Death sticks inside a clear case
A profoundly addictive and illegal narcotic, known as a death stick, was commonly available within the criminal underbelly of Coruscant and other locations throughout the galaxy. Packaged in glowing sticks, these were popular among thrill seeking individuals and desperate addicts. Ixetal cilona, which itself is derived from balo mushrooms originating on the planet of Balosar, was distilled and refined to create death sticks.
As early as 232 BBY, during the time of the High Republic Era, death sticks saw use. In that year, as part of a celebratory banquet following the attack on the Garello convoy, the gathered members of the Nihil had access to death sticks and other intoxicating substances within their Great Hall. In 230 BBY, Ovarto Bitolo-Bash partook of a death stick, despite regulations forbidding smoking while on duty. Even Rael Averross, a Jedi, occasionally indulged in death sticks.

Ten years after the Invasion of Naboo, while on the planet of Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight, was attempting to locate Zam Wesell, the assassin who had been targeting Padmé Amidala, a Senator. During this investigation, Kenobi entered the Outlander Club, situated in Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District, where he was approached by Elan Sel'Sabagno who attempted to sell him death sticks. However, Kenobi employed a Jedi mind trick to persuade Sel'Sabagno to not sell him death sticks, and to instead go home and re-evaluate his life choices. Enric Pryde, a human, was a user of death sticks until he joined the Galactic Empire; he subsequently ceased using the drug to align with his perception of what an Imperial officer should be.
Despite their status as illegal substances, the Databank entry for Elan Sleazebaggano classifies death sticks as a weapon.