Capture of Stolak Vandello

Around 9 ABY, the bounty hunter T'onga's crew successfully apprehended Stolak Vandello, a former member of the Black Sun syndicate. This capture occurred on the Star Cruiser Halcyon. Vandello had borrowed a quantity of credits from his previous employers so that R'Tess, his lover, could experience a life improved from the pollution on their homeworld, Balosar. The Black Sun had hired the crew to either capture or kill Vandello. After Vandello managed to evade Bossk and 4-LOM, he was punched by Wooro and gave himself up. Following the crew's decision to let Vandello and R'Tess observe a sungrazer-comet's impact on the star Daca, they delivered Vandello to the Black Sun. R'Tess remarked years afterward that she never saw him following this event, and she presumed that the Black Sun had executed him.

