"Vision of Hope" marks the twelfth installment of the first season in the Star Wars Rebels animated television saga. It also holds the distinction of being the twelfth episode presented in the overarching narrative.
This episode, a collaborative effort penned by Henry Gilroy and brought to life under the direction of Steven G. Lee, initially became available on WatchDisneyXD.com and the WatchDisneyXD app on January 26, 2015. Its broadcast premiere occurred on Disney XD on February 2, 2015.
The central conflict of the episode arises when the rebels endeavor to extract the banished Senator Gall Trayvis, a supposed rebel advocate, from the clutches of the Galactic Empire. This rescue mission is spurred by a vision experienced by Ezra Bridger, which forewarns of the senator's peril. However, the reality is that Trayvis is a double agent working for the Empire, orchestrating a calculated deception to ensnare the rebels.
After glimpsing a future scenario through a vision, Ezra guides the Ghost crew towards an encounter with a prospective comrade.

Kanan Jarrus is training Ezra Bridger in the art of deflecting stun blaster fire from Sabine Wren, Garazeb Orrelios, and Chopper. Jarrus observes that Bridger has a good grasp of blocking, but still needs practice in deliberately redirecting the shots and has yet to successfully hit his designated target: a stormtrooper helmet placed on a rock. Bridger expresses confidence that he will eventually hit the target, but Jarrus notices his lack of focus and halts the training to inquire about the issue. Bridger reveals his anxiety about potentially missing the latest broadcast from the dissenting Senator Gall Trayvis. Jarrus scolds Bridger for his distraction and impatience, urging his Padawan to maintain his concentration on the present moment.
As Bridger resumes his training, he begins to hear voices in his mind, including that of the exiled Senator, and experiences a vision depicting the rebels being pursued by stormtroopers. The vision shows the rebels rescuing Senator Trayvis from the Imperials, and the Senator informing Bridger that his parents—Ephraim and Mira Bridger—were exceptionally courageous. Upon regaining consciousness on the ground, Bridger initially believes he was stunned, but Jarrus points out that he unconsciously deflected all the shots towards the helmet. Bridger recounts his vision to the others, inferring that the Senator must have known his parents to make such a statement. The rest of the crew dismisses the vision.

Hera Syndulla summons everyone back to the Ghost to view the Senator's transmission on HoloNet News; although they missed the live broadcast, Syndulla recorded the message and plays it back. Syndulla highlights that Trayvis embedded a coded message within the transmission, indicating a meeting with "local rebels" on Lothal. These hidden messages are easily deciphered by the locals, but remain unintelligible to the Empire. The rebels deduce that the meeting is scheduled to occur at the abandoned Lothal City Capitol Building on Lothal.
However, Jarrus suspects that the Empire may be more perceptive than they assume. Bridger subsequently learns from a contact, Zare Leonis at the Imperial Academy, that an operation is underway to capture the Senator. Leonis also pledges to provide further intelligence, but will soon be departing for Officer Academy off-world. Bridger attempts to reveal his true identity to Leonis, but is interrupted by a squad of stormtroopers, forcing him to flee.
Upon discovering the plot, the rebels establish a surveillance point near the Senate Building, where a dignitary shuttle has landed. The crew realizes that the building is heavily guarded by Imperial troops, leading them to suspect that they are entering a trap. Bridger, remaining optimistic, suggests infiltrating the building through the sewers. Chopper is assigned to guard the sewer entrance used by the rebels. The rebels divide into two groups, with Orrelios and Wren taking one route, and Bridger, Syndulla, and Jarrus taking another.

The latter group encounters the Senator, and the rebels are immediately ambushed by Imperials. The rebels manage to escape with Trayvis into the sewers, initiating a chase as the Imperial forces pursue them. Imperial forces rush to secure the sewer entrances, and a stormtrooper patrol mistakes Chopper for an outdated Imperial droid model. The stormtrooper patrol leaves Chopper to guard the entrance, instructing him to alert them if he spots the rebels.
The rebels split up within the sewers to disorient the pursuing forces, with Syndulla and Bridger escorting the Senator. While navigating the sewers, they reach a slight drop, and as they jump down, the Senator stumbles and falls. Bridger and Syndulla assist Trayvis in getting back on his feet, and a look of disdain briefly crosses his face after being touched by the rebels. He subtly brushes off his clothing in the areas where the rebels made contact, when Bridger and Syndulla are not observing.

The rebels encounter a new obstacle in the form of a large fan in the sewers. Syndulla hands Trayvis her blaster to provide cover while the two rebels work to disable the fan. However, the Senator turns the blaster on the two rebels, revealing himself as an Imperial informant who lures Rebels out of hiding so they can be identified by the Imperialists. These Rebels are then watched or killed by the Imperial Government after meeting with Trayvis. Bridger refuses to believe it, insisting that Trayvis is a voice of freedom, much like his parents. Trayvis retorts that no one has dared to speak out against the Empire since the Bridger transmissions.
Senator Trayvis realizes that Ezra is the son of the Bridgers. He tells the young Bridger that his parents were fools for opposing the Empire. Trayvis explains that he aligned himself with the Empire to ensure his survival, and that Ezra's parents should have done the same if they valued their lives. Trayvis then says that their rebellious nature has led to their demise. Although his words wound Ezra, Syndulla defiantly declares that as long as they continue the fight, the Bridgers' spirit lives on. Trayvis attempts to shoot Syndulla as she approaches him, but the blaster is uncharged, and Syndulla knocks him unconscious. Syndulla reveals to Bridger that she had harbored suspicions about Trayvis when he encouraged them to surrender to Kallus and when he feigned exhaustion in the tunnel.
The remaining rebels arrive, closely followed by the Imperial forces. Jarrus uses the Force to halt the fan, and the rebels escape from the Imperials as Trayvis regains consciousness. Ezra glares at Trayvis with a mixture of disgust and anger. The rebels return to the Ghost, where Bridger expresses his disappointment at being so wrong. He points out to Jarrus that he is always told to trust the Force, and Bridger believed that's what he was doing.
Jarrus clarifies that Bridger misinterpreted his vision by allowing his emotions to influence it, and that the vision was actually a warning about Trayvis's deception. Nonetheless, Force visions are complex and often difficult to interpret, and require extensive training and discipline to perceive things clearly. Syndulla adds that she also wanted to believe in Trayvis, but—despite his true allegiance—there is still hope in the galaxy.
The original title considered for this episode was "Lure". The mural displayed in the Senate Building was inspired by Works Progress Administration murals that were prevalent in America during the early 20th century.
Ezra Bridger's encounter with Zare Leonis is also depicted in Jason Fry's novel, Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice.