Christophsis insurgents

The Christophsis insurgents, a rebel faction operating on the planet of Christophsis, were aligned with the larger rebellion. Their activities included the hijacking of an Imperial medical frigate in 3 BBY, an operation facilitated by the frigate's commanding officer. This group enjoyed clandestine support from numerous figures within the Christophsian government, notably the prime minister along with the planet's [senators](/article/senator], and largely operated out of Tophen, the prime minister's city of residence. Upon uncovering the support provided by the prime minister, senators, and other prominent government figures, the Empire responded with a severe crackdown, leading to the arrest of these officials, the execution of the prime minister, and the forceful "pacification" of Tophen.

Behind the scenes

This insurgent group is referenced within Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a young adult novel from 2017 penned by Claudia Gray.

