The Bounty Hunter Code, which is also referred to as the Bounty Hunters' Code, the code of the Guild, or the Guild Code, consisted of a group of regulations that controlled the actions and demeanor of bounty hunters operating under the authority of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.
The Bounty Hunters' Guild's Code prohibited a bounty hunter from killing another guild bounty hunter who was in good standing, or from taking another hunter's bounty. Furthermore, hunters were forbidden from inquiring about their bounties after they had been delivered, with the expectation that the events that occurred between accepting the bounty and delivering it would be immediately forgotten.
Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter, expressed his discontent when two Ranat and Nimbanel bounty hunters that he met on the Outer Rim world of Lothal failed to respect the Code and tried to claim an Imperial bounty that had been placed on him. While Beilert Valance was infamous for disregarding the Code, Bossk firmly believed in defending it regardless of the consequences.
During 9 ABY, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, violated the code by saving Grogu from the Client after he had previously secured him for a bounty. Consequently, the Nevarro Hunters launched an assault on him in an attempt to reclaim the bounty.