Kryze Fortress, alternatively known as Kryze Castle, stood proudly on the summit of a lush hill near the seaside of the planet Kalevala. This stronghold served as the ancestral seat and residence for House Kryze. A landing platform was integrated into the castle's design, complete with a spacious courtyard at the rear to accommodate incoming vessels. Within the castle's walls was a throne room, embellished with numerous murals depicting Mandalorians engaged in combat.
During the era of the New Republic, the castle became the abode of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze. It was here that she received a visit from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin and the Force-sensitive foundling Grogu, who were on a quest to redeem Djarin by immersing him in the Living Waters.
After Djarin's successful immersion, Kryze, Djarin, Grogu, and the R5 series astromech droid R5-D4 made their way back to the castle. However, they were soon pursued by TIE/IN interceptors dispatched from Gideon's Imperial remnant. Although the group managed to eliminate all six interceptors, their victory was short-lived as three TIE/sa bombers from the same remnant arrived and proceeded to bomb the castle, resulting in its destruction.

Situated atop a lush hill near the seaside on the terrestrial planet Kalevala was Kryze Fortress, also recognized as Kryze Castle. This castle was linked to the Mandalorian House Kryze, a Mandalorian house that once held the position of royal family for the Mandalorians before the Clone Wars - a galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. By 9 ABY, it functioned as the private residence of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze. The castle was equipped with a small, heptagon-shaped landing platform and a sizable courtyard at its rear. By the New Republic Era, this courtyard housed a Kom'rk-class fighter, which served as Kryze's personal transport.
Visitors to the castle would be welcomed by a grand main tower that housed the throne room. The hallways leading to the throne room were adorned with the banners of House Kryze. Inside, the throne room featured a throne flanked by two small and two large vases. Two murals depicting Mandalorians in battle were positioned beside the throne. During the New Republic Era, a footman droid bearing the symbol of the Ka'rta on its chest was stationed at the landing platform to oversee and monitor arriving ships.

The ancestral home and dwelling of House Kryze was Kryze Fortress. Kryze spent her childhood flying around the cliffs near the castle during the Republic Era. By 9 ABY, during the time of the New Republic Era, Kryze and her followers launched an effort to reclaim the Darksaber from Moff Gideon, a lightsaber crafted by the first Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Vizsla which could unite the Mandalorians. Gideon was an Imperial warlord who commanded a remnant. In 9 ABY, Kryze and her followers were enlisted by the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin to rescue Grogu, a Force-sensitive foundling, from Gideon's remnant. In return, Kryze would get Gideon's light cruiser and the Darksaber. Djarin defeated Gideon during the rescue, preventing Kryze from obtaining the Darksaber because it could only be obtained through combat. Following the rescue, the forces she had gathered to retake Mandalore, a planet in the same system as Kalevala, dissipated, causing her to remain at the castle with her footman droid.
Around that year, Djarin and Grogu paid Kryze a visit at the castle. Djarin inquired as to whether he could join her forces, but Kryze responded that there was nothing to join. Djarin informed Kryze that he would be traveling to the Mines of Mandalore to atone for his transgressions in the eyes of the Children of the Watch, an orthodox religious sect of Mandalorians who adhered to the Way of the Mandalore. Djarin also stated that he would atone by bathing in the Living Waters, a ceremonial site in the Mines of Mandalore that, according to the Mandalorian Creed, could redeem a Mandalorian apostate who removed their helmet. Kryze informed Djarin that the mines were unremarkable, prompting Djarin to remind her that she had previously stated that the curse on Mandalore was a fabrication. Kryze then directed Djarin to the mines, and Djarin and Grogu left the castle to go there.
Grogu and the R5 series astromech droid R5-D4 later returned to the castle in Djarin's N-1 starfighter to enlist Kryze's assistance in rescuing Djarin, who had been captured by a cyborg scavenger on Mandalore in an attempt to harvest his blood. Kryze misunderstood that Djarin had returned to the castle and, upon realizing that Djarin was in danger, immediately departed for her Kom'rk-class fighter parked at the castle. She departed the castle in her starfighter with Grogu and R5-D4 to travel to Mandalore and save Djarin.

Kryze was successful in saving Djarin, who later immersed himself in the Living Waters. Kryze, Djarin, R5-D4, and Grogu then departed Mandalore to return to Kalevala. They were pursued by at least six TIE/IN interceptors, all of which were part of Gideon's Imperial remnant, while en route in Kryze's fighter, and they engaged in a dogfight close to the castle.
Kryze continued to evade enemy fire as Djarin jumped from the ship's lower bay to reach the castle's landing platform to get his N-1 starfighter for extra firepower. As one of the TIE interceptors fired on the landing platform in an attempt to destroy the N-1 starfighter, Djarin managed to power up his ship and get airborne. With the help of Djarin's starfighter, the pair engaged and destroyed all six TIE interceptors pursuing them. Despite this, three TIE/sa bombers arrived soon after and bombed the castle. Kryze, enraged, tried to destroy all three bombers. Kryze, however, was only able to destroy one TIE bomber before TIE interceptor reinforcements arrived. Djarin and Kryze were forced to flee, leaving the planet and jumping into hyperspace. They eventually arrived on a planet where the Children of the Watch were based.

The trailer for The Mandalorian Season Three on January 16, 2023 was the first time Kryze Castle was shown. Later, it made its debut in "Chapter 17: The Apostate" of the television series The Mandalorian, which was broadcast on Disney+ on March 1, 2023. The audio description for "Chapter 19: The Convert" episode, which was released on Disney+ on March 15, 2023, was the first time the castle was identified as Kryze Castle. However, the capitalization of Kryze Castle is speculative. It was later identified as Kryze Fortress. The location of the castle was filmed at Neist Point on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.
Ryan Church and Brett Northcutt, two artists, created concept art for the castle's exterior and throne room. Seth Engstrom created concept art of Kryze seated on the throne in the castle. The throne room lacked vases in one set of concept art by Northcutt. Kryze is shown sitting on a throne with animal fur and a piece of clothing in another set of concept art by Engstrom. The throne's cushions were depicted as having a pattern resembling navy blue, light green, and dark brown. Northcutt created a set of concept art depicting Kryze on a viewing platform overlooking the sea. Two Kom'rk-class fighters were depicted on the castle's right and left sides in one of the images Church created.