Balo mushroom

Balo mushrooms, known also as balos, constituted a mushroom species uniquely native to Balosar, a planet located within the intensely polluted Core Worlds. These fungi were cultivated on farms controlled by the powerful corporations dominating Balosar, and were processed into the chemical substance ixetal cilona.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the industrial production surrounding these mushrooms became Balosar's most prominent activity. These mushrooms were also edible, leading the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs to incorporate a balo mushroom recipe in his cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, which debuted in 35 ABY.

Biological Characteristics and Physical Attributes

Balo mushrooms, alternatively called balos, represented a specific type of mushroom that flourished exclusively on the heavily contaminated Core Worlds planet of Balosar. This was the singular location where they could be discovered. These mushrooms could be refined to produce the chemical narcotic ixetal cilona. Furthermore, they were edible for members of the Artiodac species when prepared by sautéing.

Historical Context

The chemical ixetal cilona was refined from balo mushrooms and used to make death sticks (pictured).

The transformation of balo mushrooms into ixetal cilona had become the most well-known industrial undertaking on Balosar by the time of the Galactic Empire's reign. The limited portions of the polluted world not occupied by factories or urban development were dedicated to balo mushroom farms that spread extensively underground. These agricultural operations were managed by the powerful corporations that held dominion over Balosar, like BioTech Industries and Fergriss Pharmaceuticals. They were safeguarded by robust security measures, including enforcement droids, patrol craft, and sizable squads of armed security personnel. After the harvest, these highly sought-after mushrooms underwent refinement in towering factories located within Balosar's cities. The resulting ixetal cilona was then utilized in the production of diverse products, ranging from interrogation drugs to addictive narcotics like death sticks.

Strono Tuggs was surprised to find balo mushrooms thriving on Balosar.

Rival corporations would frequently engage deniable assets to target the balo mushroom growing fields of their competitors, with the intentions of stealing the harvest, sabotaging operations, or even obliterating the entire farm. Many members of the Balosar species—who were native to the planet of the same name and often found themselves entangled in its web of corporate corruption—were tempted to participate in these swift and unethical corporate espionage endeavors. This was motivated by the prospect of quickly earning credits while simultaneously impeding the schemes of the corporations that controlled their homeworld.

During a gastronomic journey across the galaxy between 34 ABY and 35 ABY, the Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs did not anticipate encountering any vegetation on Balosar during his visit. He was, however, surprised to discover the existence of the balo mushroom. He subsequently featured a recipe utilizing balo mushrooms in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, released in 35 ABY. In this publication, he characterized the mushrooms as flavorful with a terrific taste, expressing a preference for sautéing the fungus with butter and herbs rather than consuming it as a narcotic, as this allowed him to savor the taste without experiencing adverse effects.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, balo mushrooms were initially mentioned in Cyphers and Masks, a 2018 supplement for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games. The mushrooms have their roots in the Star Wars Legends continuity, where they were first documented in the 2006 reference book The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, penned by Ann Margaret Lewis and Helen Keier.

Cremini mushrooms were used to represent balo mushrooms in an out-of-universe recipe.

The 2023 canon cookbook Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak, presented a balo mushroom dish recipe that employed cremini mushrooms as a stand-in for the fungus in the out-of-universe recipe. The recipe also incorporated unsalted butter, shallots, minced garlic cloves, fresh thyme, basil, paprika, kosher salt, black pepper, grated parmesan cheese, and chopped, fresh parsley.


  • Cyphers and Masks (Initial Mention)
  • " Coruscant " — Star Wars Encyclopedia (Indirect reference only)
  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook

Notes and references
