
Pagodon, situated in the Outer Rim Territories, was a terrestrial planet covered in ice. Beneath its frozen surface, the ravinaks made their home. This world served as an excellent refuge for the galaxy's more unsavory characters. While places like Ferryman's Reach, including its local public house, could be found above ground, the planet's population was mainly composed of transients. In the year 9 ABY, Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, landed on Pagodon in his starship and successfully captured a Mythrol at the tavern after a confrontation with some local trawlers. Following a brief encounter with a ravinak, he left the planet.


A settlement on the icy surface of Pagodon.

A terrestrial planet blanketed in ice, Pagodon was located within the Outer Rim Territories. It was home to ravinaks, who lived in the waters beneath the plains and frequently emerged from them. Pagodon's climate was frigid, and it possessed a breathable atmosphere. From the vantage point of space, Pagodon presented a light blue appearance.


The Mandalorian bounty hunter, Din Djarin, journeyed to the planet in 9 ABY aboard his personal starship, the Razor Crest. His mission was to locate and apprehend a Mythrol. Employing a tracking fob, he traced the Mythrol to a public house situated in the settlement known as Ferryman's Reach. Inside the bar, the Mythrol was being bothered by a group of trawlers until the arrival of the bounty hunter. A scuffle then broke out between Djarin and the trawlers, with Djarin ultimately prevailing.

Djarin approaches a ferryman in order to hire transportation.

After taking the Mythrol into custody, Djarin left the bar with his captive, intending to return to his ship. He then sought out a ferryman and engaged a landspeeder pilot to transport himself and the Mythrol to the Razor Crest. After the landspeeder pilot dropped them off, the pilot was killed by a ravinak, which then advanced towards the Razor Crest. As the ship began to take off, the creature clung to the landing gear with its powerful jaws. Djarin utilized his Amban phase-pulse blaster to stun the ravinak before departing the planet with the Mythrol in his possession.


Pagodon was inhabited by various species, including Dyplotids, humans, Kubaz, Mythrol, Onodones, and Quarrens.


Din Djarin, Mandalorian bounty hunter, visits Pagodon.

Ferryman's Reach, a small settlement comprised of sixteen structures, was located on Pagodon. Among these structures was a local tavern, where trawlers could unwind. A human bartender managed this establishment. A ferryman collaborated with landspeeder pilots to offer transportation services to patrons for a fee. The port was known to have issues with ravinaks, due to crews dumping their Gray Holds out, which provided a source of food for the carnivores.

Behind the scenes

Pagodon made its debut in the inaugural episode of The Mandalorian television series, titled "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian," which was directed by Dave Filoni and broadcast on November 12, 2019. Prior to the episode's premiere, the planet was previewed in a trailer released on August 23, 2019. Doug Chiang and Nick Gindraux created the planet's landscape. Pagodon was identified in Matt Jones' 2021 reference book Star Wars: The Mandalorian Handbook.

In an interview with American Cinematographer magazine, showrunner Jon Favreau and series cinematographers Baz Idoine and Greig Fraser incorrectly identified the planet as Maldo Kreis. During filming, Pagodon's environment was realized using a combination of a physical set and a 360-degree LED screen, which projected backgrounds to simulate a real-world environment.

