"Chapter 19: The Convert," helmed by Lee Isaac Chung, is the third installment within the third season of the live-action series, The Mandalorian. Its debut was on March 15, 2023.
Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze, both Mandalorians, stand on the descending steps to the Living Waters located within the Mines of Mandalore. Kryze is seated, her gaze fixed on the water, while Djarin is prone, regaining consciousness with a cough after his unexpected plunge into the pool's depths. As he gets oriented, he declares himself redeemed. Despite her earlier skepticism towards his quest, Kryze validates his statement, affirming his Mandalorian status and confirming she witnessed his submersion. Before their departure, Djarin carefully fills a small flask with the Living Waters. As he secures the flask to his belt and picks up his foundling, Grogu, Kryze pauses. She inquires if he observed anything within the water. He recounts seeing the chasm during his fall, surprised by its depth. Kryze responds that it wasn't always so, suggesting seismic activity resulting from the Great Purge of Mandalore altered it. She presses again, asking specifically if he encountered anything alive, but when Djarin seeks clarification, she retracts, declining to elaborate. As Djarin exits the cavern, Kryze hesitates, casting one last look at the water, which remains still.
Kryze, Djarin, Grogu, and the astromech droid R5-D4 leave the planet aboard Kryze's ship. Djarin requests transport to his own ship, after which they will go their separate ways. Kryze mentions she would offer a celebratory feast, but doubts he would remove his helmet. He responds, "This is the Way," and she echoes his words. Grogu vocalizes something incomprehensible, diverting Djarin and Kryze's attention, causing them to glance back at him and then at each other, unaware of the numerous TIE interceptors in pursuit. When a TIE strikes the Gauntlet, they realize they are under attack and devise a strategy for Djarin to join the battle in his ship once they reach it, as Kryze's shields won't withstand the onslaught of so many TIE interceptors. As Djarin takes position at the Gauntlet's weaponry, he questions who is pursuing them; Kryze retorts that she has provoked numerous Imperial warlords. Djarin proposes providing support with his N-1 starfighter, which Kryze acknowledges as risky but ultimately agrees to.
As Kryze's vessel approaches her castle, Djarin exits the ship from the rear, activating his jetpack just before impact. He sprints to his starfighter, enters, and starts the engine, taking off just as a dual laser blast from a nearby TIE interceptor hits the launch pad. He ascends vertically before diving back down toward the water, setting a collision course with the TIE interceptor attempting to target him. He launches a proton torpedo, obliterating the TIE interceptor, and narrowly avoids the explosion.
Meanwhile, Kryze navigates between the seaside cliffs, pursued by multiple TIE interceptors. She tells the anxious R5-D4 that she spent her youth flying these cliffs, though she immediately undermines this claim by scraping a wing against one, admitting it has been a while. Although one TIE interceptor crashes into a cliff and explodes, she is unable to evade the others until Djarin's N1 arrives, shooting one down. Kryze directs Djarin to go right as she flies out over the water, where she shuts down her engines and angles one of her wings, using the wind shear to spin her ship around and destroy the last TIE interceptor. She eliminates it and restarts her engines just before hitting the water. With the enemies gone, Djarin and Kryze exchange damage reports (Djarin reports none, while Kryze reports shield damage only), and Kryze praises Djarin's marksmanship before Djarin detects something on his scope, triggering an alarm in his cockpit.
They survey the verdant landscape to witness explosions in the distance, with plumes of smoke rising from Kryze Castle as TIE/sa bombers destroy it. Kryze gasps as she observes the destruction of her home, shock turning to rage as she goes after the bombers. She destroys one with a heat-seeking missile. Djarin detects over a dozen enemies on his scope and advises Kryze that they must retreat, as the odds are overwhelming. A swarm of TIE interceptors emerges from the clouds, leading Kryze to suggest that the enemy force is unlikely to be an Imperial warlord due to its size. Kryze reluctantly turns away, following Djarin in jumping to the coordinates he provides. They vanish, leaving the TIE interceptors behind.
On the planet of Coruscant, the Galaxies Opera House is filled with attendees listening to Penn Pershing, a former Imperial scientist who previously worked for Moff Gideon, speak about his experiences in the Amnesty Program. He claims it saved him, as he had no choice in working for the Empire, and he now desires to use his skills to benefit the New Republic. Among the audience is the Communications Officer, who also formerly served Moff Gideon. Pershing shares how his mother died of heart failure, which inspired him to pursue organ cloning technology to prevent similar tragedies. After his speech, he is swarmed by admirers, which he tolerates with an awkward smile.
Pershing takes a taxi to his new residence, Amnesty Housing. The taxi droid recommends sightseeing destinations on Coruscant, as he is new to the planet, including the Skydome Botanical Gardens and the Holographic Museum of Extinct Animals. He exits the cab and enters the courtyard of Amnesty Housing, where four residents, all in Amnesty uniforms, are conversing over drinks. One calls him over, introducing himself as Amnesty Officer M34. Pershing shakes his hand, identifying himself as Amnesty Scientist L52. Pershing's pins indicate his recent arrival at Amnesty Housing; he tells Amnesty Officer M34 that he has just come from the Re-Integration Institute. M34 introduces the rest of the group: Amnesty Officer M40, Amnesty Officer G27, and Amnesty Officer G68, who Pershing recognizes as the Communications Officer who worked for Moff Gideon. When he mentions this, the group shares rumors about Gideon's fate: one claims he escaped en route to a war tribunal, while another suggests it is a cover story to conceal the New Republic's use of a Mind Flayer on him. When they turn to G68, she says she avoids thinking about him, focusing instead on contributing to the New Republic.
The group reflects on their time under the Empire, mentioning things they miss: one mentions the lights of hyperspace, and another, the fit of the uniforms. When asked, Pershing quickly asserts his happiness that the Empire fell, which G27 assures him they all share; they are merely reminiscing about trivial things. After some hesitation, Pershing mentions the yellow travel biscuits from the ration packs as something he misses. Later, as he lies in bed in his apartment listening to a recording about Coruscant, Pershing's doorbell rings and he finds a small crate of the yellow travel biscuits he mentioned earlier, with no indication of who sent them.
The following morning, on Benduday, Pershing sits in a cubicle among identical cubicles, looking at his viewscreen. A colleague brings him a tray of datacards to archive. His new job is unrelated to his expertise, but he tells his coworker that he is glad to contribute to the Republic in any way he can. Later, he and G68 go sightseeing on Level 5127, each eating a glowing treat on a stick. Pershing admits he is overwhelmed by the crowds and remarks that the sheer number of people on Coruscant makes him feel insignificant, but G68 says she feels special because she knows how much it took for her to return. She grew up on Coruscant and notes that while the city hasn't changed much physically, it feels different. She says they believed they were doing good under the Empire, and Pershing says he sometimes thinks about his unfinished research and how it could help many people. At G68's suggestion that he continue it, he points out that the New Republic is not interested in his work due to the ethical issues surrounding cloning. G68 responds that blindly following orders is what led them to the Empire's mess—the New Republic is a struggling young state, and his work would be beneficial, even if it goes against regulations. The pair reach a large rock protruding from a hole in the flooring, and G68 tells Pershing that it is Umate, the only part of Coruscant's surface visible on the upper levels. G68 encourages him to touch it, laughing when a droid rushes to stop him. She offers to buy him a photon fizzle to apologize for tricking him, still laughing.
In the morning, Pershing is interviewed by a parole droid, who asks about his feelings toward the New Republic and his overall emotional state. At the end of the interview, he asks the droid if he can continue his research in his free time. The droid replies that cloning is prohibited by the Coruscant Accords, so it is not possible. Pershing returns to Amnesty Housing, where he finds G68 in the courtyard. He tells her that he has been thinking about what she said and that he wants to prove to the New Republic that his research can be used for good. To do so, he would need a mobile lab station, which G68 claims they could acquire if Pershing is willing to violate his parole conditions, the penalty for which is returning to the Re-integration Institute. G68 says she regrets her past actions in the Empire's service but is willing to help if his research is important to him. When he refuses, saying it is too dangerous, G68 tells him to think about it before leaving him alone in the courtyard.
At his cubicle, Pershing is puzzled that all the equipment he is archiving is scheduled for destruction, despite being functional. When he asks a colleague, the colleague dismisses Pershing's suggestion that the equipment could be used, admitting that the department is severely behind on everything, from clearing Imperial disposal yards to decommissioning the Alliance Fleet. At Pershing's continued insistence that he could help, the colleague admits it might be possible through a C-1023 request, although he is unsure if someone from the Amnesty Program can make one. Pershing drops the subject, defeated, and his colleague leaves after assuring him that he is "truly helping the New Republic."
Pershing is interviewed again in the parole office, answering the standard questions about his feelings as he did before. However, when asked if he feels any anger or resentment toward the New Republic government or its employees, he hesitates, rubbing his ear. When the droid repeats the question, he quickly answers no. He then interrupts the droid, asking, "Our main objective is to help the Republic, right?" When the droid answers yes, he asks if it takes precedence over everything else, which the droid confirms. Pershing leaves, deep in thought.
Later, Pershing meets G68 in her apartment and asks for her help in accessing the mobile lab station. G68 pauses before agreeing to the plan and suggests the following night. Later, Pershing changes out of his Amnesty uniform into a brown coat and trousers. Before leaving, he tells himself that he is helping the New Republic. He and G68 walk through the streets of Coruscant. G68 tells him to relax and follow her lead, assuring him that he will be fine. They walk past several New Republic soldiers and sneak through a checkpoint. The two board a Coruscant train where G68 briefly greets a Bufopel, asking him if it is Taungsday. The Bufopel nods in return. G68 gazes out of the window at Coruscant's crowded skyline.
G68 tells Pershing that they are heading to Gideon's light cruiser in the disposal yards. She reasons that Imperial ships will have mobile labs. Pershing is uneasy due to the ship's connection with the "Old Empire." G68 reassures him that the ship is mobile junk and suggests that he sneak in and get what he needs before returning to Amnesty housing. When Pershing asks if she has done it before, G68 hints that she snuck out to steal the biscuits. The hovertrain enters a tunnel which takes them from the inner city into the disposal yards. A pair of ticket droids come to collect tickets, which G68 takes as their cue to leave. The two access the rear door of their carriage and climb into another carriage. The two brush through the passengers.
A ticket droid follows them through the rear carriages. G68 and Pershing reach the rear carriage. With the train approaching the Shipyard Depot, G68 tells Pershing that they have to jump. Pershing is afraid but she tells him to trust her. At G68's signal, the two jump of the train and land near several crates. Pershing chuckles, prompting G68 to chuckle as well. The two approach Gideon's former light cruiser, which has been hollowed out. Pershing admits that he has not done anything as risky as their adventure before. The two walk through the light cruiser's connecting bridge, which leads into a darkened corridor that is littered by wires and cables.
G68 tells Pershing that she must have passed him on Gideon's ship's a hundred times. Having gained Pershing's trust, G68 identifies herself as a former communications officer named Elia Kane. Pershing introduces himself as a scientist. Kane leads G68 into the mobile lab before asking him if everything he needs is inside. Pershing is pleased with the condition of the laboratory but says that he will only take what he needs. Kane reminds him that everything inside is going to the scrap heap. Pershing regales Kane with a story about his childhood dream of being inside a laboratory; mentioning that his mother grew in a small town and never lived to see that dream. Pershing asks Kane what she aspired to be as a child. She replies that she did not have time to think.
The two hear movement but Kane claims that it is just the ship rattling and volunteers to keep watch while he continues packing. Pershing retrieves a box and the two exit the laboratory. When Pershing asks how they will get back, they hear movement approaching through a sliding door and run through a corridor that leads out of the light cruiser and into the disposal yards. While running, they are spotted by an airspeeder, which shines a light on them. The two are surrounded by New Republic soldiers who arrest Pershing. Pershing is shocked when the soldiers allow Kane to depart with the recovered box. Soldiers reiterate their order for Pershing to raise his hands. Pershing surrenders and is handcuffed by the soldiers.
Later, Pershing is restrained on an operating table by a Mon Calamari technician. Pershing tries to explain his actions but the technician responds that Amnesty Officer G68 has already submitted a report. When Pershing asks what she told him, the Mon Calamari replies that he understands that "adjustment" can be difficult. Pershing protests but the technician says that Imperial indoctrination can be difficult to overcome. When Pershing realizes that he will be subjected to a mind flayer, the Mon Calamari reassures him that it is Six-O-Two Mitigator, which he claims is a non-invasive experimental treatment recently approved for rehabilitation. The technician explains that at low voltages, it can be used to treat traumatic memories. As the technician briefs Pershing about the procedure, Pershing protests that it would purge him of his memories. The Mon Calamari disagrees, saying that he has been through the treatment himself and found it refreshing. The technician and his colleagues ignores Pershing's account that Kane set him up.
Kane watches the procedure impassively. The Twi'lek Commissioner expresses disappointment in Pershing's apparent deviancy and thanks Kane for alerting him. Kane replies that it will help him while the Commissioner commends her for being a successful candidate. The Commissioner begins initiating the sequence. Kane asks if she can stay, claiming that Pershing is a relapsed friend whom she cares for. The Commissioner relents and exits the room. In secret, she raises the Mind Flayer's setting, which causes Pershing pain.
Elsewhere Kryze's Gauntlet starfighter and Djarin's N-1 starfighter exit hyperspace above the planet where the Children of the Watch's covert is based. Djarin explains that this is how his people survived in exile. Kryze remarks that they still live by the "old ways." Djarin advises her to keep her helmet on for the meeting, which she obliges. They land on the banks of the lake near the covert. Grogu exits in his cradle.
After disembarking, they are greeted by Paz Vizsla, who bars Djarin entry on the grounds that he is an apostate. Djarin responds that he is no longer an apostate because he managed to reach the Mines of Mandalore. Vizsla does not believe him but Djarin explains that it is a lie that Mandalore is uninhabitable and cursed. When Vizsla asks how they can ascertain if Djarin is not lying, Kryze speaks up for him.
This prompts Vizsla to asks Kryze who she is, addressing her as a Nite Owl. Kryze introduces herself as Bo-Katan of House Kryze. Vizsla regards Kryze as an apostate. Djarin submits a cylinder proving that they have been to the Living Waters. Vizsla replies that they will see before taking the cylinder. The trio are permitted entry into a cave leading to the covert under armed guard.
Inside, they find the Armorer at work in her smelter. Vizsla reports that Djarin and Kryze claim to have bathed in the Living Waters. When the Armorer asks if this is true, Djarin submits the cylinder as proof. Kryze testifies that she was present and that she pulled Djarin out when he fell into the depths of the Living Waters. Grogu watches from inside his cradle while the Armorer empties the cylinder's contents into a water container, releasing a turquoise liquid. The Armorer ascertains that Djarin is telling the truth and declares him to be redeemed, adding that "this is the Way."
She also rules that Kryze is redeemed by Creed. When Kryze responds that she is not a believer, the Armorer asks if she has bathed in the waters and has not removed her helmet since then. Kryze confirms this is true. The Armorer permits Kryze to join their covert and live as her ancestors once did. She gives Kryze permission to leave but states that until then she is one of the Children of the Watch. The Armorer leads her followers in chanting "this is the Way" as the other Mandalorians praise Djarin and Kryze. A symbol of a mythosaur hangs in the room.