"Rebel Resolve" marks the fourteenth installment in the first season of the animated series Star Wars Rebels. It also holds the position of being the fourteenth episode in the entire series.
Justin Ridge took on the role of director for this episode, while Charles Murray and Henry Gilroy collaborated on the writing. The episode initially became available on WatchDisneyXD.com and the WatchDisneyXD app on February 16, 2015, before its official broadcast on Disney XD on February 23.
The focus of this episode is on the crew of the starship Ghost as they undertake a search for their leader, Kanan Jarrus, who has been captured by forces of the Galactic Empire. Concurrently, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, along with Agent Kallus, and the Grand Inquisitor are shown trying to extract crucial information from Jarrus, hoping to uncover details about other rebel cells.
Picking up where "Call to Action" left off, the rebel group consisting of Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Chopper, and Garazeb Orrelios set out to save Kanan Jarrus. At the beginning, they commandeer an AT-DP walker that's patrolling, aiming to infiltrate the Imperial data network to pinpoint Kanan's location. With the destruction of Lothal's Imperial Communications Center by the Empire, the network is crippled. After being chased by two more AT-DP walkers, the rebels make their way to the western edge of town to meet up with Hera, who's arriving in the Phantom, the Ghost's smaller ship.
During their escape, Zeb returns fire at the pursuing walkers, nearly falling out of their stolen AT-DP walker. Once Sabine learns that Hera Syndulla is approaching, she tells everyone to climb onto the top of their hijacked AT-DP. However, Chopper disregards this instruction, staying connected to the walker's terminal, hoping to find clues about Kanan. Shortly after, Hera appears in the Phantom, picking up Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb just as one of the pursuing walkers closes in. Realizing Chopper is still inside the AT-DP walker, Zeb rushes back to rescue him just before the walker is destroyed by the attacking one.
Upon returning to the Ghost, Hera receives a message from Fulcrum that the transmission they sent has been widely seen by both civilians and Imperial forces. Concerned for the rebellion's safety, Fulcrum orders Hera to halt the search for Kanan to avoid attracting unwanted attention to their rebel group. When Hera relays Fulcrum's message, Ezra refuses to abandon Kanan. Ignoring Hera's orders, Ezra decides to take action himself. While Chopper distracts Hera on the Ghost, Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb steal the Phantom and head into Lothal's wilderness to locate the Devaronian crime boss Vizago.
Vizago is initially unwilling to assist the Ghost's crew, citing that their rebellion has increased the Imperial presence on Lothal, disrupting his business. Despite Sabine's objections, Ezra convinces Vizago to reconsider by revealing that he and Kanan are both Jedi. Vizago laughs, disbelieving him, so Ezra uses the Force to levitate a crate above his head. Impressed by Ezra's display of Force abilities, Vizago reveals that the Empire is using courier droids to transmit sensitive information to their communication ship above Lothal, since the destruction of the communication tower has disrupted long-range communications on Lothal. Vizago suggests that Kanan's location is stored within this data.
After their meeting concludes, Ezra exits the ship to find Sabine and Zeb with Hera, who is furious with the three rebels for disobeying her orders. However, Ezra and his fellow rebels stand firm in their decision not to abandon Kanan. Overwhelmed, Hera reluctantly agrees to assist in rescuing Kanan, asking Ezra what information he obtained from Vizago. Meanwhile, aboard Grand Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer Sovereign, Kanan resists a mental probe conducted by one of Agent Kallus' interrogator droids. In an attempt to break the Jedi, the Grand Inquisitor subjects Kanan to electrocution. When Kanan refuses to disclose any information about Fulcrum and the rebel network, Grand Moff Tarkin orders the Jedi's transfer to the Mustafar system, a location expected to yield the "desired results."
Using the information provided by Vizago, the Ghost's crew formulates a plan to intercept one of the Empire's courier droids and substitute it with Chopper. Once aboard the Imperial communications ship, Chopper will infiltrate their data network to discover Kanan's whereabouts. After capturing the courier droid and eliminating its stormtrooper escort, Chopper boards the awaiting shuttle disguised as an Imperial droid. The shuttle soon departs, heading for the orbiting communications ship. Shortly after boarding, Chopper reaches the bridge and begins hacking into the Imperial Network, attracting unwanted attention from the Imperials.
As soon as Chopper downloads the necessary information, he signals the Ghost's crew to attack the communications ship, giving him time to escape. He opens an airlock, allowing himself to be sucked into the vacuum of space along with four stormtroopers who were behind him. Now in space, Chopper propels himself towards the Ghost, flying through the bomb bay doors as the Spectres return to Lothal. Hera expresses her pride in Ezra for taking charge and comments that Kanan has taught him well, with the Padawan saying so has she. From the data Chopper retrieved, Sabine discovers Kanan is aboard one of Governor Tarkin’s Destroyers, which is still over Lothal but scheduled to leave soon for the Mustafar system, a place she's unfamiliar with. Upon asking Hera, the Twi'lek Captain tells her and their close companions that she only heard the name once from Kanan and he said the Mustafar system was where Jedi go to die because the Empire claimed it was where Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was when he died.