Pressy's Tumble, situated within the Pressylla system, was a manufactured asteroid field. This field originated from what was formerly an ore-laden moon. Due to the impracticality of mining its deeply buried ore deposits, an explosives engineer obliterated the moon. The largest remaining piece of the moon became a base for mining activities, supplying resources to the First Order. The stormtroopers of the First Order remained ignorant of the specific ore being extracted. Speculation among them suggested it was either a type of fuel or an ore vital for starship shield technology. The workforce primarily consisted of aliens. Not long before the attack that devastated Tuanul village on Jakku, Captain Phasma quelled a strike that took place at the mining settlement.
The initial depiction of Pressy's Tumble was in Before the Awakening, a young adult novel authored by Greg Rucka and released in 2015.