The lake monster, alternatively referred to as the dinosaur turtle, was a massive reptilian being, lacking sentience, and known for its aggressive nature. During its attack on the Mandalorians, during which it consumed one of them, Din Djarin intervened by arriving in his N-1 starfighter and eliminating the creature with torpedoes fired into its flank.
Possessing four legs and a lengthy tail, the lake monster's hide proved highly resistant to blaster weaponry. Furthermore, its shell offered substantial protection against the explosive force of a thermal detonator. It primarily resided underwater, yet it was also capable of terrestrial movement.
This creature made its debut appearance in "Chapter 17: The Apostate," the inaugural episode of The Mandalorian season three, which premiered on March 1, 2023. The episode's audio description identified it as a "dinosaur turtle." Later, in 2024, the Dorling Kindersley reference publication, Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy, credited to Dan Brooks, Megan Crouse, Amy Richau, Amy Ratcliffe, Brandon Wainerdi, Dan Zehr, and Kelly Knox, formally designated the entity as a "lake monster."
Christian Alzmann developed the concept art for the dinosaur turtle. Emily Swallow, who portrayed the Armorer, along with the other actors playing Mandalorians, simulated a battle against a large beast. Swallow stated that the creature's special effects were incorporated post-filming.