Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

title: "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian"

The initial episode of the live-action series The Mandalorian, titled "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian", debuted on Disney+ as a streaming exclusive on November 12, 2019.

Authorized Synopsis

A Mandalorian who works as a bounty hunter is in pursuit of a target for a well-compensated client.

Detailed Storyline

A Brawl in a Bar

Trawlers manhandle the Mythrol man

The story begins with the eponymous Mandalorian bounty hunter (later identified as Din Djarin) utilizing a tracking fob on the frozen planet of Pagodon. Inside a local tavern, a bearded human trawler along with a Quarren Trawler are physically assaulting a Mythrol man with blue skin. The Mythrol begs for his life in Galactic Basic Standard, offering credits to be spared. The bearded trawler desires to murder him for his valuable musk, ignoring his pleas. The Mandalorian, clad in armor and wearing a mask, enters the bar before the trawlers can inflict further harm.

Speaking in Huttese, the bearded trawler accuses Djarin of spilling his drink. Djarin disregards him and proceeds to the bar. The bearded trawler repeats his accusation. The human bartender translates the trawler's words into Basic, informing Djarin that he claims Djarin spilled his drink. The Quarren restrains the Mythrol as he attempts to escape.

The two trawlers confront Djarin, expressing interest in his beskar armor. The bartender attempts to ease the tension by offering a drink, but Djarin engages in combat with the trawlers. He knocks the bearded man to the ground, prompting the Quarren to try to escape through the cantina doors, but Djarin trips him utilizing a fibercord whip. The Quarren fires his blaster at Djarin, but the shot strikes the Mandalorian's pauldron, leaving him unharmed. Djarin then shoots the door controls, causing the door panels to close and bisect the Quarren, resulting in his death.

The Mandalorian shows the Mythrol his puck

The Mythrol expresses his gratitude and offers to buy the Mandalorian a drink. However, Djarin presents him with a hologram confirming that the Mythrol is a wanted criminal. The Mythrol claims that it is a misunderstanding and attempts to bribe his way out of the situation. Djarin remains firm, stating that he can bring him in either "warm" or "cold."

Frozen Terrain

Djarin escorts the chained Mythrol back to his ship. On their journey, they encounter a Kubaz ferryman wearing a parka. Djarin requests transport back to the ice. The Kubaz calls for a landspeeder piloted by an astromech droid playing a flute. Djarin prefers not to deal with droids, but the Kubaz assures him that the speeder is new. Djarin stands his ground, insisting on an organic pilot. The droid-piloted speeder departs, and the Kubaz summons a dilapidated landspeeder driven by a bearded human pilot, who asks him "where to."

Djarin and his Mythrol prisoner travel with the human pilot on the landspeeder. The driver uses his macrobinoculars to scan the horizon. The Mythrol explains that he is searching for ravinaks, large predators that reside beneath the ice. The pilot mentions that the area is clear but warns Djarin that the ravinaks tend to gather around the spaceport, mistaking the entire planet for their waste disposal site.

The Razor Crest on Pagodon

The speeder pilot drops them off at the Mandalorian's starship, the Razor Crest. The Mythrol describes it as junk and suggests hiring a superior ship. Djarin forces him out of the landspeeder. The driver says that it is time for him to leave and advises Djarin to stay off the ice. The Mythrol inquires if there is anything to worry about. As Djarin boards the Razor Crest, the Mythrol witnesses a ravinak emerging from beneath the ice and devouring the speeder.

The Mythrol pleads with Djarin to open the hatch as the creature approaches. Djarin rescues him just in time. The ravinak attacks the starship's hull, prompting Djarin to quickly lead his captive into the cockpit. The Mythrol comments that it was a close call and that staying off the ice was a gross understatement. The Razor Crest attempts to take off, but the ravinak latches onto its landing strut.

Djarin exits the cockpit with a rifle and climbs out onto the docking ramp to confront the ravinak. He shoots the creature in the head, causing it to release the landing strut. The Razor Crest ascends into space as Djarin returns to the cockpit. The Mythrol nervously repeats "let's go, let's go" as the ship rises.

No Escape

During the journey, the Mythrol expresses his admiration for the Razor Crest, calling it "a classic." He inquires if the ship predates the Galactic Empire and mentions that he is wealthy enough to charter a cruiser. Djarin remains silent and avoids interacting with his prisoner, enduring the Mythrol's chatter. The Mythrol asks about his payment and questions whether it is true that Mandalorians never remove their helmets. Djarin continues to maintain his silence.

The Mythrol is frozen in carbonite

The Mythrol announces that he needs to use the vacc tube, warning that no one wants to see a Mythrol "evacuate its thorax." Djarin allows him to leave the cockpit to find the vacc tube. The Mythrol finds the vacc tube and claims that it will take a while because he is molting. He uses the bathroom break as an opportunity to find a way off the ship and enters the ship's cargo hold, discovering several other bounties frozen in carbonite. He realizes that he will miss Life Day. Djarin agrees, pulling the startled Mythrol into a carbon freezing chamber and freezing him.

A Fresh Assignment

The Razor Crest arrives at Nevarro and lands at a spaceport. Din Djarin walks through the streets to a cantina frequented by various humanoids and other aliens. He meets with Greef Karga, a dark-skinned man who is an agent for the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Karga notes the quick completion of the job and pays Djarin in Imperial credits. Djarin declines the payment, pointing out that the Empire no longer exists. Karga offers to pay him in Calamari Flan but states that he can only pay half. Djarin reluctantly accepts the payment and begins unloading his cargo of bounties frozen in carbonite.

The Mandalorian haggles for his next job

Back at the cantina, Karga informs Djarin that he has several bail jumpers and a wanted smuggler. Djarin wants to take them all, but Greef warns him about other bounty hunters. Greef also explains that many hunters are willing to work for less than guild rates and are less concerned with being discreet. Djarin inquires about the highest bounty, and Karga replies that it is 5,000 Calamari Flan. Djarin counters that it will not cover the fuel costs. The guild agent tells Djarin about an "off the books" job that does not involve a chain code.

The Employer

Djarin accepts the offer and travels through the town's backstreets. He arrives at a house with a green door and is greeted by a gatekeeper droid. Djarin presents a chit and is allowed inside. A GNK power droid guides him down a corridor to a room where he is met by four Remnant Stormtroopers in worn armor. Djarin discovers that his client is an elderly man with white hair.

The Client states that Greef Karga has informed him that Djarin is the best in the guild. A door suddenly swings open, and Djarin reaches for his blaster. A panicked human with glasses emerges. The stormtroopers order Djarin to drop his weapons, and the bespectacled man apologizes for startling Djarin. The Client introduces Doctor Penn Pershing, apologizing for his lack of decorum and stating that his enthusiasm outweighs his discretion. He instructs Djarin to lower his blaster.

The Mandalorian in a standoff

Djarin demands that the stormtroopers lower their blasters first, but one of the stormtroopers points out that they outnumber him. Djarin defiantly responds that he likes those odds. The Client adds that Greef warned him that Djarin is expensive and tells him to sit. Dr. Pershing joins them. The Client unveils a red cloth revealing beskar and states that it is a down payment. He promises a treasure trove of beskar if he delivers the asset. Dr. Pershing insists that it be delivered alive. The client agrees, but cautions that "bounty hunting can be a difficult profession." He adds that proof of termination can be provided for a lower fee. Dr. Pershing disagrees and attempts to counter the Client but is overruled.

Due to the sensitive nature of the job, the Client can only provide a tracking fob. When Djarin asks about the chain code, the Client replies that he can only provide the last four digits. He mentions that the asset is 50 years old and provides the last recorded position of the data. He flatters Djarin, stating that a man of his skill can quickly complete the job. The Client states that the beskar rightfully belongs to Djarin and that it is good to restore the "natural order" after a period of chaos, ominously asking the Mandalorian if he agrees, alluding to Mandalore's past.

The Tribe's Sanctuary

Djarin walks through the streets, passing a Kowakian monkey-lizard being roasted over a spit while a despondent monkey-lizard watches from inside a cage. He continues through the marketplace down a flight of stairs into an underground hall filled with Mandalorians, including helmeted children. Djarin approaches the Armorer and presents her with the Calamari Flan and beskar bar.

The Armorer inspects the bar of beskar

The Armorer states that the beskar bar was melted down during the Great Purge of Mandalore and that it is good that it has returned to the Tribe. She suggests making a pauldron and asks if his signet has been revealed. He replies that it has not, and she says that it will be ready soon. The Armorer begins melting the beskar while Djarin watches. As she works, the armorer says that beskar alloy is generous and will sponsor many foundlings. Djarin reveals that he was once a foundling and experiences a flashback of his parents being killed in the streets. Finally, the smith presents him with a metal pauldron.

Kuiil and the Blurrgs

Djarin pilots the Razor Crest to the desert planet of Arvala-7. He flies over several mountains before landing in a valley. He follows his tracking fob and scans the horizon. Djarin aims his rifle at a blurrg but is ambushed by one of the creatures, who grabs his right arm and throws him to the ground. Djarin attempts to fight back using his flamethrower, but it is located on his right arm and Djarin's attempt fails. Djarin then punches the blurrg, who lets go of him, for a moment, but while Djarin is stablizing himself, the blurrg chages again, biting onto Djarin's arm. The blurrg is then hit by a tranquilizer dart. A second blurrg charges and Djarin brings his arm up to attempt to protect himself from the beast, but is also hit by a tranquilizer dart and drops before doing any harm.

Kuiil's moisture farm

An Ugnaught named Kuiil approaches the Mandalorian on a blurrg, and Djarin thanks the blurrg rider for helping him with the blurrgs. Kuiill recognizes the Mandalorian as a bounty hunter and offers his assistance. He states that he has spoken and leads him to his moisture farm. Later, he informs Djarin that many have sought the same asset but have all perished. Djarin is hesitant to accept his help, but Kuiil says he can guide him to the encampment.

When Djarin asks about Kuiill's "cut," the Ugnaught replies that he wants half of the blurrgs that he captured. Djarin wants to give him both of the blurrgs but Kuiil insists that he will need one because he claims the way is impossible without a blurrg mount. Djarin is reluctant to ride a blurrg but Kuiil says he has spoken, indicating he will not change his mind.

Djarin struggles to ride the blurrg. The Ugnaught Kuiil suggests that he remove his helmet, but the Mandalorian refuses out of reverence to the Mandalorian code. Kuiil explains that the male is in heat during mating, and he watches as Djarin tries to ride the blurrg to no avail. Growing impatient, he asks if the Ugnaught has a speeder bike or landspeeder, but Kuiil reminds him that he is a Mandalorian whose ancestors rode the great mythosaurs. He convinces Djarin to give it a second try.

The Mandalorian and Kuiil ride the blurrgs

This time, Djarin approaches the creature gently and strokes its head. He manages to tame the creature, and together, he and Kuiil ride their blurrgs over the rocky terrain, littered with crevices and gorges. Kuiil tells Djarin that the encampment lies ahead. Djarin wants to pay him, but Kuiil says that Djarin will be doing him a service by ridding the areas of mercenaries and crooks. Kuiil explains that the locals want peace from these offworlders. When Djarin asks why he wants his help, Kuiill replies that he has never met a Mandalorian but has only read the stories. If what the stories say is true, Kuiil says, he believes that there will be peace.

Showdown at the Encampment

Continuing their journey, Djarin approaches the encampment located in a valley. He scans the site with a telescope and spots several armed figures and an IG-series droid. The IG droid, known as IG-11, approaches the Nikto sentries and demands that they surrender the "asset" under Paragraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild Protocol. The Nikto reach for their blasters, but IG-11 guns them down. Other gunmen join the fight but are gunned down by the droid.

The mercenaries at their encampment

The remaining gunmen retreat behind a blast door. IG-11 repeats his demands. Djarin approaches IG-11 and tells him to get down. IG-11 initially shoots at him, but Djarin manages to convince him that he is a fellow Guild member. IG-11 claims that the bounty is his, but Djarin convinces him to split the bounty so that the two join forces to eliminate the hostiles.

Armed gunmen appear on the roofs, and the duo shoots them down. An assailant attacks Djarin from behind, but he shoots him down as well. Djarin locates the asset inside the building. They shoot down more mercenaries and hostiles. As reinforcements approach, IG-11 wants to activate his self-destruct mechanism due to their situation, but Djarin convinces him to instead cover him while he finds a way to unlock the blast door. The two are pinned down by enemy fire.

Some of the Nikto mercenaries bring a hovering laser cannon. IG-11, again, wants to self-destruct, but Djarin convinces the droid that they should shoot their way out. A Nikto manning the laser cannon peppers them with fire. Djarin convinces IG-11 to draw their fire while he uses the grappling cable to grab the laser cannon. He shoots the Nikto gunner and uses the cannon to take out the remaining hostiles on the roof, eliminating the opposition. IG-11 disengages his self-destruct mechanism.

The Target

Despite his antipathy towards droids, Djarin respects IG-11's fighting skills and expresses concern for the droid's blaster damage. IG-11 says he is okay and does a diagnostic, finding that the blaster bolt missed his central chassis. Djarin and IG-11 use the laser cannon to blast down the door. Djarin shoots the last remaining sentry.

The Mandalorian meets the Child

IG-11 states that his tracking fob is still active and that his sensors indicate a lifeform is present. Djarin approaches a silver pram and finds that the asset is an infant belonging to the same species as Jedi Masters Yoda and Yaddle. IG-11 points out that different species age differently when Djarin expresses confusion about its age, and the droid informs Djarin that he received specific instructions to terminate the asset. Djarin disagrees and insists on bringing "the Child" back alive. When IG-11 raises his weapon to attempt to terminate the infant, Djarin shoots and destroys the droid before taking the infant.

Production Details

Jon Favreau penned the episode's script during the holiday break in December 2017. Dave Filoni made his live-action directorial debut with this episode, which was filmed concurrently with Chapter 3: The Sin from October 1 to October 26, 2018, as the two episodes share much of the same cast and sets. On October 19, George Lucas visited the set, which happened to be Jon Favreau's birthday.


The episode's musical score by Ludwig Göransson was digitally released on the same day as the episode itself.

Cast & Crew

