises them to avoid any contact with security droids. Zero informs them that he has breached the surveillance system and will act as their eyes.
The boarders navigate the prison ship's corridors, passing numerous humanoid and alien prisoners. Zero directs them to turn left at the junction to reach the control room. The group encounters a MSE-6 series repair droid, which attempts to flee, but Burg destroys it with his blaster, much to Mayfeld's dismay. The group is then ambushed by four N5 sentry droids.
The boarders seek refuge from the blaster bolts at the corridor's edges. Mayfeld reveals that he has multiple blaster arms attached to his harness. Mayfeld believes that the Mandalorian has abandoned them. However, the Mandalorian ambushes the security droids from behind, disabling one by slicing its foot with a vibro-knife. He fires at another. One of the droids seizes him and throws him against a cell door. He engages in hand-to-hand combat with the droid before breaking free.
The Mandalorian then employs his whipcord to pull down another droid before tearing off its head. He incinerates one of the two remaining droids with his flamethrower before shooting off the head of the fourth droid. Mayfeld and his associates observe while the prisoners cheer and shout in alien languages. However, Mayfeld does not express gratitude to the Mandalorian and instructs him to "clean up his mess." Zero aids them by diverting the security alert away from their location.
As they approach the control room, Mayfeld directs Zero to open the door. They are confronted by a blue-uniformed New Republic soldier who aims his blaster at them and demands that they lay down their weapons. Mayfeld discovers that the prisoner they are rescuing is in Cell 221. The Mandalorian and Mayfeld attempt to reason with the New Republic soldier, but he activates a tracking beacon, which will alert New Republic reinforcements.
Xi'an is angered that Mayfeld withheld this information from her. The Mandalorian addresses the New Republic soldier, named Lant Davan, stating that they are only there to free a prisoner and not to kill him. Mayfeld disagrees, but the Mandalorian warns that killing him will draw New Republic firepower upon them.
He demands that the Mandalorian remove the blaster from his face. The Mandalorian refuses, and Burg points his blaster at him. Before a standoff can occur, Xi'an fatally stabs Davan with her dagger. However, they realize that the dying OCAS activated the tracking beacon prior to her OCAS. OCAS warns that they have twenty minutes before the New Republic arrives.
Xi'an replies they only need five minutes. On the way, they encounter a black hover security droid, but Burg throws the droid to the floor with brute force, incapacitating it. A second hover security droid appears, but Burg hurls the fallen first droid at it, knocking it out. The two droids explode into flames.
They eventually reach the prison cell, which Zero unlocks after warning them that they have fifteen minutes remaining. Inside the cell, they find the prisoner, Qin, whom the Mandalorian recognizes. Qin scolds the Mandalorian for abandoning him the last time he saved him. Burg throws the Mandalorian into the cell while Xi'an and Qin embrace, revealing that they are siblings. Xi'an tells the imprisoned Mandalorian that he "deserved it."
Meanwhile, Zero examines the Razor Crest's transmissions and learns about the Mandalorian's troubles with Greef Karga. He informs Mayfeld and his team that they have ten minutes remaining. The Mandalorian traps a humanoid New Republic security droid walking past his cell with his grappling cable. The droid struggles, showering his cell with blaster bolts. He manages to disable the droid and recover one of its arms, using it to unlock the cell.
The Mandalorian returns to the control room while Zero informs Mayfeld and his team that he has escaped. Xi'an is enraged and tells Mayfeld they should have killed him. However, the Mandalorian locks them behind blast doors, separating Mayfeld and Qin from Burg and Xi'an. Zero tells Mayfeld and his team that the comms are not working, and that they are on their own.
Zero hears the Child's voice and sees the Child outside the cockpit; the droid is curious. Qin convinces Mayfeld and and the others to split up into order to kill the Mandalorian and find a way back to the ship. Xi'an demands that Zero give them a path. The droid fetches a blaster to hunt down the Child but he has slipped away. Qin demands that Mayfeld get him off the ship. When Mayfeld asks about leaving his sister behind, Qin ominously responds, "What about her?" before taking a blaster from Mayfeld. The Mandalorian watches Xi'an and Burg from the surveillance cameras. He grabs the tracking beacon.
Qin convinces Mayfeld to hunt down the Mandalorian in return for getting triple what Ran is promising him. Mayfeld agrees, but tells Qin to keep his promises. While Xi'an and Burg hunt for the Mandalorian, Zero searches for the Child in the Razor Crest's cargo bay. The Child hides among the stored goods.
Meanwhile, Burg enters the control room but is ambushed by the Mandalorian who chokes him with his grappling cable. Burg pulls him down the ceiling and the two fight in hand to hand combat. The Mandalorian unleashes his flamethrower on Burg, but is unable to slow down the Devaronian, whose skin is seemingly flame resistant. Burg hurls him against a console, and Xi'an hears the commotion in the control room. The Mandalorian hurls a knife at the blast door controls, causing the vertically closing blast door to crash down on him. However, he is able to hold the closing blast door up using his raw strength. The Mandalorian unleashes a second set of horizontally closing blast doors, which incapacitates Burg.
Xi'an seeks vengeance against the Mandalorian and asks Zero where is he. Zero is preoccupied with hunting down the Child, who is hiding from him. Mayfeld shoots three humanoid security droids. Xi'an fights the Mandalorian with several knives but he manages to grab and subdue her. Mayfeld approaches a blast door and spots a mouse droid which spooks him. The Mandalorian ambushes Mayfeld from behind. Meanwhile, Zero hears a door opening from behind.
Qin reaches the ladder leading back to the Razor Crest, but the Mandalorian catches up with him. Qin assumes that the Mandalorian killed the others, though the Mandalorian replies they got what they deserved. Qin convinces the Mandalorian not to kill him by offering him to pay him more than they were offering, reminding him that he was hired to do a job. Zero finds the Child hiding in his room. The Child raises his right hand. Just then, the Mandalorian appears and shoots the droid from behind. The Child looks at his right hand in surprise before turning around, seeing the Mandalorian holding his blaster.
The Mandalorian leaves with Qin and the Child aboard the Razor Crest. He travels through hyperspace back to Ran's space station. The Razor Crest lands in the hangar and the Mandalorian returns with Qin. Qin embraces Ran. When Ran asks where the others are, the Mandalorian reminds him of the bounty hunting policy of asking no questions about the job. Ran pays the Mandalorian in cash, and the two reminisce about the "good old days." The Razor Crest then departs the space station.
After the Mandalorian leaves, Ran activates a lift that brings up a gunship and tasks Qin with killing him. However, Qin finds that the Mandalorian has left the tracking beacon on him, allowing the New Republic to track them down. Three New Republic X-wing starfighters exit hyperspace, narrowly avoiding the Razor Crest. The three pilots, Trapper Wolf, Jib Dodger, and Sash Ketter pick up on the homing beacon and see a gunship being launched. After destroying the gunship, they strafe the space station.
The Mandalorian takes the Razor Crest into hyperspace. The Child sits in the co-pilot seat. The Mandalorian gives him a ball from one of the levers to play with and says he told him it was a bad idea. Meanwhile, a bruised Xi'an, Mayfeld, and Burg wake up to find themselves locked inside a prison cell aboard the New Republic prison ship.
From January 25 to February 8, 2019, the episode was filmed, making it the penultimate episode filmed during the first season.