Mann was a captain in the Galactic Empire, identified as a male human. In the early years of the Imperial Era, specifically around 18 BBY, he was stationed on the world of Lau when he came across the rogue clones known as Omega and Crosshair. After he cheated them out of some credits and took their lurca hound, named Batcher, he met a gruesome end, being devoured by a rathtar that broke free from its enclosure.

Stationed on the planet of Lau, Mann frequented the local cantina, often gathering the day's earnings. Noticing Omega's substantial win against a Trandoshan in a balaans game, he challenged her. Deeming the growling Batcher a distraction, he had her taken outside, yet to his surprise, he still lost. He allowed Omega to claim her victory, but then declared gambling illegal on Lau, demanding a fine. Leaving the bar, he then seized Batcher, who was waiting outside.
Hoping to recover their lost pet, Omega and Crosshair entered the spaceport, only to be ambushed by Mann and several TK stormtroopers. He demanded the credits back, mocking them about Lau's strict pet policy. Furthermore, he ordered their surrender, having just learned of their escape from Tantiss Base. After a brief confrontation, Omega released Batcher and all the other creatures in the area. Amidst the ensuing chaos, Mann sought cover near a rathtar cage, and as it violently struck the cage doors, they gave way, releasing the creature. To his utter dismay, the rathtar seized him with its tentacles and pulled him inside as he desperately tried to grab the partially open doors, only for them to slam shut. His screams filled the air as the rathtar consumed him alive.
Identified as a male human with fair skin, [brown](/article/color] hair, and blue [eyes](/article/eye], Mann was materialistic and conceited. He reveled in his Imperial captain status and sought to exploit it, often toying with a credit in his hands when idle. He displayed arrogance while playing balaans against Omega, confidently taunting her. Upon losing, he manipulated the rules to reclaim the credits. A scheming individual, he used captured pets to lure others into traps, exploiting their emotional bonds. Even after Omega rightfully won the credits, he still considered them his and felt entitled to demand them back. He carried an RK-3 blaster.
Mann's debut occurred in "A Different Approach," the fourth episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season. Harry Lloyd provided his voice. Originally, the episode included a full balaans match between Mann and Omega, but it was shortened to maintain the episode's pacing.