A BL-155 Laser ax was a specific kind of ax employed by Executioner troopers. Its function was to deliver rapid capital punishment by means of decapitation. This particular axe was comprised of four pairs of monomolecular energy ribbons, designed to inflict extreme pain upon those being executed.

In the course of the Battle of Oetchi, Resistance operatives Finn and Rose Tico, along with the slicer DJ, were apprehended during their attempt to infiltrate the Supremacy. Captain Phasma then summoned executioner troopers, armed with laser axes, to carry out the execution of Finn and Rose. This occurred after DJ bartered Resistance intelligence in exchange for his own liberation. Nevertheless, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo made the ultimate sacrifice, using the Raddus to severely damage the Supremacy, thereby preventing the prisoners' execution.

During the rescue of Tamara Ryvora, which took place on the Thunderer, Kazuda Xiono found himself grappling with an executioner. At this moment, Jarek Yeager intervened, employing a stormtrooper's F-11D blaster rifle to shoot the executioner, thus enabling Kaz to escape with their axe. Shortly thereafter, inside the hangar, Commander Pyre brandished an axe as he advanced toward Kaz, who was trapped by a box and struggling to reach his own axe. Just before Pyre could deliver the killing blow, CB-23 utilized her grappling cable to seize his axe. Pyre retaliated by attacking CB with his laser axe, striking her down and causing her to short circuit. However, Kaz then struck him from behind with another laser axe, rendering the commander unconscious.