The place where Mandalorian Armorers would work with Mandalorian steel, also known as beskar, was called the Forge. As the central point for Mandalorian culture, it had the capability of revealing vulnerabilities and recollections from times gone by.
The Armorer made use of a workshop located in 9 ABY, situated inside the Mandalorian covert on the planet Nevarro, which itself was located in the Outer Rim. The Armorer used the cryo-furnace and a variety of implements, including a gravity hammer and magnetic tongs, within the workshop to fashion both Mandalorian armor and whistling birds.
After the Tribe members were subjected to a massacre, the covert, along with the workshop inside, was deserted. Later, Aqualish thieves took control of the workshop's remains. Cara Dune, who was serving as the acting marshal of Nevarro, attacked and quickly defeated the thieves, leaving the workshop empty once more.
At a later point, the Armorer established a new workshop within a covert located on Glavis Ringworld, where she took a beskar spear and reforged it into Grogu's chainmail shirt. She later relocated her workshop to another covert on a separate planet. A special forge, known as the Great Forge, was located on Mandalore.