Rediscovery of Lira San

During 3 BBY within the Imperial Era, the long-lost homeworld of Lira San was rediscovered by a band of surviving Lasat from the destruction of their planet, Lasan. The rebel crew of the starship Ghost aided them, including Garazeb Orrelios, a former captain in the Lasan High Honor Guard and one of the few who lived through the fall of their home.


Early in the years of the Galactic Empire, Imperial Military forces launched an attack against the planet Lasan, which served as the original homeworld for the Lasat species. Imperial Military forces deployed devastating weaponry, notably the T-7 ion disruptor rifles, resulting in widespread death among the Lasat population and vast devastation across the planet. Many Lasat survivors were compelled to evacuate. One refugee, Garazeb Orrelios, previously a Captain within the Lasan High Honor Guard, became a member of the rebel group known as the Spectres. For a considerable period, Zeb operated under the impression that he was the sole surviving Lasat in the galaxy.

In 3 BBY, two other Lasat survivors, Gron, formerly of the Honor Guard, and Chava the Wise, resolved to locate the mythical Lasat sanctuary of Lira San, situated in Wild Space. En route, they concealed themselves within a shipping container bound for Nixus Hub 218. The Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka divulged this information to both the rebel Ezra Bridger and the Empire, aiming to profit from the situation. Ezra and the other Spectres journeyed to Nixus, successfully rescuing Gron and Chava from Imperial forces. They then evaded stormtroopers and escaped the spaceport. However, Hondo was apprehended by the Empire and coerced into serving Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus, a recurring adversary of the Spectres.

Voyage to Lira San

A leap of faith

Chava was convinced that the location of Lira San could only be revealed through the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. This Lasat legend stipulated that a "Child of Lasan" must first rescue the Fool and the Warrior from their own internal struggles. To prepare for the journey, Chava and Gron initiated a ritual involving continuous chanting in the Lasat language. Despite his reunion with fellow Lasat, Zeb remained skeptical about their quest, dismissing Lira San as a mere myth. He privately confessed that his pessimism stemmed from his failure as a Captain to safeguard the royal family and his homeworld. Ezra reassured him that he bore no responsibility for the Fall of Lasan and urged him to find redemption by participating in Gron and Chava's ceremony to locate Lira San.

Zeb conceded and reluctantly embraced his role as the prophesied "child." In the traditional Lasat manner, he activated his bo-rifle, enabling it to interact with Chava's staff. The astromech droid Chopper then projected a holographic map of the Galaxy. Zeb's rifle emitted a surge of energy, pinpointing a system within Wild Space. To validate the prophecy, captain Hera Syndulla set a course for Lira San using the coordinates from Chopper's star map. As they neared their destination, Hera was compelled to withdraw the starship Ghost from hyperspace due to an imploded star cluster obstructing their path. Chava identified this black hole as the maze foretold in the legend.

Imperial entanglements

Adding to the Spectres' challenges was the arrival of an Arquitens-class command cruiser under the command of Agent Kallus and Admiral Kassius Konstantine. Kallus had tracked them using a device planted by Hondo in the transmitter he had loaned to Ezra. Kallus gave the rebels a minute to surrender before destroying their vessel. Chava recognized Kallus as embodying the role of the "warrior," emphasizing that individuals fulfill these roles at various times.

Taking another leap of faith, Zeb activated his bo-rifle, using it to navigate the Ghost through the hazardous maze. With the ultimatum expired, Kallus deployed two TIE fighters to pursue the Ghost. However, the gravitational forces of the star cluster destroyed them. Kallus then ordered his warship to fire upon the rebel ship, but the laser blasts were deflected by the ship's hull. As the cruiser sustained damage, Kallus ordered a retreat, leaving the rebels to face what he believed was their imminent demise. Approaching the star cluster, the rebels were stunned by a brilliant flash of light. The Ghost's hyperdrive then mysteriously jumped to Lira San's location.


Upon regaining consciousness, the Spectres and their Lasat passengers discovered that they had successfully traversed the star cluster. They also sighted Lira San in the distance. While Zeb, Gron, and Chava traveled to Lira San aboard the auxiliary ship Phantom, the other rebels remained on the Ghost, awaiting their return. Shortly thereafter, Zeb returned, informing his fellow rebels that Lira San was already inhabited by millions of Lasat and was, in fact, the original Lasat homeworld. While most of the rebels celebrated this news, Chopper grumbled, reflecting his strained relationship with Zeb. Utilizing the course charted through the imploded star cluster, Hera piloted the Ghost back to known space.

Behind the scenes

The rediscovery of Lira San served as the central plot element in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Legends of the Lasat," which premiered on Disney XD on February 3, 2016. The episode further explored Zeb's background and the Lasat species.

