During the New Republic Era, a Mandalorian covert made its home on the space station known as Glavis Ringworld. After Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant brutally massacred the Mandalorian covert situated on Nevarro, the Armorer and [Paz Vizsla](/article/paz_vizsla], two remaining members of the Tribe, initiated a new covert. Din Djarin later became a member and assisted them, but was subsequently exiled after revealing he had taken off his helmet, a violation of the strict tenets of the Way of the Mandalore observed by the Children of the Watch. Sometime later, the Armorer and Vizsla moved their operations to a different covert.
This particular Mandalorian covert was established in the lower sublevels of the space station Glavis Ringworld, in the vicinity of Kolzoc Alley. Access was gained through a concealed door marked with a camouflaged mythosaur symbol, visible only with a macrobinocular viewplate. A key feature was its cryo-furnace, positioned on a raised platform adjacent to a service corridor that opened directly into the vacuum of space. A cabinet containing forgery implements, including a gravity hammer and magnetic tongs, stood directly beside the forge.
Paz Vizsla and [the Armorer](/article/the_armorer] managed to escape the attack on the Tribe by Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant on the Mandalorian covert on Nevarro and made their way to Glavis. They set up a hidden location in the ring world's lower sublevels, near the heat exhaust towers. They left clues along Glavis Ringworld's Kolzoc Alley that could be seen with Mandalorian helmet vision settings, guiding others to their new covert.
Soon after, bounty hunter Din Djarin joined Paz Vizsla and the Armorer, having learned the covert's location from information provided by an Ishi Tib. The Armorer welcomed Djarin, and after he presented her with the Darksaber, he assisted her and Paz Vizsla in setting up the covert, including the beskar forge and forgery cabinet. Djarin also gave them the beskar spear he had received from [Ahsoka Tano](/article/ahsoka_tano], but the Armorer insisted on melting it down, stating it was too dangerous because it could pierce beskar armor. At Djarin's request, the spear was reforged into armor for Grogu. As she melted the spear, the Armorer recounted to Djarin the history of the Darksaber and the Night of a Thousand Tears.
After Djarin arrived at the covert, he began training with the Darksaber, as instructed by the Armorer, on a service bridge suspended above the vacuum of space. However, his struggles led Paz Vizsla to declare him unworthy to wield it, and he challenged Djarin to a duel for the saber. Din accepted, fighting Vizsla, who was armed with a Personal Combat Shield and a vibroblade. Initially disarmed, Din soon gained the advantage, and the Armorer declared him the winner of the duel. However, when the Armorer asked if either had removed their helmets, Djarin admitted that he had, resulting in his banishment as punishment, unless he could find atonement in the Living Waters beneath the Mines of Mandalore, as dictated by the Way of the Mandalore. Djarin departed from the covert, still in possession of the Darksaber.
Sometime later, the Armorer and Vizsla moved to a different covert located on a desert planet, where they were joined by more Mandalorians from the Tribe.