
title: Gargantua

The Gargantua were a species of sizable, mammalian creatures resembling apes. One known individual resided within Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve.

Biology and appearance

Gargantua were large, mammal-like apes recognized for their timid nature and propensity for fright, despite their imposing stature. Although capable of bipedal locomotion on their three-toed feet, they primarily ambulated using their dexterous, three-fingered hands, typically clenched into fists, for support. The Gargantua possessed a resonant, booming roar that instilled fear in sentient beings unfamiliar with these gentle beings.

The Gargantua had two prominent, protruding maxillary incisors that were blunt, along with four mandibular canines that remained visible even when the creature's mouth was closed. Their skin exhibited a purplish-gray hue, which was apparent on the ventral abdomen, ventral surfaces of the hands and feet, dorsal digits, and face. The distal forelimbs, mandible, and midline of the dorsal back were covered in auburn fur, while the remainder of the body was covered in dark brown fur. The forehead, extending down to the nasal dorsum, featured longer white fur. Gargantua ears were large and pointed upwards, and the short, flat snout was positioned near the eyes. The eyes of Gargantua were large, featuring green sclera and deep black pupils. Their immense strength had the potential to inflict considerable property damage when startled.

Gargantua were easily frightened and preferred flight over confrontation when faced with perceived threats. As a nocturnal species, they frequently sought refuge in the safety and darkness of caves to rest during daylight hours.


During the High Republic Era, Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs received a mission from Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna: to assist the Safari droid SF-R3, known as "Aree," in transporting a diverse collection of creatures from various planets to Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve. Aree observed that Lys formed a unique bond with the male Gargantua being transported, whom she affectionately called "Garganchie." During a stop on the Outer Rim planet Kundu Minor to refuel their starship, the bellowing roar of Garganchie alerted Besalisk sisters Slaygh and Braygh. Suspecting it to be a musk-mole, the sisters boarded the starship and discovered Garganchie asleep in his secure enclosure. Braygh struck the transparent barrier, startling Garganchie awake, which in turn startled the sisters, who inadvertently released the Gargantua from the ship into their settlement. The townsfolk, frightened by the Gargantua's size and appearance, screamed and fled, which in turn scared Garganchie, causing him to escape into the arid wilderness.

Hearing the disturbance, the younglings utilized their knowledge of Gargantua to locate Garganchie in a large cave within a ravine, where the creature expressed joy at seeing familiar faces. Slaygh and Braygh, misinterpreting Garganchie's embrace of the younglings as an attack, provoked the Gargantua, causing him to return towards the town. Upon reaching the town, Garganchie sought refuge on the rooftops, causing minor property damage, and eventually climbed onto larger platforms overlooking the town. The sisters, determined to protect their town, ascended the tower, armed with electrostaffs. Meanwhile, the Jedi younglings, occupied with safeguarding townsfolk from the hazards caused by Garganchie's ascent, attempted to dissuade the sisters from further provoking Garganchie, but to no avail. The sisters' actions caused Garganchie to inadvertently knock Braygh and Slaygh off balance, resulting in their fall from the tower. Garganchie then made the decision to jump after the sisters, catching them in his large hands, saving their lives. The sisters subsequently realized that Gargantua were indeed gentle giants and were saddened to see him depart with the younglings.

Aree and the Jedi younglings completed their journey and released the Gargantua and the other transported creatures into Sil Gohtta’s Nature Preserve, their new habitat, before returning to Tenoo.

