Patriim system

The Patriim system existed within the Seswenna sector of the Outer Rim Territories, featuring the planet called Patriim. The Galactic Empire maintained a presence in this star system, with a source inside the system spreading tales to the opposing Rebel Alliance regarding the supposed construction of a dreadnought disguised as an asteroid.

Furthermore, by 1 BBY, the Empire executed significant tactical deployments to the Patriim system related to the Death Star superweapon's construction. The Alliance became aware of these deployments and initiated an investigation. After being taken into Alliance custody during the Galactic Civil War, Imperial Captain Ralchio Nervi claimed that a superweapon was under construction within the Patriim system. Despite conducting reconnaissance, Nervi's captors were unable to locate any superweapons.


The star system known as the Patriim system, situated in the Outer Rim Territories' Seswenna sector, was a remote location. It housed Patriim, a planet deemed strategically unimportant.


Alliance intelligence heard rumors from a source in the Patriim system of a asteroid dreadnought being developed.

Sometime between 2 BBY and 1 BBY, the Galactic Empire established operations in the Patriim system. An informant within the system informed the Rebel Alliance's intelligence branch about the Empire's alleged work on a dreadnought disguised as a space rock. Within Alliance Intelligence, Colonel Haxen Delto prepared a report for Chief of Intelligence General Airen Cracken regarding rumored Imperial superweapon projects, emphasizing the unreliability of the Patriim system source.

By 1 BBY, the Empire initiated substantial tactical deployments to Patriim, along with fifteen other locations like Eadu, Horuz, and Jedha, as part of the Death Star superweapon construction project. These deployments involved frequent communication disruptions, with some Imperial operations sharing a set of atypical Imperial security protocols. The Alliance became aware of these deployments, including the Empire's transportation of kyber crystals to the Patriim and Horuz systems. Cracken instructed rebel agent Captain Cassian Andor to investigate the reports concerning Patriim and Horuz.

Andor's investigations took him to places like Coruscant, Corulag, and the Ring of Kafrene, where he uncovered rumors about the Empire concealing its kyber shipments within civilian freighter convoys, some passing through Kafrene towards an unknown destination. Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma of the Alliance, concerned by the Imperial deployments to Patriim and other locations, documented the Alliance's knowledge of them in her personal files.

During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance, the Empire maintained a dry dock in the Patriim system. After his capture by the Alliance on the planet Xorrn, Imperial Captain Ralchio Nervi disclosed that the Empire had developed a superweapon similar to the late Death Star, which he believed was being built in the Patriim system. Nervi's captors, led by rebel Agent Nath Alico, conducted a reconnaissance mission to the system, discovering the Empire's dry docks along with some Imperial Star Destroyers. However, they failed to locate a superweapon and gathered as much information as possible before returning to Xorrn.

Behind the scenes

The Patriim system became part of the new Star Wars canon through its mention in the 2016 Fantasy Flight Games roleplaying adventure book, Friends Like These. The system originated in Star Wars Legends, initially appearing in the fifty-first issue of Marvel Comics' 1977 Star Wars comic run, authored by David Michelinie, illustrated by Walter Simonson, and released on June 16, 1981.

