The Dantooine base, situated within the jungles of Dantooine, functioned as a key installation for the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin. It had been deserted by the time that the Battle of Scarif occurred.
Positioned deep within a thick forest on Dantooine, far from Dantoo Town, the base was camouflaged to appear as a sap farm. Its initial structures comprised of pre-fabricated living modules, which were quickly enhanced with defensive measures. These defenses incorporated weaponry pilfered from smuggler outposts, along with an energy shield acquired from an Imperial detention facility. The base featured a sizable enclosed area capable of accommodating numerous small starfighters, along with many droid-charging stations, sophisticated communications equipment, and numerous bunks designed to house hundreds of troops. At one stage, the Alliance forces had plans to make the base bigger by digging underground extensively.
General Antoc Merrick held overall command of the starfighter wings stationed on Dantooine.
The Dantooine base holds the distinction of being the first rebel base that the Alliance to Restore the Republic established. Gold Squadron was stationed there before its relocation to the Massassi Temple on Yavin after the Declaration of the Rebel Alliance by Mon Mothma in 2 BBY.
Despite its initial designation as a temporary installation, the base saw the construction of an increasing number of facilities as the Alliance expanded. Sometime before the Battle of Scarif, the pilot Ryle Torsyn discovered an Imperial tracking device concealed within a delivery of equipment. Erring on the side of caution, the device was destroyed, and the Dantooine base was evacuated. Headquarters were then moved to an ancient temple located on Yavin 4, a base already in use by Jan Dodonna and his rebel cell. However, the Empire remained unaware of the former base's existence on Dantooine.
Subsequently, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan was taken into custody by Grand Moff Tarkin, who held her as a prisoner aboard the Death Star. Tarkin threatened the princess with the destruction of her homeworld if she refused to reveal the location of the Alliance's base, so Organa attempted to mislead the Grand Moff by identifying Dantooine. Nevertheless, Tarkin proceeded to order the destruction of Alderaan.
An Imperial reconnaissance team, consisting of multiple scout ships and a Star Destroyer under the command of Cassio Tagge, was sent to Dantooine to investigate the princess's claim. While the Imperials did locate the remnants of the Alliance base, they correctly deduced that it had been abandoned some time prior and initiated scouting operations in nearby star systems. However, they did apprehend Chelli Lona Aphra, who was scavenging the base for valuable materials. Deeming her a potential threat, Tagge ordered her execution, but she managed to escape.