Curamelle was a city situated on Corulag, a planet within the Core Worlds region. Following the Battle of Jakku – a pivotal triumph for the New Republic over the Galactic Empire that occurred in 5 ABY – Chass na Chadic, a former New Republic pilot, made her home in Curamelle for eleven months. Because her New Republic pension was nearing its end, she relocated to Crullov where the cost of living was more affordable.
Within established Star Wars canon, the city of Curamelle is referenced in Victory's Price, a 2021 novel and the concluding installment of Alexander Freed's Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy. Conversely, in the Star Wars Legends continuity, Curamelle initially featured in "Small Favors," a short story penned by Paul Danner that was released in February of 1997 within the twelfth issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal, a magazine published by West End Games.