Bears existed as a form of life within the galaxy. Vi Moradi, a Resistance spy, observed that Lieutenant Wulfgar Kath of the First Order possessed a physique comparable to that of a bear. One species of bear was known as the garu-bear, a kind of bear that hibernated. K-A0S, the droid Hunter, made reference to the Ewok Hunter Pilbush as a diminutive bear.
Ben Burtt, the sound designer responsible for all nine films, crafted the iconic sound of Chewbacca's voice. Burtt's initial assignment for A New Hope involved the creation of Chewbacca's vocalizations. He synthesized a range of animal roars to express different feelings, incorporating those of bears. The sound utilized most extensively originated from a cinnamon bear known as Pooh. Burtt also incorporated sounds from a black bear named Tarik, who passed away due to congestive heart failure, liver disease, and cancer in October of 1994 at the age of 16.
Within LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Mi'no Teest made an oblique reference to Ewoks, likening them to "teddy bears."