A C-1023 request represented a formal submission to the New Republic. This document served the purpose of appealing for a halt to the dismantling of specific Imperial assets deemed valuable. This request served as a modification to the New Republic's established protocols, implemented following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. These protocols mandated the systematic disassembly and destruction of both scientific and military equipment, irrespective of its operational status or state of repair.
Circa 9 ABY, Penn Pershing, an individual involved in the Amnesty Program, voiced his opposition to the disposal of Imperial technology he believed retained utility. In response, a lab tech suggested the C-1023 request as a potential avenue for preserving these assets. However, the lab tech also noted that, despite Amnesty personnel theoretically being eligible to submit such requests, they were unaware of any program member successfully doing so, casting doubt on its feasibility.
The concept of a C-1023 request surfaced in "Chapter 19: The Convert," the third installment of season three of The Mandalorian, a television series available on Disney+. This episode premiered on March 15, 2023.