
Tsoklo was a male Rodian living on Lothal a few years before the Galactic Civil War. He worked in a factory, but also acted as an informant for the Galactic Empire, reporting to Supply Master Yogar Lyste. In return for protection, Tsoklo informed Lyste about unproductive workers and those breaking the law. The Rodian also ran a fruit stand in the city of Kothal, and at one point sold his entire stock of imported meiloorun fruit to Lyste.

During the Empire Day celebration, the Imperials were searching for a Rodian named Tseebo, a former Imperial Information Office employee who had defected from the Empire after stealing numerous Imperial files. Twice, Tsoklo was detained by Imperials—first by three TIE fighter pilots, and later by Agent Kallus from the Imperial Security Bureau. They compared Tsoklo's appearance to a photo of Tseebo to determine if he was the Rodian they sought. Each time, the Imperials determined that Tsoklo was not their target. Later, Tsoklo went to Old Jho's Pit Stop to play sabacc, where he lost to the human Lando Calrissian and the Lasat Garazeb Orrelios.

During the Siege of Lothal, Tsoklo found himself imprisoned and forced into slavery on a Mining Guild ore crawler extracting the planet's resources. Under the supervision of the Trandoshan foreman Proach, Tsoklo and others toiled in the crawler's grim conditions until the Spectres rebel group rescued them by hijacking the crawler in the name of the Rebellion. Following this liberation, Tsoklo pledged to fight against the Empire.


Rebel encounters

Tsoklo explains that his meiloorun fruit has been sold to the Empire

Tsoklo, a male Rodian native to the planet Lothal, worked as a factory employee for the Galactic Empire in the year 3272 LY. He also served the Empire as an informant, reporting any unproductive workers or those breaking the rules to Supply Master Yogar Lyste. Despite this role, he openly supported the explosive destruction of a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter by Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian member of the rebel Spectres group. This occurred after Tsoklo witnessed a Stormtrooper commander roughly removing a Lothal citizen from a restricted zone in Capital City. Later, Tsoklo encountered Garazeb Orrelios, a Lasat Honor Guardsman and one of Wren's comrades, shortly before Orrelios destroyed a TIE fighter himself. Subsequently, Tsoklo was almost hit by Ezra Bridger, a Lothal street urchin, who was fleeing from Orrelios and Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi in exile, on a stolen 614-AvA speeder bike. Tsoklo was also present in the shanty-town called "Tarkintown" when Jarrus's rebels delivered fruit to the hungry residents.

Tsoklo eventually traveled to the nearby planet Garel on a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle, and later returned to Lothal. In addition to his factory job, Tsoklo operated a fruit stall in the Lothal city of Kothal, selling imported meiloorun fruit. At one point, the Empire bought his entire stock of meiloorun fruit, loading it onto an Imperial Troop Transport under Supply Master Lyste's command.

While Lyste's stormtroopers were loading the fruit, Bridger and Orrelios, who were looking to buy meilooruns, stumbled upon an unloaded crate. They asked about the price, but Tsoklo told them the fruit had already been sold. Bridger suggested buying it from the Empire, but Tsoklo pointed out that the fruit was now in their possession, wishing them luck regardless. After stealing a TIE fighter, the two rebels eventually stole one of the fruits from an ITT.

Empire Day

Tsoklo encountered Agent Kallus during the Empire Day parade.

During the fifteenth anniversary celebrations of the Galactic Empire, Imperial forces were on high alert, searching for a Rodian named Tseebo. Tseebo, a former employee of the Imperial Information Office, had deserted after downloading numerous Imperial files onto his AJ^6 cyborg construct. Before the Empire Day parade, Tsoklo visited Jhothal, a Lothal outpost, and stopped by Old Jho's Pit Stop, a cantina run by the Ithorian bartender Old Jho. Jarrus and the other rebels Tsoklo had encountered were also there, seeking work and information about the increased Imperial presence. Suddenly, three TIE fighter pilots entered the establishment and immediately apprehended Tsoklo as he was enjoying a cup of spicebrew.

One pilot compared Tsoklo to a picture of Tseebo. Once they were sure Tsoklo was not their target, the pilots released the frightened Rodian before harassing Old Jho, who had refused to broadcast an Imperial message in his cantina. Jho eventually complied, and one TIE pilot, holding them at gunpoint, ordered Tsoklo and the other patrons to toast Emperor Sheev Palpatine. However, the broadcast was quickly hacked by Gall Trayvis, the supposed senator in exile, who delivered a message of hope to other rebels. Tsoklo and the others watched the broadcast as the pilots angrily told Jho to turn it off.

Later, Tsoklo returned to Capital City to watch the Empire Day parade, which featured a new kind of TIE fighter. While watching the parade, which included various stormtrooper platoons and AT-DP walkers, Tsoklo was apprehended again by Imperials, this time by Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau and several stormtroopers. Like the TIE pilots, Kallus compared Tsoklo to a picture of Tseebo. Kallus realized they were not the same Rodian and told Tsoklo to enjoy the festivities. Although shaken, Tsoklo cheered when Wren and Orrelios launched fireworks into the night sky, seemingly as part of the celebrations. Moments later, the rebels attacked and destroyed the new TIE fighter, causing the citizens of Capital City to scatter for cover.

A game of sabacc

Some time later, Tsoklo went back to Old Jho's Pit Stop and joined a game of sabacc, a type of card game. The other players were Orrelios and Lando Calrissian, a human smuggler. As the game went on, Calrissian took control, and Tsoklo ran out of money to bet. This forced him to fold his last hand and leave the table in anger. Calrissian ultimately won the card game by using an Idiot's Array hand of cards.

Tsoklo later saw Orrelios's comrades evade Imperial patrols on speeder bikes, and he witnessed Orrelios and Bridger hijack an AT-DP walker.

Siege of Lothal

Enslaved by the Mining Guild

Tsoklo was enslaved on Crawler 413-24, under the command of Captain Seevor.

Due to Orrelios and his rebel friends' continued actions, the Empire eventually imposed a full planetary blockade of Lothal. Citizens were subjected to curfews by order of Minister Maketh Tua, and Tarkintown was burned down. Tsoklo was walking the streets of Capital City when the Rebels returned to the planet after previously leaving Lothal. They were attempting to rescue Tua, who had decided to defect from the Empire. The rescue failed, and the Rebels' speeder was shot down, crashing in the streets and nearly hitting Tsoklo and several other citizens. Tsoklo watched in shock as the Rebels left their damaged vehicle and fled into the city's alleys.

Later, Tsoklo visited the planet Nixus and was present at Nixus Hub 218 when Bridger and the pirate Hondo Ohnaka tried to do business with Azmorigan, a kingpin. Tsoklo walked and talked with an Ugnaught while at the hub.

Tsoklo returned to Lothal by 1 BBY, just as the Empire was tightening its grip on the planet. Along with others, Tsoklo was imprisoned by the Empire for aiding rebels and forced into slavery under the Mining Guild, which was strip-mining Lothal for its resources. Tsoklo was assigned to ore crawler 413-24 and placed under the command of Captain Seevor and his foreman Proach.

Rebel salvation

While working on the crawler, Cikatro Vizago, a fellow slave and former crime lord, told his co-slaves that he was imprisoned for helping the rebel Spectres cell. Despite his imprisonment, Vizago believed his rebel friends would return for him. As it happened, the Spectres rebel cell and the local Lothal resistance group discovered the ore crawler in Lothal's southern hemisphere and quickly planned to hijack it, unaware of Vizago's presence.

Tsoklo watches Kanan Jarrus fend off Proach.

The slaves were eventually found by Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight and member of the Spectres, after he infiltrated the crawler's boiler room. Initially believing Jarrus was with the Mining Guild, Tsoklo and the other slaves took cover when Jarrus drew his blaster pistol. When Jarrus revealed his true intentions, the slaves cautiously showed themselves to the Jedi. Vizago thanked Jarrus for what he thought was a rescue attempt just before Proach attacked him. Orrelios joined the fight, which eventually moved outside the boiler room. Tsoklo and the others watched the battle and cheered when Orrelios defeated Proach after a heated brawl.

However, an Imperial patrol intercepted the crawler, forcing Vizago and Orrelios to pretend to be the captain and foreman, respectively. To maintain appearances, Orrelios had Tsoklo and the others go back to work. Eventually, the patrol left, believing Vizago to be the crawler captain, and Seevor was killed during an altercation with Ezra Bridger a short time later. Along with the other freed slaves, Tsoklo pledged his support to the Rebel Alliance, officially joining the fight against the Empire.

Personality and traits

Despite working for the Empire, Tsoklo congratulated Sabine Wren by putting his hands together and bowing repeatedly after she attacked an Imperial air base and destroyed a TIE fighter. Furthermore, he was harassed by Imperial authorities during their search for Tseebo, which visibly shook him after each encounter. However, after his confrontation with Kallus, his mood improved when fireworks lit up the Imperial parade on Empire Day, causing him to smile and applaud.

Tsoklo angrily leaves a game of sabacc

Tsoklo was visibly upset after losing a game of Sabacc to Calrissian and Orrelios, throwing his cards on the table and storming off. When Bridger and Orrelios realized they would have to steal a meiloorun fruit from the Empire, Tsoklo laughed at the idea of them simply buying one, but he wished them luck anyway.

Tsoklo was boastful and a bully, often harassing others by mentioning his Imperial connections. However, Tsoklo's relationship with Supply Master Lyste was simply a means of protecting himself. When cornered by his Imperial allies, Tsoklo's belligerent nature would disappear, and he would cowardly throw himself at his superior's mercy, sometimes resorting to panicked flailing.

Tsoklo's fear was also evident while enslaved by the Mining Guild. When he believed Jedi Jarrus to be a Mining Guild agent, Tsoklo hid behind equipment in Crawler 413-24's boiler room and armed himself with a tool. However, after witnessing the Rebels' heroic actions in the following hour, Tsoklo bravely pledged to fight against the Empire.

Tsoklo was a Rodian with green pebble-textured skin, black eyes, a height of 1.79 meters, and a weight of 72 kilograms. Unlike some Rodians, Tsoklo did not have spines on the top of his head.


Tsoklo carried a utility vibroblade for self-defense. He typically wore a blue jacket, light pants, and brown boots during his daily activities, such as traveling to Garel, moving around Capital City, or working at his fruit stall in Kothal. Tsoklo also owned a house.

After being enslaved by the Mining Guild, Tsoklo was given a vest in the guild's blue and yellow colors. He had access to the ore crawler's tools, one of which he prepared to use as a defensive weapon.

Behind the scenes

Tsoklo was initially identified in the book Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head

Tsoklo was created for the Star Wars Rebels television show, which premiered in 2014 with Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion. His first appearance was in a promotional short titled "Art Attack." In Fighter Flight, he was credited as Vendor #1, and David Shaughnessy provided his voice. Tsoklo later made another voiced appearance in "Crawler Commandeers," where Dave Filoni voiced him and was credited as "Slave #2."

He was identified by name in the book Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head, written by Pablo Hidalgo.

Head to Head also featured a "What if?" scenario between Tsoklo and Supply Master Lyste. In this scenario, Tsoklo's constant bullying of his neighbors led them to report him to Lyste, claiming that Tsoklo was hoarding grain to sell on the black market. Lyste ordered a surprise inspection of Tsoklo's home, discovered the grain, and arrested the Rodian. Although Tsoklo drew a utility vibroblade, he ultimately surrendered and begged for mercy, only to find that the Empire showed none. The book rates Tsoklo as high in agility but low in courage. The match-ups in this book are purely hypothetical.

