
Xorrn, a planet of the terrestrial type, existed within the Xorrn system found in the Ferra sector. This sector was situated far into the southern Slice region of the expansive Outer Rim Territories. Being a relatively young world, Xorrn's crust had only recently cooled, allowing access to mineral resources located in the magma beneath. However, the planet's unstable tectonic activity made it difficult for most mining operations to succeed in exploiting its resources.

Leading up to the Clone Wars, the Geonosians strategically concealed clandestine battle droid production factories on Xorrn. As the war unfolded, the Galactic Republic discovered Xorrn and launched numerous attacks, including orbital bombardments targeting the droid construction facilities. Following the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Xorrn was largely forgotten, with one exception: a clan of former Separatist sympathizers hailing from Gall, a world destroyed by the Empire. These refugees settled in Foundry Four, a derelict factory complex established by the Geonosians, which they transformed into a subterranean city. During the Galactic Civil War, Xorrn's inhabitants produced various starship components for both criminal organizations and Rebel forces.


Foundry Four

The terrestrial planet Xorrn, nearly devoid of inhabitants, rotated within its eponymous system. It resided in the Ferra sector, nestled deep within the southern Slice of the Outer Rim Territories, and was discreetly positioned along the Cranan-Excarga Hyperspace Route. Xorrn's rotation took twenty-five hours to complete a day, while its orbital period spanned 526 days for each year. Those who had visited the world described it as being similar to the desert planet Tatooine, though more tranquil. The planet was home to a native species of scurrier, along with a few transplanted species like hawk-bats and conduit worms. A population of 350 individuals resided there, communicating in the galaxy's common tongue, Basic.

Most of the planet's lifeforms dwelled within its extensive network of winding caverns, which contained springs of molten minerals. Despite the challenging conditions for life on Xorrn, the planet was abundant in mineral wealth. Its young age meant that its rocky surface had only recently begun to cool, resulting in a thin, unstable crust that provided easy access to the mineral-rich magma below.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, a clandestine repair slip known as the Ferra Sector Shipyard was secretly established in orbit around Xorrn by Lira Hardin and her team of engineers. This [shipyard](/article/shipyard], measuring 800-meter in length, primarily served to repair ships that could not utilize ports under Imperial control or surveillance. Additionally, the shipyard was responsible for refitting bulk freighters and haulers with armor, armaments, and hangar space, converting civilian cargo vessels into combat warships for use by mercenaries, pirates, and later, the Rebel Alliance.


Geonosian colonization

The graveyard of derelict warships left after the Clone Wars.

While smaller mining operations struggled to establish themselves on Xorrn due to the planet's unstable tectonic plates (earning it a reputation as a financial black hole among resource analysts), the Geonosian race managed to find success there. Prior to the onset of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Geonosians concealed a network of droid factories on Xorrn to hide the production of illegal battle droids from the Republic, believing it would be the last place they would search. Initially, they attempted to construct traditional Geonosian hive spires on Xorrn, but the planet's thin crust swallowed the citadels before they could become operational. However, once the Geonosians conceived the idea of constructing spires in reverse, excavating rather than erecting, Xorrn became the insectoid race's best-kept secret, with millions of battle droids being manufactured far from the sight of Coruscant and the Republic in the Core Worlds.

Despite the Geonosians' precautions, Xorrn and their operations were eventually discovered by the Republic after the Clone Wars began, turning the planet into a war zone for the duration of the conflict. Following its discovery near the war's start, Xorrn was subjected to numerous attacks. After several failed attempts at atmospheric insertion on other Geonosian worlds, the Republic deemed Xorrn no longer worth further casualties. However, before withdrawing, the Republic ordered the Ferra sector fleet to initiate a planetary bombardment on the facilities. This bombardment resulted in several Trade Federation core ships picking up droid shipments being caught in the attack, leaving behind a graveyard of their gutted hulls scattered across Xorrn's surface.

Home to refugees

The Battle of Xorrn

After the rise of the Galactic Empire, Xorrn was once again largely forgotten by the galaxy, with a few exceptions. A small group of refugees, led by Cacique Jans Coorsa, escaped from the destroyed world of Gall and sought refuge in the Geonosian factory complex known as Foundry Four. There, Coorsa became the leader of their established governing body, the Clan Assembly, which eventually led to the reactivation of the factories within, while also transforming it into an underground city for the survivors of the Imperial attack on Gall. In this refuge, the refugees produced and installed a variety of custom starship components for Rebels, pirates, and smugglers.

However, during the Galactic Civil War, the Empire discovered the activities on Xorrn and dispatched an Imperial task force under the command of Captain Ralchio Nervi. This force, consisting of the Gladiator I-class flagship Blood Ambition and the Raider-class corvettes Sargantuan and Warhawk, was sent to Xorrn after discovering the shipyard and the operations on the planet. In response, the Rebel Alliance dispatched an armada, leading to a battle between the Empire and the Rebellion known as the attack.


Foundry Four, located beneath Xorrn's surface, was a functioning network of five separate Geonosian-built droid factories connected by a central command center. This monitoring station, situated deep within the foundry, was used to oversee the operations of the five factories and later served as a meeting place for the Clan Assembly. Following the collapse of several landing shafts during the Clone Wars, two shafts, located at each factory, remained active and were used for importing raw materials and exporting finished products from the facility. Each shaft extended 400 meters below the surface to a corvette-sized landing platform near a staging area used for cargo.

The Starship Component Factory, located west of the two functioning factories, had a clear landing shaft to facilitate the easy movement of raw materials and finished components in and out of the facility. Below the factory was a smelting plant used to melt, purify, and pipe metals to the factory's numerous assembly lines, where they were poured and stamped.

The northeastern factory, known as the Belts, served as the primary residential area for the inhabitants of Foundry Four. While the main walkway to the landing shaft was kept clear for traffic and finished products, the former assembly lines were used to support housing. Four-roomed prefabricated habitation cubes were among the first structures built upon the foundry's reactivation by Jans Coorsa. Although only a few hundred individuals lived on Xorrn, most worked in either of the two factories or the orbital shipyard, or were too young or old to work. The southeastern factory, the Arms Factory, was dedicated to producing a variety of starship-grade weaponry. Once produced, the larger weapons were moved one at a time on specialized skiffs through the residential area of the northeastern factory, which had the closest landing shafts.

Behind the scenes

Xorrn was first featured in the 2016 adventure book Friends Like These by Fantasy Flight Games as part of the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game.

