Commando droid captain

BX-series droid commandos holding the rank of captain, known as commando droid captains, were assigned to lead other BX-series droids. These droid captains were typically recognized by the white markings on their head and chest, a standard design feature.


The commando droid captain Sparky on the Rishi Moon.

Similar to other commando droids, commando droid captains were programmed with enhanced tactical skills and a greater understanding of the battlefield. Like typical commando droids, these droids possessed glowing white photoreceptors; however, captains and other high-ranking commando droids had distinct white markings on their head and chest areas.


During the attack on Rishi Station, a command droid captain whom clone trooper Hevy called "Sparky" spearheaded the operation. The station's function was to transmit warnings should the Confederacy attempt to invade the clone homeworld of Kamino. General Grievous ordered the droids to seize the outpost and maintain a false "all clear" signal, concealing his impending invasion of Kamino. Disembarking from boarding ships on Rishi moon, the droid eliminated clone trooper Droidbait. Upon entering the listening post, he fatally shot clone trooper Sergeant O'Niner and another clone, CT-327. Although the remaining four clones managed to escape, the captain dismissed them as inferior, despite a commando droid reporting their disappearance. The droids then assumed control of the base, replacing the genuine alarm with a deceptive "all clear" signal. They communicated with General Grievous, who instructed the captain to continue broadcasting the false signal. When clone troopers Cody and Rex arrived, the droids destroyed their Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. Ultimately, the clones regained control of the station and destroyed all the droid commandos, including Sparky.

Three BX-series droid commando captains on Naboo.

During the Battle of Lola Sayu, a commando droid captain was stationed at the Citadel. Additionally, the Separatist Gungan Rish Loo deployed these droids on Naboo against Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Furthermore, parts from commando droid captains were repurposed to create monster droids. One monster droid, along with others, served as target practice for Death Watch, alongside a fully intact commando droid captain with its original components.

The Confederacy also utilized these droids during conflicts such as the Battle of Dathomir, the invasion of Florrum, and the Battle of Ringo Vinda.

