Out of Darkness

title: Out of Darkness

"Out of Darkness" marks the seventh installment in the first season of the animated television show Star Wars Rebels. As such, it is also the seventh episode to be broadcast in the series overall.

Kevin Hopps penned the script for this episode, while Steward Lee took on the directing duties. The episode first became available on WatchDisneyXD.com on November 3, 2014, before making its on-air television premiere on November 10.

The narrative of this episode primarily follows Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren as they embark on a mission to a long-abandoned asteroid base formerly belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic. Their objective is twofold: to rendezvous with an informant known only as "Fulcrum"—Syndulla's frequent source of intelligence regarding the Galactic Empire—and to collect several crates filled with essential supplies. Wren, previously unaware of "Fulcrum's" existence, begins to question whether she is truly trusted by her comrades. Following a harrowing encounter with deadly fyrnocks within the base, Wren ultimately resolves her internal conflict regarding trust, leading Syndulla to encourage her to place her faith in the growing rebellion.

Official description

As trust issues create tension, Hera and Sabine join forces for a supply mission, only to discover unexpected peril.

Plot summary

Evading the Empire

The Phantom fleeing TIE fighters

The episode begins with the VCX-series auxiliary starfighter, designated the Phantom, being chased through the canyons of Lothal by a squadron of TIE fighters. Sabine Wren suggests engaging the enemy, but Hera Syndulla instructs her to "keep calm, as it is all part of the plan." When Ezra Bridger voices his skepticism, Hera reminds him that he should know better than to doubt her. Hera skillfully utilizes the Phantom's rear-mounted turret to destroy one of the pursuing TIE fighters. She then confidently asserts that no fighter in the Imperial Navy can outpace her. Hera also mentions her reluctance to teach Ezra how to pilot her prized ship. Suddenly, the remaining three TIE fighters converge on the Phantom.

As the Phantom comes under heavy fire, Sabine sarcastically remarks that Hera has gotten them into a "fine mess" and questions the reliability of their intelligence source, "Fulcrum." Ezra urges Hera to focus on avoiding their imminent demise. In response, Hera tells her crew to brace themselves as she maneuvers the Phantom through a narrow passage. One of the TIE fighters crashes, but the Phantom's steering vane sustains damage. As the Phantom continues to lead the two remaining TIE fighters on a high-speed chase, Sabine demands to know the contents of the convoy and the reason for its importance. Hera tersely replies that Fulcrum's intelligence is provided on a "need-to-know" basis, which does not satisfy Sabine. Hera then uses the Phantom's rear turret to target a nearby mountain, creating a cloud of debris that causes the two remaining TIE fighters to collide and crash. Despite their successful escape, the Phantom suffers damage to its fuel tank.

Sabine's reservations

Upon returning to the VCX-100 light freighter known as the Ghost, Hera is greeted by Kanan Jarrus. Hera assures Kanan that she and her crew are unharmed, but informs him that the Phantom has sustained some damage. After exchanging banter with Kanan, Hera instructs Garazeb Orrelios to prepare the Phantom for another supply run dictated by Fulcrum. She tasks him with repairing the ship's steering and conducting a comprehensive diagnostic scan. Hera also assigns Ezra and the C1-series astromech droid Chopper to assist Zeb. As Ezra and Zeb engage in their usual bickering, Sabine remains withdrawn and sullen.

Sabine questioning Hera's leadership

Hera pilots the Ghost into hyperspace. In the cockpit, Hera discusses her previous mission with Kanan. Despite the accuracy of Fulcrum's information in identifying the target, Hera notes that they underestimated the strength of the Imperial defenses. Kanan responds that it is becoming increasingly difficult to anticipate the Empire's actions. Sabine interrupts to question Hera and Kanan's reliance on Fulcrum's intelligence. Kanan explains that it is Hera's responsibility to find missions that disrupt the Empire and "benefit them." He defends Hera's decision to trust Fulcrum.

Sabine retorts that she was taught not to question authority during her time at the Imperial Academy, and that it ultimately led to her disillusionment. She emphasizes that this is the reason she joined the Spectres. Kanan praises her contributions, but Sabine expresses her frustration. She informs Hera that she will be accompanying her on the next supply run to meet Fulcrum in person. Hera responds that Sabine can be "pretty frustrating too."

Antics aboard the Ghost

Meanwhile, Zeb expresses his annoyance at the length of the Phantom's diagnostic scan. Ezra is nearing completion of the steering repairs. Zeb orders Chopper to purge the filters, and the droid complies, releasing the contents onto an unsuspecting Ezra. After checking the computer, Zeb reports that the steering and life support systems are functioning again. Ezra coughs from the dust, but Zeb finds the situation amusing. Ezra is not pleased with Chopper's prank and jumps onto the mischievous droid. While Ezra and Chopper continue their squabble, Zeb reminds them that the diagnostic scan is not yet complete.

Ezra cheekily suggests that the Lasat should fix it himself as Chopper rolls over Zeb's foot with one of his ambulatory struts. Zeb chases after Ezra and Chopper, ignoring the computer, which indicates a fuel leak on the Phantom's hull. As they exit hyperspace, Zeb attempts to restrain the bickering Ezra and Chopper. At that moment, Hera and Sabine enter the engine room. Zeb and Ezra report that the steering and life support systems have been repaired. Zeb and Ezra resume their pursuit of Chopper as Hera and Sabine depart on the Phantom.

Faith and reliance

Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren on their mission to Fort Anaxes

Hera and Sabine set off on the Phantom. During the flight, Sabine questions whether Fulcrum is simply another smuggler like Vizago and why the secrecy is necessary. Hera replies that their fight against the Empire is no secret and that they need as many allies as possible. Sabine expresses her frustration with Hera's evasiveness. Suddenly, the comlink activates, and Fulcrum contacts Hera. Sabine defiantly attempts to speak with Fulcrum, but Hera reasserts her authority. Fulcrum relays her instructions, and Sabine reiterates her demand to speak with Fulcrum.

Fulcrum asks "Spectre Two" what the problem is. Hera assures her that the situation is under control and explains that "Spectre Five" decided to assist with the supply run. Hera curtly informs Sabine that her help is not needed, leaving Sabine feeling slighted. The Phantom lands at Fort Anaxes on the asteroid PM-1203; a remnant of the shattered planet Anaxes. Upon landing, Sabine demands to know Fulcrum's location, with Hera suggesting that Fulcrum may not approve of her attitude. As they exit the Phantom, fuel begins to leak from the shuttle's hull.

Hera and Sabine begin loading crates. Unbeknownst to them, they are being watched by a Fyrnock. While loading supplies, Sabine apologizes for her difficult behavior and expresses her concern that things are becoming increasingly dangerous. Sabine tells Hera that she and Kanan can trust her. Hera reassures Sabine that she trusts her, but that secrecy is essential to protect the entire crew in the event that one of them is captured. Sabine disagrees, but Hera counters that the Imperials have ways of extracting information from anyone. When Sabine argues that this is precisely why she needs to be informed, Hera responds that Sabine already knows what she "needs to know" and implores the Mandalorian to trust her.

Sabine finds it difficult to trust anyone due to her experiences as an Imperial cadet on Mandalore. Sabine explains that she followed orders blindly, resulting in a traumatic experience. While loading, Sabine tells Hera that she wants to know that their actions are making a difference. Sabine expresses doubt that they can defeat the Empire on their own and reiterates her desire to avoid another nightmare. Hera urges Sabine to have faith that the rebels have a long-term plan that extends beyond them, Lothal, and the entire Outer Rim. Hera asks Sabine to have faith in her and Kanan.

Hera and Sabine were ambushed by fyrnocks

Peril at Fort Anaxes

Hera notices that one of the crates is missing and that there are claw marks on the ground. Sabine suspects Fulcrum, but Hera points out that no one else knows the base's location. Hera recalls that Fort Anaxes was abandoned after the Clone Wars and wonders why someone would drag the crate instead of using the anti-grav. Sabine observes that the sunrise occurs rapidly in this region of space. The two rebels explore the abandoned base and discover that someone has ripped open the crate. Spotting a wrecked LAAT gunship, Hera realizes that they are dealing with a creature.

As Sabine inquires about the reason for the base's abandonment, they hear movement and animalistic cries. The two retreat, only to encounter a fyrnock. They manage to use their blasters to fight their way out of the cave. The fyrnock does not pursue them because it is afraid of sunlight. Hera and Sabine realize that they are safe as long as the sun shines on the base. Sabine points out that a nearby asteroid could block the sunlight. Sabine and Hera load the last crate and prepare to leave. However, Hera discovers that the Phantom has run out of fuel.

Back on the Ghost, Zeb is about to enjoy a meal of space waffles when Ezra enters the room riding a reluctant Chopper. Chopper manages to break free by throwing Ezra onto the table. Enraged, Zeb grabs Ezra and places his foot on Chopper's head. They then receive a distress call from Hera. Zeb releases Ezra and Chopper before answering Hera on his comlink. Hera demands to know if they performed a proper diagnostic scan. After consulting the computer, Zeb discovers that the Phantom had a damaged fuel line.

Kanan is meditating in his quarters when he hears Ezra and Zeb arguing outside. The three enter, but Kanan, who has been listening to their conversation, tells them that he already knows Hera and Sabine are in danger. When Ezra asks about Kanan's Jedi abilities, Kanan replies that he could hear them yelling outside. Kanan informs Hera that they are on their way.

Collaborative effort

Sabine and Hera reconciled their differences amidst adversity

Back at Fort Anaxes, Sabine believes that Kanan will not arrive in time. Hera advises against seeking shelter in the Phantom due to the damaged shuttle inside the cave. The two decide to stand their ground. Sabine discovers several rhydonium canisters. Knowing that they do not know how many fyrnocks are inside, Sabine convinces Hera to help her arrange the rhydonium canisters in clusters so that they can eliminate the creatures one wave at a time. When Hera asks how they are going to test their plan, Sabine replies that they will be the bait. Working together, the two manage to arrange the rhydonium canisters into clusters before an asteroid blocks out the sun.

A fyrnock charges forward, but Sabine and Hera shoot the first cluster, destroying the creature. Other fyrnocks follow, and the two rebels lure the pack towards the second cluster, eliminating the second wave. Hera praises Sabine for her ingenuity. A third wave attacks, but the rebels manage to detonate more rhydonium canisters, wiping out the fourth wave. However, the fyrnocks encircle them by moving around the rhydonium clusters. Having exhausted their supply of rhydonium canisters, Hera and Sabine retreat to the top of the Phantom to fight off the fifth wave with blasters.

Before the fyrnocks can overwhelm them, the Ghost arrives. Kanan uses the ship's searchlights to scatter the creatures, while Ezra and Zeb open the gangplank and use their weapons to drive off the fyrnocks. Ezra attempts to use his energy slingshot but is threatened by one of the creatures. Sabine drives the fyrnock away, while Zeb throws the remaining creatures off the Ghost's gangplank. Several fyrnocks climb onto the Ghost's hull, but Hera reroutes auxiliary power to the hull, electrocuting the intruders. Hera instructs Chopper to reroute coolant to the hull. In the cargo hold, Ezra attempts to thank Sabine, but she tells him "not to read too much into it." After retrieving the Phantom with magnetic locks, the Spectres depart into space.


Later, Zeb and Ezra apologize to Hera for their shoddy work and offer to repair the Phantom. Chopper attempts to deflect blame, earning glares from Ezra and Zeb. Hera is unconcerned, but Sabine remarks that their incompetence nearly resulted in them becoming "lunch." In private, Hera acknowledges Sabine's questions but emphasizes that she has secrets to keep. Hera reminds Sabine that she trusted her with her life at Fort Anaxes. Sabine reciprocates, agreeing to trust Hera with her life.


