LE-2003, known by the moniker "Elli," was a stormtrooper of the human female variety. Serving as a personal guard, she protected General Brendol Hux as the First Order gained power during their rise. Her life ended violently on the planet called Parnassos.
Recruited at a young age, LE-2003 was a human female who was brought into the ranks of the First Order. General Brendol Hux's rigorous stormtrooper training program molded her into a fiercely loyal and skilled warrior. She directly served him as a guard, accompanying him on his expeditions to various obscure planets like Otomok in search of new recruits for the First Order. During one such mission, they ventured to Parnassos, a desolate world where civilization had crumbled more than a hundred years ago. As they approached, the planet's long-dormant orbital defense systems unexpectedly activated, resulting in the destruction of Hux's ship. LE-2003, working alongside fellow stormtroopers PT-2445 and HF-0518, managed to secure Hux and his personal droid within an escape pod.
The escape pod crashed within territory controlled by the Claw clan, which was under the command of a Dug named Balder. The Claws rescued Hux and the troopers from the wreckage, and in return, they were offered the chance to join the First Order, with the promise of stormtrooper training similar to what LE-2003 had undergone. However, their negotiations were interrupted by the arrival of Phasma and her warriors from the Scyre, who asserted their position as Parnassos' most formidable warriors and, therefore, the most suitable to guide Hux to his ship and become part of his organization. Phasma killed Balder, while LE-2003 and her stormtrooper comrades shielded Hux from harm as they fled Claw territory, displaying a resolve that impressed the Scyre warriors.
Throughout their arduous journey across the cliffs and deserts of Parnassos, the First Order contingent and Scyre warriors faced numerous perils, including beetles, skinwolves, and rival clans of survivors. In one encounter, Hux sustained an injury from a skinwolf, and the infection rapidly spread. This compelled the group to seek medical assistance at the remnants of Terpsichore Station, a mining facility formerly operated by the Con Star Mining Corporation before Parnassos descended into chaos over a century prior. The station was now maintained by over forty still-functioning but increasingly eccentric droids. The droids agreed to treat Hux's injuries, but demanded payment, forcing the warriors to assume the roles of Con Star Mining employees and commit to a sixty day plan to settle their debt.
Initially, LE-2003 and the other stormtroopers resisted the notion of performing mundane mining tasks for a defunct corporation. However, they eventually conceded to maintain the facade of servitude until Hux recovered and they could devise an escape plan. Stripped of their identity-concealing armor and lacking the authority of their general, the stormtroopers gradually formed bonds with the Scyre warriors, eventually adopting nicknames to satisfy the native warriors who struggled with their First Order numerical designations. LE-2003 chose the name "Elli" and insisted that HF-0518 be called "Huff," despite his objections. Once Hux had recuperated after a few days of treatment, Elli and her companions orchestrated an escape, disabling the entire droid colony and commandeering a fleet of speeder bikes and a ground assault vehicle to traverse the sands swiftly. Initially, the troopers used the bikes to scout ahead of the GAV, but at Gosta's urging, Hux permitted the Scyre girl to accompany LE-2003 in learning to operate the vehicle.
During their time together, Gosta developed an affection for Elli, and the stormtrooper eagerly demonstrated the intricacies of the bike's controls and mechanics. Their companionship was short-lived, as their bike was the first to trigger a massive trench trap set by the inhabitants of Arratu to capture anyone approaching their city. While Elli and Gosta survived the crash, Elli sustained severe injuries and became unresponsive, prompting PT-2445 to pull her from the trench and carry her back to the group. When the group was captured and imprisoned in Arratu's prisons, her stormtrooper comrades continued to carry her unconscious body until Phasma and Hux examined her and determined that she had broken her neck in the fall. Although Hux believed she could recover with First Order medical technology once they escaped the planet, it was acknowledged that she would remain paralyzed until they reached space. Phasma dismissed her as a useless burden, and Hux did not object. When the group was summoned to meet Arratu himself, Phasma removed Elli's armor and claimed it as her own. After her companions abandoned her in the prison cell, she met her end, devoured by the starving prisoners.
LE-2003 made her debut appearance in the 2017 novel Phasma, penned by Delilah S. Dawson.