A prime minister from the planet Christophsis in the Outer Rim served as the leader of his homeworld during the time of the Imperial Era. This minister, along with other Christophsis government figures, provided support to an insurgent group that was in opposition to the Galactic Empire. The home city of Tophen, where the prime minister resided, served as the base for these insurgents.
The Empire became aware of the minister's participation with the thieves in 3 BBY, following the insurgents' theft of an Imperial medical frigate. While other officials on Christophsis were arrested and given prison sentences as punishment, the prime minister was tried, convicted, and ultimately executed for the crime of treason. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin delivered a public condemnation of the leader and the actions of his world to the Galactic Senate a few weeks after the frigate incident, referencing both the minister's fate and the subjugation of Tophen.
The character of the prime minister was referenced within Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a young adult novel from 2017 penned by Claudia Gray.